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The Wedding!
11th November 2015, 05:59 PM
The Wedding Of thegamer47 and XAlexablissX
This Saturday we are having two very special people, My friend XAlexablissX, and thegamer47 an amazing person, come together in marriage! I wish them welland hope that they're marriage lasts long and strong. No matter how many difficulties they come across I believe they will stay together.
In deep respect, XAdharaX
Posted in
Underground Church
24th July 2015, 07:15 PM
The Blur wrote on 24th July 2015 07:12 PM:
PInkfrosting said on 24th July 2015 06:54 PM:
Heres a fast way to get the underground church
You first go to /jr 111 known as the book room which is also is the second floor of the coffee shop. Then you click the candle of the left (Also on a book shelf) and then the three lights, two of them should move up or down. Then you go to /jr 810 or the cove. and get into theoldway. The rock will subside and let you in. There you can read the books laying about.
Heres a youtube version
Witch rock subsides and how? -The Blur
Heres a fast way to get the underground church
You first go to /jr 111 known as the book room which is also is the second floor of the coffee shop. Then you click the candle of the left (Also on a book shelf) and then the three lights, two of them should move up or down. Then you go to /jr 810 or the cove. and get into theoldway. The rock will subside and let you in. There you can read the books laying about.
Heres a youtube version
Witch rock subsides and how? -The Blur
The secound rock. And idk why or how it just will. And the vid will show you
Posted in
Underground Church
24th July 2015, 06:54 PM
Heres a fast way to get the underground church
You first go to /jr 111 known as the book room which is also is the second floor of the coffee shop. Then you click the candle of the left (Also on a book shelf) and then the three lights, two of them should move up or down. Then you go to /jr 810 or the cove. and get into theoldway. The rock will subside and let you in. There you can read the books laying about.
Heres a youtube version
Posted in
Detective Application
22nd July 2015, 03:42 PM
I dunno, i think you should get some more experience before you start.
I dunno, i think you should get some more experience before you start.
Posted in
Herobrines tale
22nd July 2015, 03:32 PM
The tale of Herobrine is a famous mc story. But if you haven't. Heres the main idea.
It all started out in the early updates of mc. in the alpha stages. This was before the game had become fully done. Not saying that it is done now. Just saying that it was out of alpha (updates) During that time period though, one player saw that there was a re appearing figure of a steve with white eyes. images bellow so he talked to notch about it. Notch said he did not exist. But in the mc updates there has been a reaccuring words herobrine removed~ Herobrine has many mods now. But he is no longer in the game. Though through mods and other things you can unlock herobrine becoming him or just being one of his subjects of terror Though it is best this stays in the past of the mc universe
The image wont work so just go to this link
Posted in
Warrior Cat rping
22nd July 2015, 12:18 AM
I have removed this post due to advertisement i guess
idk even know. Msg me on skype if you want the server just msg me
idk even know. Msg me on skype if you want the server just msg me