Choc's moods
26th June 2015
I'm not a big fan of Redemption Day. i know it's held twice a year but, just not a big fan.
25th June 2015
That moment when your mother comes home and gives you the "you're in trouble" smile. I DIDNT KNOW THAT I HAD DAMN PRACTICE TODAY, geaz.
25th June 2015
I don't think Damen is the bad guy here. He did what he thought to be done, and I don't blame him for it. Remember a few months back when he did those two videos? He wants us to be in a place that is fun, just like he made this place. I'm jumping on the Damen bandwagon because he doesn't deserve hate. After all, it's fairness before friendship.
25th June 2015
I can't post for a week now. But I really want to get profile music. Oh well. (I gotta stop typing so much moods. People will think I'm spamming.)
25th June 2015
Must not stay up late.... Gotta go to airport cause of holiday. Ugh, but so much things to watch on youtube.
25th June 2015
It's not that I don't have a life, it's just that I'm too lazy to live it.
21st May 2015
Hello everyone! Im using the shop wifi cause my wifi at home is down. Sorry for my inactivity.
13th April 2015
Go and have a look at my Wise app. Can't do link cause on ipad. You already know where it is. And I just just blew up heaps of people just to see them rage.
10th April 2015
That moment when you are trying to look for something and you step on a lego piece. Ouch