EbonJaeger's moods
12th August 2020
We could use cute pictures right now. Please contribute to Emergency Cute Things! https://forums.damenspike.com/discussion/61428
8th June 2020
Watching Candy and Tommo pass each other on the forum PotM every 30 seconds is highly amusing xD
7th June 2020
I feel like any time I criticize or question something, it gets taken badly, and the meaning is lost. Maybe I should just stop trying, idk...
7th May 2020
I added a few words to my profile, which I think means I'm required to tell you all about it. So I guess do the thing?
26th April 2019
Why in the world does:
a) hitting enter post a mood
b) Shift-Enter ALSO posts a mood, instead of creating a new line
a) hitting enter post a mood
b) Shift-Enter ALSO posts a mood, instead of creating a new line