jackie's moods
5th March 2020
Happy birthday War Council https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RloAtDocHk&feature=youtu.be
31st December 2019
Instead of 2019 reviews and shoutouts, how about making reviews and shoutouts for the whole decade?
22nd July 2019
Could a moderator unban my old account? I'm interested in reading my old mail. https://forums.damenspike.com/profile/7621
(also why does [link] not work in moods?)
(also why does [link] not work in moods?)
20th June 2019
SG feels that his power is threatened by us, so he decides to murder us then ipban us. SG deals with the consequences of his actions through Hashir's posts and feels threatened once again so he asks a moderator to unfairly lock Hashir's post. SG refuses to resign, gets backlash and feels threatened once again so he deletes his mood entirely.
3rd May 2019
Finally somewhat fixed my post:rep ratio after starting with like 160 posts and -30 rep. Thanks to everyone who liked my posts!
30th April 2019
Feels pretty good entering forums.damenspike.com in the address bar instead of forums.rocketschat.com.