Mark's moods
23rd April 2023
This account is just a vault of my deepest darkest fears. this is insane. a great but awful time in my life. thank you to all my peers of the DSGHQ a lot of you were a big part of my childhood but as the saying goes all good things must come to an end, i wish all of you the best of lives I hope to potentially meet any of you guys in the real world. Waddle on and enjoy some toblerone
29th August 2020
To all that play Penguin3D I would appreciate it if you went and checked out my post in the Penguin3D section
9th April 2020
8th April 2020
If you would take some time out of your day to check my Moderator Application I would greatly appreciate it
4th November 2015
Locked away - rcity, Best song ever <,3 Go to my profile to listen to it
5th September 2015
I found a rainbow shell on snails chat :DDD cant buy it doe its 1000 coins
10th August 2015
"Take the world out for a ride, you will find yourself." -MarkDSGHQ 2015
3rd August 2015
Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.