FashionistaThePositivePrincess's moods

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Damen changed my rank to back to Master! :D. I will keep the notification as a memory of Damen, lol.
Sadie demoted me and chipotle to rookie for no reason. We were both making enough posts as a master is yea
Thank you Sadie for giving me another chance and unbanning me
I love Yoshi/ penguindsc. He's the sweetest bf ever!
My dream is to achieve the position of forum moderator! Hopefully I will someday!
Awesome song gets you cheered up and changes your mood.
I ♥ Yoshi/PenguinDSC
;( Memories of when my mom almost died. Respect you mom. She is the one who raised you, gave birth to you, and tought you growing up. The one who is allowing you to come here, and gave you privileges. How to you return to her? By never helping her out. Some of you. Not everyone. Your mom should be respected 3 times more than your dad. Not saying you shouldn't respect you dad. Just saying. It is what I've learned.
Accusing me of saying stuff on my account on my forum, but not actually me. Thanks for ruining my reputation of how people see me everyone. :-) Your depressed Master Fashionista
Guys, please stop getting me stressed, i already have brain cancer, so stop PLZ! My death risks are high, i do t want to die upset and broken up with my bf because someone stole him from me on the forum.
Thank you damen for making this amazing forum
Gif, girl looking at bubbles, than playing in bubbles.
Gif, girl looking at bubbles, than playing in bubbles.
I might die,I found out I have brain cancer today. :(
I might die, i got brain cancer, i found out today. :(
I shall see if I get accepted for PI & forum mod tomorrow, now, my day ends. Have a great day anyone who is still up!
Happy, cheerful!
I know that I had already applied, but, I might not get accepted. As, I never win anything, get anything, nor earn anything. This was my only opportunity. I have perfect grammar and everything that Damen likes. I really want to achieve something. I really hope you accept me Damen. You can ask anyone about my personality. Jonathanitti was wanting help with a text color problem, I helped him out, he said I really deserve to become a forum mod. Please accept me. I have been feeling unconfident about joining anything. Maybe if I get accepted as both PI mod and forum mod, I might just start feeling confident. I have been on for 5 months, I know all the rules, I am already a Master, I literally had a dream of achieving forum, in game, and PI mod. Literally. So, I would LOVE to achieve my goal. I will be so sad if I do not get accepted. I hope Damen reads this. :) Your Master Fashionista
I am very happy, I hope no bully ruins it for me. It is not pretty when I get mad. So, if you are gonna comment this, IT BETTER BE NICE! IF IT ISIN'T I AINT NICE!
Promoted into a Master! :D