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Best People On OldCp
31st December 2014, 01:57 PM
Neat, I bet they adore you the same.
Posted in
Best People On OldCp
31st December 2014, 01:55 PM
Hi guys don't be offended if u r not on here because i probably wont know u then i like lots of people on here and before i start thanks so much for responding to my posts i really truly appreci. Gate it. If u want me to post about something comment on it or email me at me email. I would be delighted to get an email from one of my fans cuz I love them back just as much.Okay so here are the top 10 best people in my opinion. Angi,Damen,KaylieKoala,MTAYLOR56,Olivia18,rosslynch1,MINECRAFTIAN,evan111,Lita, and goldfish77. Good Job if u made it if u are on fourms on this list plz comment to me and i will give u a special suprise
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Angi The Mod
31st December 2014, 01:37 PM
Angi is a moderator n oldcp and snaildom. She is a very good mod. She is respectful and kind. Whenever u need her she is there for u. So whenever u see Angi thank her for her service Angi if ur reading this ur #1
Posted in
Let's Party Tonight
31st December 2014, 11:30 AM
Hi I see that some of u have responded to this. Our party will be on January 3rd. There will be a dj selected by me and Angi. It is in the nightclub at the town. I hope u can come let's party
Posted in
Lets Party Tonight
31st December 2014, 08:24 AM
Lets go people on Friday night lets party in the Nightclub we will have a dj selected by me and Angi. We will party all night we will have music and activities thanks for coming
Posted in
31st December 2014, 08:21 AM
On Snaildom has been down for a few days but dont freak out if u are always on old cp we need to save snaildom we can do it together