100 posts
Posted in Mod app lulu~ • 1st March 2015, 11:16 AM

Very nice application,but I think it needs to be longer with more information.Anyways,good luck! :)

100 posts
Posted in We need more mods • 1st March 2015, 11:14 AM

If I could,I would help out with moderating, but I'm not a mod.I agree.Not much mods are online anymore.

100 posts
Posted in A post from Jamaica! • 1st March 2015, 11:10 AM

Cool! I want to go to Jamaica.Happy March break to you too.:)

100 posts
Posted in Would you rather • 28th February 2015, 04:14 PM

Rebecca wrote on 28th February 2015 03:03 PM:
1. Chew lipstick or kiss the messiest person in the world? I'd much, much rather chew lipstick.

2. Fall off a cliff or eat a slug? This one is a toughie. I think I'd fall off a cliff, if I don't die.

3. Eat glue or eat worms? I'd rather eat glue.

4. Have a tarantula on stomach or get the flue? I'd rather get the flu. The thought of insects being on me grosses me out.

5. Eat hair or slap a teacher? I'd rather eat hair. I don't believe in putting your hands on others and I'm just too much of a Meghan to slap others.

6. Punch principal or mother? Again, I don't like putting my hands on others, but since both of them involve punching so I have to punch, I'd punch my principal. Realistically, because my mother has moved on. If not, I don't really have a reason why and I randomly chose other than that.

I'm so sorry for your loss. :(

100 posts
Posted in Guess the cartoon • 28th February 2015, 03:08 PM

1) Idk
1) Spongebob
3) Looney Toones
4) Phineas and Ferb
5) Idk

100 posts
Posted in how to make girls like you • 28th February 2015, 02:58 PM

Emperor sherlock120 wrote on 28th February 2015 02:53 PM:
step one play hard to get

step two play a girl you like but like her with out anyone knowing

step three if they kiss you they like you

pictures of me being smexy

Oldcp and newcp and snaildom

First off,i'm too scared too look at the pictures.Second this is not how to get girls at all.

100 posts
Posted in Moderator Applications • 28th February 2015, 02:55 PM

Tommy0724 wrote on 28th February 2015 02:53 PM:
Hello guys it is Tommy0724, and I would like to bring up this issue. There are millions of moderator applications from Rookies or new members. If you are a rookie or new member, WAIT! Don't try to jump to try to get Moderator, I understand you guys want to help but you don't need to have a rank to help. You can simply help by reporting bad users to moderators and help new users. Also making more than one application lowers your chances of getting any thing in this community. I am not pointing fingers but you guys must have good grammar as well, I see lots of applications by rookies and new members with very poor grammar. You are just joining forums to get ranks and that is not the point of forums. Moderator also requires Master, so if you are member try to get Master first. My last thing don't make them short, I don't like reading one paragraph in an application, it makes me think you are not right for the job because I don't know much. If you are going to apply read thid, I think it would help.

So right.There's way too many mod applications today.I think it should stop.People should realize they have to be trusted to be a mod and to be a master.

100 posts
Posted in Moderator Application • 28th February 2015, 02:50 PM

There's so many mod applications today!!!! Good application.Btw you need to be a master to be a mod.

100 posts
Posted in Would you rather • 28th February 2015, 02:42 PM

This is my game of would you rather.Reply what you would rather do.

1) Would you rather chew lipstick,or kiss the messiest person in the world?
2) Would you rather fall off a cliff,or eat a slug?
3) Would you rather eat worms for your dinner everyday,or eat glue?
4) Would you rather have a Trantula on your stomach,or get the Flu?
5) Would you rather eat hair,or slap your teacher?
6) Would you rather punch your principal,or your mom?

Reply which one you would rather do.Sorry I couldn't do so many,I am in a rush.I will do would you rathers every Saturday.

100 posts
Posted in Snaildom is being very slow. • 28th February 2015, 02:30 PM

SnailySeth wrote on 28th February 2015 11:51 AM:
@Luke Yeah he did. Thats a pretty good theory though. I will message him and ask.

Instead of sayin @Luke or @Pink you can quote it like I did.You press quote at the bottom right corner of someone's comment. :)

100 posts
Posted in why im sad • 28th February 2015, 02:27 PM

I can't read it,(no offence)

100 posts
Posted in updated mod application :P • 28th February 2015, 02:22 PM

alice5621 wrote on 28th February 2015 11:40 AM:
I Have made many of these but i really want this so i keep trying so welcome


How many times a day do i use old cp or snaildom? about 7 most of the time

Am I mad at myself for making to many applications? YES! SUPER MAD (but I really want this)

Age? Like I always say 8!

Am I crying for this rank? Yes but its in real life

Why do I want this so bad? I am to young for a life but mod would help me so much

Do I care how long it takes for me to be a mod? Not really i just want to start my journey

Grammar? Its good I don't just try to kiss up to mods and admins

I know this might not be AMAZING grammar but I am 8

How thankful would I be if i got this rank? The day I got it would be the best day of my life

Experince? Not to much thats why I am trying to get mod so member, many badges,and finding you guys and being like i want to join then get my sis to join

Please consider me as alice5621 the mod

Thank you so much ps I would let alce5621 die for this rank then use my backup (if i dont need to then dont do it)

Alice,you've only been on oldcp for 1 month,and forums.You need to wait longer.

100 posts
Posted in The truth about my life irl • 28th February 2015, 02:20 PM

Ixk4osxi wrote on 28th February 2015 12:53 PM:

Right,that is my title!

100 posts
Posted in The truth about my life irl • 28th February 2015, 12:39 PM

sparklz wrote on 28th February 2015 11:30 AM:
Emperor sherlock120 said on 28th February 2015 10:40 AM:
Christina said on 28th February 2015 10:39 AM:
Emperor sherlock120 said on 28th February 2015 10:32 AM:
I going to try get shot

I tracked the killer I going to die he wants my soul I giving it to him

You probably just want attention.But if this is true,you should tell your parents how you feel.

Oh maybe you cause SHUT THE FUDGE UP

remember that post you made earlier today asking why no one likes you? look at what you said above. you think you can make friends by saying that crude stuff to everyone? we are humans, we have feelings. some of us are more sensitive than others. you have to control yourself. instead of focusing all about yourself, maybe you should try caring about others for once.

Wise words my friend.

100 posts
Posted in Mod Application - Tabi • 28th February 2015, 12:37 PM

Awesome application,Tabi.I look forward to seeing you as a mod! +1