32 posts
Posted in Thanks DSGHQ! • 11th June 2015, 05:58 PM

Hey everyone, Pirate here! I would just like to say thanks for how much of a welcome I got when I made my hello post. Like 2 minutes after I made that post my notifications lightbulb exploded with likes! I am really grateful for all of the likes on a random hello post I made, and I just thought I should take the time to say thank you for reading my post! Buh Bye!

~ Pirate

32 posts
Posted in Hello! • 11th June 2015, 05:38 PM

Hey everyone! Meh name is Pirate, a.k.a Pizza Lord a.k.a Fish Master of Galactic Destruction! I was searching for forums because I ued to use Rile5 forums and I found this place, luckily the pirate name wasn't taken! Btw this is the most organized forum I have ever been on!

Fave Music-

Fave NVM no one wants to here about my boring likes, just stalk my profile if you do... >.>

Also I was the home page and saw something about a lego game and it looked pretty cool, could anyone give me a link to the lego game?

~ Pirate