CPBiter's moods
8th April 2014
A quick announcment: I will be making a new cartoon. if you want to be in it. I suggest you go on oldcp right now and say /goto cpbiter
7th April 2014
Subscribe on #bitahsart to get free signature lessons or get a free signature from me or just subscribe!
7th April 2014
Why does it have to be so much? I left because it is to complicated. Now there's this!
24th March 2014
Hello Damen. Anything good today? And thank you sting. Google gravity is awesome http://prntscr.com/33ss25
24th March 2014
Shall I go on OldCP Since what happened yesterday I don't feel confident.
23rd March 2014
PW application. I am cpbiter: http://forums.damenspike.com/view/12487-Pw application/
23rd March 2014
PW application. I am cpbiter: http://forums.damenspike.com/view/12487-Pw application/
23rd March 2014
PW application. I am cpbiter: http://forums.damenspike.com/view/12487-Pw application/
23rd March 2014
Click the blue b in remember to get the I love boogie badge: http://prntscr.com/33cpbg