Pencil1's moods
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Wow it feels good to be back
Wonder if anyone remember's me o..o
Littlemix I love you
Some times life leaves you disappointed and empty but life can also leave you happy and hopeful this is what I learned in 2013
Why is Lord of the rings so popular here all of the sudden?
Eating huge candy CANES!!
Eating huge candy CANES!!
I just watched Catching Fire and I am left with a cliff hanger
Puked on my mom, Sorry Mommy :'(
Sore throat feeling dizzy ;-;
Try Restricted Letter Games the forum game
Here is a better photo of meee!
Home alone...And the movie is playing...creepy
I am going to harveys
Seriously, The bullying needs to stop!
Keep disliking my post hashtag I really don't like it .-.
Bye, Poop Machine (Tornado) I will miss you
Go on hate on me I really don't care and I actually remembered when I liked some of these peoples post's because I was being the bigger person but no they have to be the ones who are being Farley childish