32 posts
Posted in Case 1 Solved • 12th June 2015, 07:10 PM

Alright, I think I have cracked the code on Damens Channel! We were provided this picture to use-

Now, this means that the person who killed the mountain has a connection with Squidward, so does this puffle that was talked about on the channel as well.
Latest Clues
- Could /jr squidward contain a formula that Squidward is using?
- Could a recently spotted puffle in the form of a ball of blue flame be a member of squidward's undead army?

So if you tie those together, you can assume that the puffle has something to do with Squidward and the Mountains death. Then you will see a skull, you can assume that this means the undead army that squidward has.

Next you will see a pile of potions and what appears to be a leash. These potions could be what brought these undead from there graves, or they could be the potions to make them apart of shreks army. The leash could also mean its the leash of the puffle, so the puffle could be squidwards undead pet.

Next you will see a gravestone that has an x over it, this could be a connection with the undead and how they will not be buried but rather they will be risen from there graves.

In conclusion-
Undead/Puffle + Potions/Leash + Undead Army = the death of shrek and Oldcp

32 posts
Posted in Squidwards Undead • 12th June 2015, 06:58 PM

I have reason to believe that Squidwards Undead are stronger then we think. Being undead they cannot be killed, so there must be another way to be rid of them.

We won't be able to kill the undead but we could be able to resurrect them as Shreks Soldiers, seeing as there undead they could be brought back to life.

Squidward can also be tracked by playing the clarinet, which can be heard from afar seeing as he is awful at it.

32 posts
Posted in Imperial Knight Application • 12th June 2015, 05:42 PM

Great post! +1 for you!

32 posts
Posted in Suggestions for the Store • 12th June 2015, 02:34 PM

Price Changes-
Nickname Color- 1,500 (-500 from original)
Nickname Glow- 3,000 (-1,000 from original)
Profile Background- 250 (-250 from original)
Rainbow Glow- 3,500 (-1,500 from original)
Not a Stalker- 750 (-250 from original)
Longer Titles- 750 (-250 from original)
Closed Mailbox- 1,250 (-250 from original)
Decorate Profile I- 700 (+100 from original)
Title Color- 500 (+0 from original)
Forum Color- 500 (-200 from original)

Corner Decal (add sprites to the corners of your profile page)

32 posts
Posted in Feedback Discussion Of The Moderator Spreadsheet • 12th June 2015, 01:54 PM

Great post! I rate 8/8 +1

32 posts
Posted in Are you Bored? • 12th June 2015, 11:32 AM

Whale, you saw the title (I think), but here is a post about what you can do when your are extremely bored and don't know what to do. So here we go!

1. Get a slip of paper, fold it up into the shape of a football and flick it across the house. This will buy you about 5 minutes.

2. If you live in town then narrate two peoples conversation from far away to make it look like there the ones talking.

3. If you have Pokemon cards or any other cards, then put one of the cards between your index and ring finger then throw it like a ninja star, if your lucky then it will go long distances.

4. Make a comic book about dragons vs chickens or something!

5. Thats all I got atm

32 posts
Posted in How to... #2 • 12th June 2015, 11:16 AM

How to... show you are a trustworthy person. Now, that may seem really easy but it can be harder at times then you think it can be. Just follow the following steps and you'll be on the fast track to trust!

1. Make a good first impression on the people here, if you say your going to "hack everyone" or act like a bully, people will be upset and not want to hang out with you.

2. Be extra polite the first few times you meet someone so you can really hit it off with a great friendship! Being polite will also build trust with your friend!

3. Get a grape soda

4. Do not try to be the dominant one in the friendship, a friendship makes up two people, not just one domineering person. If you try to dominate your friend will lose trust for you.

5. Meet more people and repeat step 1-4

6. Introduce friends you already have to new ones you just met so that friend can have another one. Believe it or not this will develop trust as well.

7. Go to the fridge and get some pizza

8. Repeat step 1-7

32 posts
Posted in Pirate Hook News #1 • 12th June 2015, 10:29 AM

Welcome to the first edition of Pirate Hook News! I will be doing the Pirate Hook News daily or maybe more if there is big news, I am also trying to get the News Reporter rank and I figured this would help!

Forums News-
1. PenguinDSC's post about "My Opinion on Which Sacrifice to Choose" was promoted!
2. The Maestro was promoted to knight (good job!)
3. PenguinDSC was promoted to Moderator (great job!)
4. CPManiac is a News Reporter (Nice!)
5. Watex was promoted to a member (Cool!)
6. Jamma was promoted to a member (Oh Yea!)

Upcoming Event-
Archie and Raindrops Anniversary

Sanarui099 is 16!
jaybo1111 is 10!
Kitty is 14!
Acee is 17!
Luek is 17!
Pirate61201 is 14!
IsTextie is 15!
Penellope is 11!

Player of the Day-
Paul Walker

Promoted Discussions-
"My Opinion on Which Sacrifice to Choose" -PenguinDSC
"Clash of the Empire: Snowball Showdown [TOURNAMENT INFORMATION] -Roberto

All new Moderators!-

Pirates Player of the Day-

Thanks for Reading! ~Pirate

32 posts
Posted in How to... • 11th June 2015, 11:18 PM

How to... Make an interesting Post! Yes, it may seem easy, but when there is no other post to reply to or you have no idea what to post about then its pretty dang difficult.

Step 1. Think of what you want your post to be about, it could range from help and support to a random story about Cupcake Goblins fighting Robo Pirates. (actually you could use that as a story)

Step 2. Think of a name for what you want your post to be about, you could collaborate two words into one and make an all new word. Make sure you make a title that catches someones eye.

Step 3. Tags may seem unimportant but they could also help the reader understand what your posting about or why. It may not be a big deal but it could help.

Step 4. Make sure you put it in the correct category or people will probs call you out for it.. especially on my old forum.

Step 5. Just write what comes to mind, use your funky flow, go with what your mind tells you. Learn from your mistakes of past posts and make better ones in the future!

Step 6. Go get a juice pouch

Step 7. Post your discussion then go and give a little advertisement on the Mood Section! Make sure not to spam, it can get a bit out of hand.

Step 8. Wait for likes and comments, if none then figure out a way to make the post better and revise later on.

Step 9. Dinner

32 posts
Posted in connect with the world! • 11th June 2015, 09:42 PM

I can see your point but Rebeccas post was hilarious! XD

32 posts
Posted in Firenado Story • 11th June 2015, 09:32 PM

Alright, so one day at school this year we were in the middle of Math class, and the fire alarms went off. So we were evacuated out onto the side walks and waited for the okay sign. Now, apparently a wire was fried somewhere and it made the smoke alarm go off, so while we were outside it got super dark outside. The tornado sirens went off after that. So we ran over to the high school and took cover in the gymnasium. We all talked and tried to ignore the storm. Well my friend went over and looked out the window and it was raining so hard it was getting foggy. Then the power cut out and there was screaming, but my friend and I were laughing so hard. (yea were dumb), then ater a while it came back on and we went back to the grade school. So about 10 minutes later the tornado sirens went off again and we went and hid in the computer room for like a half hour. The next town over had been hit by an EF2 tornado and some of our school got a bit burnt (only light a a bit of the ceiling). So it was pretty cray cray!


32 posts
Posted in Which Rank to Sign Up For! • 11th June 2015, 09:04 PM

Now, there are many ranks to sign up for in the DSGHQ (that I know of). I see a lot of people signing up for different ranks so I just wanted to make a little discussion on what ranks you should sign up for. Note: Master not included or Tobler Moth Priest and Lord.

News Reporter- The News Reporter Rank is more for new members (like me :D), just because of the soul reason that it has the smallest impact on the community. Now I am not saying the people who are News Reporter are unimportant but, I just feel there are more important ranks.

Wise- Being a Wise One can be tough at times, like when you make posts that are side to help inform the people of the forums.

Forums Moderator- Now, forums moderator is a big rank to handle, making sure there are no inappropriate usernames or any cussing in posts. But between PW, Oldcp Mod, and Admin it is smaller.

Knight- Alrighty, Knight is a big rank to handle as well. You have to protect the citizens of Oldcp and always keep on your battle armor. You are also entrusted with a sword, so Damen has to trust you not to hurt other users.

Moderator- Being a moderator on Oldcp takes a lot of work, you must watch over the people of Oldcp and look out for bad users who need to be kicked or go to jail. You also must be on for at least 24 hours a week.

Now, unless you have special connections with Damen, you must be a moderator before going on to Admin, Admin is a huge rank to handle, you have to be up to help Damen and the people of Oldcp at the same time.

32 posts
Posted in My Opinion on Which Sacrifice to Choose • 11th June 2015, 08:37 PM

Thanks DSC! This will really help when the time comes for me to use a sacrifice! :D

32 posts
Posted in Quiz of the Day! • 11th June 2015, 06:20 PM

Okay, so on my old forum I used to use I did this thing called Quiz of the Day every day for like a month. So I decided I would make a Quiz of the Day here and seeing that I am a Pirate then the question is...

What is a Pirates fave cheese?

Hint: It's Rockhoppers favorite cheese!