Ender Skippy's moods

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Ender Skippy
2nd March 2014
I'm in 3rd place on snail drop! Yes! :)
Ender Skippy
28th February 2014
I'm sad for Sadie getting in that car accident and her breaking her leg. She's my Best Friend Forever! I really hope she gets better soon. ):
Ender Skippy
26th February 2014
http://gyazo.com/84c3b66a9768265e43c550e89b939e98.png My penguin on NewCP making a reference to OldCP.
Ender Skippy
24th February 2014
SSorry I got behind on custom penguins everyone it's just my laptop died and I just found the cord.
Ender Skippy
23rd February 2014
I finished the stamp for Music. Now I need to add the text.
Ender Skippy
23rd February 2014
Damen Could you make it so that we could use for links when we do moods? I mean it's sometimes annoying having to copy and paste the entire link.
Ender Skippy
23rd February 2014
Damen Rocks!
Ender Skippy
23rd February 2014
Damen is it true that you have a brother?
Ender Skippy
22nd February 2014
Jello84 is cussing so bad that I couldn't stand it anymore so I logged off. I wish a mod was online to stop him/her.
Ender Skippy
18th February 2014
Do you guys like the optical illusion I made? http://forums.damenspike.com/photo/?id=3572
Ender Skippy
17th February 2014
It's 12:14 am where I live.
Ender Skippy
16th February 2014
Remaking the swf I designed since it was fuzzy. If you want to watch go to https://join.me/Skippyingame Also I'm doing a book report so if I flip off for a few minutes it's because I'm working on it.