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Posted in Rank list • 14th March 2016, 02:00 PM

you forgot royalty/princes and princesses

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Posted in OldCP v12 Mod Application • 27th February 2016, 08:45 PM

Hello, today (or tonight) I will be applying for OldCP v12 mod. Enjoy!

OldCP Username: Heygirl

Experience: I am pretty experienced, I have been a mod on CPPS Xat chats, and cpps mod.

Activity: I am pretty active I will try to be on as long as I can, and if I will be inactive I will pm an admin.

Why I want this rank: I want this rank to help out on the new version on oldcp, as there is barely mods obviously because it just came out. And I think that this would be an opportunity for me to help out.

Why I should be hired: I think that I should be hired because I am trustful, attentive, active, helpful, kind etc.

Conclusion: It has come to conclusion that this is the end of my application, I hope you enjoy and admins hopefully consider me.


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Posted in Snail Watch Application • 27th February 2016, 08:26 AM

Hello! Today I am applying for Snail Watch obviously for snaildom :P

Snaildom username: Heygirl

Age: 10

Experience: I do have experience with moderating, such as cp army moderator, cpps moderator ect.

How active am I: I am pretty active, I am mostly on in the mornings or all day on weekends, and if I am inactive I will pm the swc.

Why I want to join: I want to join because I wanna help out on snaildom, and this is a rank I have admired and got me interested in helping users and moderating. And I believe I can help out with this rank.

What I will bring to the watch: I hope to bring, respect, kindness, sportmanship, and confidence.

What I know about the watch: I know that the watch is a secret commitment and once you are chosen you may never reveal your sucess even if you have been demoted. And leaking your identity will lead to exicution(idk how to spell this word) and demotion.

Why I should be hired: I think that I should be hired because, I am helpful, kind, supportive, mature, and active and attentive

Thank you for your time to read this :)


(if you read this when it wasn't finish I am sorry, I accidently clicked post discussion)

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Posted in Snaildom GOM • 26th February 2016, 08:17 PM

Sounds exciting, good luck to everyone competing

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Posted in The Watch Reopening • 25th February 2016, 07:40 PM

Sam wrote on 24th February 2016 09:39 PM:
Why age 9...? age is just a number. Other than that, great application and guidelines.

Age is just not a number, you can't get married at 7. Your age is how long you have been alive

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Posted in Helpful Phrases in Different Languages • 21st February 2016, 07:58 AM

Cool! This is really helpful to people who can't speak these languages. I speak spanish fluenty since I am puerto rican and I live there. and btw most people will understand if you say "No hacer bullying" Because in puerto rico we say bullying for some reason. And you can also say "y no tirrar 4+ bolas de nieve o mas" :P

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Posted in New Emperor Guard. • 20th February 2016, 06:51 PM

Mal Ren wrote on 20th February 2016 03:14 PM:
Prince Sriram Drake said on 20th February 2016 03:13 PM:
So To Clear Up Traitor Abu's Mess, I Will Pick A New Emperor Guards To Take He's Spot.

Also Abu, Betrayed He's Trust With Damen, Emperor Guards[Really Highly Soul Rank] You Cannot Abuse It, I was Thought it, And i don't Do it.

Abu Will Be Replaced

We Cannot Have Tratiors Has Emperor Guards, Thats Why!

wait,what did abu do?

He shot Malorie, and he feels happy about it ;/

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Posted in how do you do? • 20th February 2016, 06:01 PM

Zsed, I don't mean to bother you but, I don't think quitting post are allowed
Zsed Ren wrote on 20th February 2016 05:44 PM:
I will be quitting and i will explain why Oldcp has been through many versions and new faces have joined and new mods created And i have realized im getting too old for this, and I hope you and everyone else a good time on old cp

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Posted in Penguin Watch Brother Application • 20th February 2016, 01:59 PM

Nice application, I hope you will get pw! Good luck

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Posted in Guess the song! • 20th February 2016, 06:53 AM

1. Your lips are moving - Meghan trainor

2. Sorry - Justin bieber

3. Centuries - Fall out boy

4. Hello - Adele

5. Idek

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Posted in BraveHunter • 5th February 2016, 10:42 AM

Patrick Lightning wrote on 5th February 2016 10:24 AM:
This morning we were all at the pizza parlor when Brave hunter the new emperors guard came.

He started saying some man things like Girls are the weaker gender and all that. Then he called me a stupid kid.

I have a witness named Zhed.

About 5 minutes later Bravehunter was at town and Zhed challenged him to a joust at /jr knights.

We were all at /jr knights when BraveHunter Pulled out a sword. But Sriram said to arrest Zhed. So Bravehunter did. I do not know what happened to Zhed after that.

He also arrested me and sam for no reason, saying that we were mocking him and threatend to kill users, but js you should have made this a ticket.

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Posted in Seriousness of Leaking • 27th January 2016, 09:08 AM

My opinion is that people just leak because they think a trial will be fun. But, I believe once you are in the throne room; it can kinda give you suspense. Since you are infront of an admin or/and royal. And I think these ranks a pretty serious.

If you are trusted with a rank like PW or moth priest, why leak? You can lose it all.

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Posted in Celebrity Crush • 26th January 2016, 01:09 PM

Amanda2047 wrote on 26th January 2016 08:22 AM:
Please Reply below and I will reply back idrc if its weird

(idrc = I don't really care)

My celeb Crush = Justin Bieber ( IM SORRY )

lol, my celeb crush is Josh Hutcherson cx

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Posted in get to know you • 12th November 2015, 06:43 PM

Lyra Heartstrings wrote on 12th November 2015 06:39 PM:
answer these questions, i wonder if we have similer answers
1: Fav color? Aqua green
2: Fav song? OMG IDKKKKK
3: Fav animal? Unicorns!
4: Fav sport? Badminton
5: Fav app? Smule sing!
6: Least fav color? RED!!!
7: Which are you from? (Optional) China
8: Do you like your friends right NOW? NOOOOOO!!!

Hii, me and you aren't similar with these questions at all! These are my answers:

1. Sky Blue
2. Sledge Hammer - Fifth harmony
3. Chinchilla and Wolf!
4. VolleyBall
5. Dont have one :P
6. Dark Green
7. Italy
8. My friends can be obnoxious but they will alwas be my baes

nothing in common with these, maybe other things! Cx

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Posted in Tryouts Thanksgiving movie • 12th November 2015, 06:20 PM

Cool! I may try for the turkey or the chef, gobble gobble ;)