jazia's moods

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10th November 2015
OMG I JUST got 200 gold :o
22nd August 2015
This is just my opinion about what im about to say.. I think no one here is hatrid, or anything. I just feel like, not that good for a cause. No one is perfect, everyone is fine. People dont have to yell and be cool for perfection, its just up to you. Nothing would be in your way unless you were like a "butt head" I don't think people that are mean, are hatrid. They are just stressed out from everything they have been doing. This madness has to stop, aswell i want to see joy, and happiness. I dont want to see frowns that are down. I wish you people out there good luck on not dying from the "stupid" blackhawks and mickey. I wish you very luck. ~Livy your true loved.
22nd August 2015
This is just my opinion about what im about to say.. I think no one here is hatrid, or anything. I just feel like, not that good for a cause. No one is perfect, everyone is fine. People dont have to yell and be cool for perfection, its just up to you. Nothing would be in your way unless you were like a "butt head" I don't think people that are mean, are hatrid. They are just stressed out from everything they have been doing. This madness has to stop, aswell i want to see joy, and happiness. I dont want to see frowns that are down. I wish you people out there good luck on not dying from the "stupid" blackhawks and mickey. I wish you very luck. ~Lime
21st August 2015
21st August 2015
baaah #llamacorns
20th August 2015
bawling my eyes out :(
20th August 2015
20th August 2015
getting bullied :(
19th August 2015
I feel like this right now!!! :D http://prntscr.com/86os99
18th August 2015
I feel like this right now: http://prntscr.com/869vk6
18th August 2015
17th August 2015
Lol, http://prntscr.com/85t4ml Amanda, Cowffee, Allie, and Saber xD
16th August 2015
banned from roblox.. :(
16th August 2015
Ish meh bday!!!!! :D :D :D
15th August 2015
Bday tomorrow!!! :D :D :D