Ender Skippy's moods
Ender Skippy
4th April 2014
Damen Dice had a great idea! It could be the after party! http://sites.google.com/site/customcppsswfs/AwesomeBirthdayPartyMashup.swf
Ender Skippy
4th April 2014
Damen by any chance could you use this swf for CW's birthday party? I worked really hard on it. http://sites.google.com/site/customcppsswfs/AwesomeBirthdayPartyMashup.swf
Ender Skippy
4th April 2014
Okay how does this look? http://sites.google.com/site/customcppsswfs/AwesomeBirthdayPartyMashup.swf
Ender Skippy
4th April 2014
I just finished a Birthday swf that I'm going to call /jr birthday. I made it in honor of CW's birthday and I hope we can use it at his party tomorrow. Unfortunately though I don't think it will be approved in time. http://sites.google.com/site/customcppsswfs/AwesomeBirthdayPartyMashup.swf
Ender Skippy
3rd April 2014
I just finished a Birthday swf that I'm going to call /jr birthday. I made it in honor of CW's birthday and I hope we can use it at his party tomorrow. Unfortunately though I don't think it will be approved in time. http://sites.google.com/site/customcppsswfs/AwesomeBirthdayPartyMashup.swf
Ender Skippy
2nd April 2014
Happy Birthday CyberWolf! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDmjS8SOkI8
Ender Skippy
1st April 2014
I have the best ever that I just pulled on my mom. I programmed an icon that looks just like internet explorer but, if you click it, it shut's down the computer in two minutes. You can disable it though if you have work by going to run in your proggrams and typing shutdown -a If you want to know how to do it pm me.
Ender Skippy
1st April 2014
Ender Skippy
1st April 2014
Orange Tabby Cat pufles have finally been confirmed! Megg confirms it, next month's catalog confirms it, and next month's newspaper. So now we know that the rumors of them being in the puffle party 2014 are true! https://cdnapisec.kaltura.com/html5/html5lib/v1.9.6/mwEmbedFrame.php/p/761542/uiconf_id/22625022/entry_id/0_mqfd7iov?wid=_761542&iframeembed=true&playerId=kaltura_player_1396294509&entry_id=0_mqfd7iov
Ender Skippy
1st April 2014
Ender Skippy
31st March 2014
Ender Skippy
28th March 2014
All staff of #PartyOn please pm me any ideas you have had for the show. Thanks.
Ender Skippy
27th March 2014
This is a real picture of me except I'm not allowed to show my eyes and I added a knight helmet.
Ender Skippy
27th March 2014
CW please answer my question about if I reach the requirement on #4 for the mod requiments. My brother barely ever plays he's only been in-game like twice and he only comes on when he's visiting because I beg him to get on. Also he's living with my grandma in North Carolina who recently broke her shoulder. So I don't know if it count's or not since he has an account but, he rarely ever uses it.
Ender Skippy
27th March 2014
Here's the ninja puffle I'm designing player card look. http://sites.google.com/site/customcppsswfs/NinjaPufflePlayerCardLook.swf