Azure2's moods
13th October 2022
Negus is a noun derived from the Ethiopian Semitic root ngÅ›, meaning "to reign". The title has subsequently been used to translate the word "king" or "emperor" in Biblical and other literature.
9th October 2022
Damen where is the update is 12 am I NEED THE UPDATE DAMEN THE UPDAAATEE!!!
7th October 2022
DANONINO I have 8 months in usa and..... The kids are like glass so... dont say mama jokes and other thing find a job is a little hard but here any body will accept you.
19th September 2022
Uh... Someone can tell me what is my discord name? I dont remeber LOL.
6th June 2022
Guys, Im the new Golden Player because I dont have social life and touch grass.
Help me.
Help me.