Random1134's moods

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15th August 2014
Hey guys! i earned my first badge! 100 posts and i got 10 gold! I cant believe it :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
15th August 2014
Whats tomorrow?
15th August 2014
Whats tomorrow?
15th August 2014
Hey guys! check out my new Channel!!! Its awesome and i finished it i will have a celebration with all the subscribers also they have to PM me so i know their penguin name!! As you wish you can subscribe and PM me your penguin name. Dont be afraid to PM me well ill be going. Cya! Sincerely,Random1134
15th August 2014
Hey guys! check out my new Channel!!! Its awesome and i finished it i will have a celebration with all the subscribers also they have to PM me so i know their penguin name!! As you wish you can subscribe and PM me your penguin name. Dont be afraid to PM me well ill be going. Cya! Sincerely,
15th August 2014
Hey guys! check out my new disscusion! do not click PenguinChannel read New Channel first!
14th August 2014
Username:Random1134 Cat on oldcp:BlackShadow Favourite food:Cheese and Nachos Age:7 Favorite song:I like pie Favorite Youtube channel: Cpbroadcast Favorite Movie:frozen Favorite TV Show:Spongebob
14th August 2014
I like cheese
13th August 2014
I like cats they are my favorite animal if i had one i would name it Aria
6th August 2014