CakeyCake's moods
27th November 2014
That feeling you get when a baby holds on to you tighter and never lets go just to make sure you are still there
23rd November 2014
Please stop commenting under people's moods saying "not a mood"..
20th November 2014
DSGHQ Forums is kinda an awkward game, because some people you want to email/PM so bad but you don't know how to start a conversation with them
14th November 2014
Give me a fish, I eat for a day. Teach me to fish, I eat for a lifetime.
12th November 2014
Anybody want to make little Amber a signature for her birthday. ..
11th November 2014
Mah birthday ish tomorrow it should be on the calendar yayyy celebrate
9th November 2014
I know this is offensive to some people but, I'm getting sick of seeing almost every meme with Toblerone in it somewhere.
9th November 2014
Don't you love when your two favorite shows are on and while one is on commercial the other is still on.
9th November 2014
This is the end.. Goodbye everyone and everything.. Love you all