Posted in
Moderator Application
4th November 2015, 06:39 PM
Hello emily! I loved your application, but you should add a bit more detail. Also, you should try and get member then apply again. Good luck getting mod!

Posted in
I keep seeing a innap ad
1st November 2015, 05:39 PM
Yeah, I don't like these ads. Is there a way to a remove it?
Posted in
Guess The Users
30th October 2015, 06:11 PM
I was going to type the answers but I had school, oh well xD
Posted in
Comet Announcement #2
27th October 2015, 09:48 PM
Comet Dragonfly wrote on 26th October 2015 04:32 PM:
If I were voicing Comet by giving him a voice by using clips from a quote someone made in a video and saving various voice clips for various quotes and other things such as that. Which voice would fit Comet best? Dipper Spongebob Or Marco Diaz?

Posted in
Wise Application
25th October 2015, 08:10 PM
Nice application! but, you cant apply for wise one. You should take the wise test, I can see great future for you!
Posted in
Wise one Application -Coming
25th October 2015, 02:38 PM
Audrey wrote on 24th October 2015 09:14 PM:
As stated by Alice, what you did is pretty bad, I think you should try to act nicer before you apply for a rank, also as stated by Alice you can't apply.
You should ask Jacob if you can take the wise test, you would be a great wise one.
Posted in
Wise one Application -Coming
24th October 2015, 07:41 PM
Nice application, but you dont need to apply for wise one. not to mention being rude to Design4real last week.
sorry if I was being rude, just saying.
sorry if I was being rude, just saying.
Posted in
24th October 2015, 07:53 AM
Luciee wrote on 24th October 2015 12:11 AM:
Scoop100 said on 23rd October 2015 11:35 PM:
Luciee said on 23rd October 2015 05:45 PM:
So everyone except Sadie and Shadow decided to give hate? i have accidentally disliked your post Shadow and Sadie, but everyone else you wouldn't like this done to you. If you don't like this post DONT COMMENT. Be mature, what i am saying it more mature than what you just said that can offend anyone actually. Think before you speak. I also just realized Swagical swore. Ok, guys everyone just be nice! No drama, please.
I didnt give hate i was simply answering shadows question.
Not you! Sorry I was hesitating during disliking post, sorry scoop!
Luciee said on 23rd October 2015 05:45 PM:
So everyone except Sadie and Shadow decided to give hate? i have accidentally disliked your post Shadow and Sadie, but everyone else you wouldn't like this done to you. If you don't like this post DONT COMMENT. Be mature, what i am saying it more mature than what you just said that can offend anyone actually. Think before you speak. I also just realized Swagical swore. Ok, guys everyone just be nice! No drama, please.
I didnt give hate i was simply answering shadows question.
Not you! Sorry I was hesitating during disliking post, sorry scoop!
Posted in
23rd October 2015, 11:35 PM
Luciee wrote on 23rd October 2015 05:45 PM:
So everyone except Sadie and Shadow decided to give hate? i have accidentally disliked your post Shadow and Sadie, but everyone else you wouldn't like this done to you. If you don't like this post DONT COMMENT. Be mature, what i am saying it more mature than what you just said that can offend anyone actually. Think before you speak. I also just realized Swagical swore. Ok, guys everyone just be nice! No drama, please.
Posted in
23rd October 2015, 11:33 PM
Ok dont be rude to me swagical and i was talking to shadow. I wasnt giving hate so dont blame it all on me.
No need for name-calling either.
No need for name-calling either.
Posted in
22nd October 2015, 09:56 PM
Shadow wrote on 20th October 2015 04:46 PM:
WAIT, I JUST SAW SWAGICAL ONLINE A LITTE BIT AGO...... -,- Did this happen very recently????????!??!?!?!?!
She just posted this recently like an hour or two ago, but I think she wants attention.
Posted in
Moth Knight Application
21st October 2015, 08:53 AM
awesomedragonxd wrote on 21st October 2015 07:11 AM:
theirs no moth knights idiot
Posted in
Moth Knight Application
21st October 2015, 08:52 AM
Great application! Good luck on moth knight!
Posted in
Moderator App. -Mycroft (2)
9th October 2015, 08:10 PM
great application! i hope you get mod 
