Posted in
lego empire try outs
8th April 2015, 08:00 PM
Lloyd wrote on 8th April 2015 07:57 PM:
I think you should be more experienced before applying for something.
Posted in
lego empire try outs
8th April 2015, 07:46 PM
I love lego stuff and I love damen spike games so I really wane be a beta tester
plese I am sorry you can dis like ;-; I love it so much that every day after I git home I build with legos I can go on and on about them just let me beta test !!!
-lego dan
plese I am sorry you can dis like ;-; I love it so much that every day after I git home I build with legos I can go on and on about them just let me beta test !!!
-lego dan