Jacobg627's moods
11th July 2015
I have a MLG profile picture. I made it myself (if you dislike it, please tell me)
10th July 2015
Damen roasted me twice "Task 5: Design a toy for 4-8 year olds (and jacobg)" AND from the same task "So you pull a cord... and it says... 'Jacobg is a rebel'"
4th July 2015
I would greatly appreciate it if you read my forums moderator application http://forums.damenspike.com/view/45270/
26th June 2015
Tomorrow I shall be one year older. I have a quote for you all: http://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m57l2kz40G1qhbbs8o1_1280.jpg
25th May 2015
I made the video. I laugh so hard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJD5E8k4SFk