Guard PoliceBob's moods

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Guard PoliceBob
12th December 2014
War4 will be unbanned soon. And another thing, the Caos Brigade will soon arrive. Do not fear us, for any reason.
Guard PoliceBob
11th December 2014
I will be unbanned soon. Tent will return
Guard PoliceBob
23rd November 2014
when will I get to use me other account once again
Guard PoliceBob
14th November 2014
Ugh Whyd you do it Adawg.... Now I am ruined
Guard PoliceBob
7th November 2014
The disease is spreading again. One leaves and another too. It's like the flare...
Guard PoliceBob
6th November 2014
Is it possible for I have fallen in love again? Oh no. :3
Guard PoliceBob
5th November 2014
Whatson the menu Damen?
Guard PoliceBob
4th November 2014
Protector of the Queen herself.
Guard PoliceBob
4th November 2014
Name: PoliceBob | Server address try this
Guard PoliceBob
4th November 2014
Name: PoliceBob | Server address | Port: 19132
Guard PoliceBob
4th November 2014
Party begins. Join early and get diamond suprise! Information: Server Name: PoliceBob | server adress: jpgaming:19132
Guard PoliceBob
4th November 2014
Possible Party delay, stay tuned
Guard PoliceBob
3rd November 2014
I will admit it to thepublicbcause they need to know the importance of not doing what I did
Guard PoliceBob
1st November 2014
Awh, It seems the Minecraft world is offline.
Guard PoliceBob
31st October 2014
Hey Damen, wanna play Minecarft?
Guard PoliceBob
31st October 2014
Anyone know how to set up a server?
Guard PoliceBob
31st October 2014
Anyone wanna play MC?
Guard PoliceBob
1st October 2014
my year anniversary here. Not expected to be banned on it! Lol