Choc's moods

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18th July 2015
yeash, all that some people want is to just tone the violence down, even myself. it's not like we're asking for a damn country to rule in.
14th July 2015
another idea, toblerone milkshake.
13th July 2015
we need a ship page.
13th July 2015
master of making ship names... kinda.
12th July 2015
Now I know why I found MC confusing. I think the PC version was confusing for me, while the PS3 is so easy. I like Minecraft now.
10th July 2015
Sorry for what I said. Didn't mean to offend anyone,
10th July 2015
I have a splt opinion of sgm. I don't find it wrong, but we all need to take care of others who take it offensively. We can't make one side happy and the other side isn't. This is a shared community and what goes, goes. Now, I'm not talking religion or anything, I'm talking in general.
10th July 2015
Guess I have a team now. I'm happy I do have one. Better then nothing
10th July 2015
*sigh* Any teams that are not full? :c
10th July 2015
Joining Team Fireworks.
9th July 2015
Thank god for Puffin. Now I CAN go on OldCP and Forums. Yay
8th July 2015
What's with all these unfair treatment posts? I had to spend time on all of them to see if they were vaild. Only one of the three were.
8th July 2015
I think that this guy might be actually planing something. Like some terrorist attack or something on us. Just my theory.
8th July 2015
Subscribe to CNews! Updated every Wednesday!
8th July 2015
Subscribe to CNews! Updated every Wednesday!
5th July 2015
I'm liking this debate section. Not only that you get to see the opinion of others, but it's fun as well.
4th July 2015
Congrats Jacob for becoming Forums Moderator. I hope that you will do well in your job.
3rd July 2015
Damen improved the level badges. The gold went down from 100 to 50. I don't know what else changed about it.
3rd July 2015
Good morning everyone. Good night myself. Can my little brother get off tv SO I CAN SLEEP NOW? Like geaz. I still have jet lag because im on holiday.
3rd July 2015
I time how long I type. I think how long I typed my latest post was around.. 22 minutes 15 seconds.