Secrets shhh's moods

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Secrets shhh
12th November 2015
Hey guys i had a amazing veterans day! hope you had to i cant wait until ThanksGiving! its about your family and the food o.o
Secrets shhh
11th November 2015
happy vets day these people offered their lives to us they shared their love i was crying beacuse a story a vet told us was sad,but if you have anyone in your family that is a vet thank them Thanks Vets! :)
Secrets shhh
10th November 2015
HEY guys its aggie Drama Llama is next week don't know what the date is but congrats if you got the role bye!
Secrets shhh
22nd November 2014 I am Aggie my well some people call me Kiley you can call me Kiley or Aggie i am a rookie i have 28 rep i am close to a memeber i have a lot a facts about me it feels good talking to a person who listens to you that makes me fell better
Secrets shhh
21st November 2014
I am Aggie my well some people call me Kiley you can call me Kiley or Aggie i am a rookie i have 28 rep i am close to a memeber i have a lot a facts about me it feels good talking to a person who listens to you that makes me fell better
Secrets shhh
1st November 2014
Hi guys I am Aggie well I am trying to earn more ranks i enjoy being here with you guys! :$
Secrets shhh
31st October 2014
i am tired after Halloween *is sleepy*
Secrets shhh
11th October 2014
Hey! Guys if you need help feel free to ask me! by the way this is Aggie!! peace! :)