66 posts
Posted in Why was I ipbanned? • 8th March 2015, 06:21 AM

But if I make an new account it says "sorry this feature is currently disabled on your computer"
I accentually did it and if I knew someone else had the same username I wouldn't have even made
the account in the first place and I would have thought of a new name.


66 posts
Posted in Why was I ipbanned? • 8th March 2015, 05:41 AM

Okay,Thx sky-pie for for when you talk to minty also I have read the rules
And I fully understand I Hope minty gives me another chance to not copy
another players name and in the future I will make sure the name isn't taken and think
of one like my dogs name or my cars name.


66 posts
Posted in Mod application • 8th March 2015, 05:31 AM

Okay well what I was trying to say is i have made 4 posts and got 3 rep

66 posts
Posted in Why was I ipbanned? • 8th March 2015, 05:14 AM

I was ipbanned yesterday afternoon for making an account with the same name as another player
and minty the mod ipbanned me and I tried using my backup and my sisters account and they still all worked however I went to the library and used on of their computers to use my account and it worked I take this as I am ipbanned and My sister says minty abused his powers cause i never got banned once my sister never got banned once and 3 bans=ipbanned and even i think knights know.
Also yesterday I talked to mckinlee on snaildom and she said I was going to be unbanned today But I have checked it and still it came up with this on every account I tried!

~Bigfanoftrry (ibunnies102 sister)

66 posts
Posted in Mod application • 7th March 2015, 05:09 PM

Thx everyone for your help
I will make more posts and maybe in about 3 months I will apply for member
And for now I will enjoy being a normal player until the time comes for me being a member than
master and finally MOD!
Thx for your help


66 posts
Posted in Mod application • 2nd March 2015, 12:19 PM

Username: iBunnies102
Age:10 1/2

Hello Everyone! Good day. I'm applying for Moderator today Because I want to show the rookies/members
How to be responsible and be a good helping and kind friend to everyone.
So, lets begin!!

1. I am pretty active
2. I love helping anyone
3. I would NEVER abuse powers
4. I am be respectful to everyone
5. I have pretty good grammar
6. I've played old cp for a while
7. I NEVER break the rules, I will always obey the rules!
8. I would protect the island and make it safe for users
9. I would kick/ban when someone deserves it
10. I would respect other staff
11. I would be fair
12. I would ban at appropriate times, i would of course ban bullies

What I know about being a Moderator: I know that three kicks equal one ban. Also, that a cuss is an automatic ban.
Those who try to impersonate someone will most likely be banned. When someone attempts to hack someone's account,
they will be banned, even if the person who owns the account had nothing to do with it. When someone is bullying or being rude,
it may be a warning from a Moderator or an Administrator to stop. If they keep continuing to do it, then it will be a kick.
After said Mod or Admin kicked that particular person three times for being rude, then a ban will occur. Being inappropriate will
most likely be a ban. Away from the kicking and banning, I know that a Moderator has to help others with their problems, questions,
or concerns. A Moderator cannot just sit around doing nothing, being lazy for not wanting to answer questions, and waiting for
another Moderator to take action, also including if having to kick or ban someone. Not doing the job will possibly end in a demotion.

Thank You for looking Please message me if you need any more information. ;)