76 posts
Posted in Question about the game • 8th August 2015, 08:53 PM

Hey everyone! I am currently training to be a snow goddess. What powers do they get if you earn it? Thanks! :)

76 posts
Posted in Moderator Application • 8th August 2015, 07:30 PM

Supermikey97 wrote on 8th August 2015 07:04 PM:
Maybe a little more posts, a bit more work on application, member/master, more rep, and you'll be in.

It says I have 15 posts, and I tried my best on the application, so that's
all that matters, right?

76 posts
Posted in Moderator Application • 8th August 2015, 03:30 PM


Penguin name: Pancakes15

Date Joined: August 3rd, 2015

Desired Rank: Moderator


I will follow the cp rules at all times
I will respect other penguins
I will kick or ban any suspicious activity

I won't abuse my power
I won't ignore penguins if they need help
I won't get into fights with anyone

A bit about my penguin:

My penguin (pancakes15) would make a great mod for the reasons mentioned above. I've been on this website (along with xat) for a while now. I'm well-known to most penguins, and I know most codes/commands/jr's. I've never been banned or arrested at all. I don't share personal information, and I'm pretty good with following the rules. I report any suspicious activity or if someone is saying mean/inappropriate stuff right away to a moderator. I am pretty good with grammar as well. I've also had tons of experience with cp. (I've had some help along the way)

76 posts
Posted in Things To Do During The Summer • 5th August 2015, 04:22 PM

Hi everyone! If you're bored during the summer, here are some fun things you can do!

1) Hang out with friends.
This could be a sleepover, or just a hang out for a few hours! Be sure you're safe
and doing something active! Take advantage of the nice weather, because before you know it, it's winter once again.

2) Have BBQ's with the family!
This is a great way to bond with your family while also having some fun with your

3) Have parties.
Who doesn't like to have a good party? Invite some close friends and have a beach party or a pool party. Whatever you want!

4) Sign up for VBS (Vacation Bible School).
VBS is really fun!!! I've been to so many of them! Your church will most
likely be having one, so I strongly suggest signing up. There's so much to learn, and you will
have fun! You won't regret this one!

5) Go to the beach.
Even if it's just a day trip, this one's fun to do. It's a great way to interact with family,
also you will be outside the whole time. Maybe look for a rare seashell, or build a cool sandcastle!

6) Turn off all electronics for a day!
Have you actually tried to talk to people? If you're on a phone or watching tv,
shut it off for a day and see how much fun it is without all those electronics on!

That's all! If you have any more suggestions, please let me know! Have an awesome summer!!! :D

76 posts
Posted in DSGHQ Damenball Soccer Player Application [Stags] • 4th August 2015, 10:55 AM

Awesome! Loved it! You would make a great addition to the team!

76 posts
Posted in Revealing your Identity/Face • 4th August 2015, 10:53 AM

I totally agree with this!! Thanks for sharing!

76 posts
Posted in Larka being rude [Report] • 4th August 2015, 10:50 AM

OK. It seemed to me like you were offended. Sorry for the misunderstanding!!

76 posts
Posted in Larka being rude [Report] • 4th August 2015, 10:23 AM

Isn't there an ignore button on the penguins? Try ignoring them. Maybe it will
block what they say. Also, did you try going to another place so they won't bother you?
Try that next time. Good Luck!!! :D

76 posts
Posted in Meh Club • 4th August 2015, 09:14 AM

Honestly, that's why the detectives are there. I'm not sure Damen will like it if
random penguins with no ranks go around and do the detectives jobs for them.
I think it's a GREAT idea, but what I have said earlier. Thank you!

76 posts
Posted in How to delete a discussion? • 4th August 2015, 09:12 AM

Ok, so I was looking at Mists moderator application (I LOVE it BTW), and I clicked on something and it accidentally posted it onto my posts. How do I take it down? Thanks guys :)

76 posts
Posted in Moderator Application • 4th August 2015, 09:06 AM

Mists wrote on 4th August 2015 03:32 AM:
Dear Moderators and Administrators, my name is Mists and I'm applying for Moderator-in-game.


Username: Mists
Desired Rank: Moderator-in-game
Age: 13 this year
Timezone: GMT +4
Date joined: September 25th 2014. ( Nearly one year )
Experience: Master, Detective


What I know about being a mod :

• A moderator must be active and keep the server a nice and friendly environment.
• Must have a good vocabulary
• Must be helpful towards everyone even if he/she dislikes a person.
• Being a moderator isn't about popularity. It's about responsibility and loyalty to help.
• A moderator should never ignore any user.
• A moderator must have good grammar

What I will/will not do as a Moderator

• I will help all the citizens of Oldcp.
• I will not abuse my powers.
• I will be active!
• I will be a role model to users.
• I will use commands such as /kick and /ban against rude or inappropriate users.
• I will prove to the administrators that i'm moderator worthy.

Why I want to be a moderator in-game :

I want this rank because becoming a moderator is my goal. I also want to help users ( I'm already doing that ) and stop bullies. Many people think I should be a mod.I feel that I can do it but like the others say, sometimes I have to wait for my turn. And it's what I have been doing for the past months.

Thank you

Thank you for reading this friends.


76 posts
Posted in Minecraft Short Story #2 • 4th August 2015, 08:58 AM

(Continued from part 1): The zombies were coming inside!!! He had to escape one way or another. Either fight, or keep digging down. He decided it was best to fight. He took out his trusty golden sword and started attacking! But they kept coming even faster! Now he was surrounded! This time he decided to use his bow and arrow. That worked for a couple. Then, he took out his axe. He won with the axe! The sun started rising and there were no creepers left. "Phew! Rough night!" He said to himself. Steve started building again when he collapsed on it from being so tired! Two creepers were still alive and found him there. "What's this?" A creeper thought. "I don't know what that thing is." The other creeper thought. "Should we bring him back to our master?" The first creeper thought. "ok. The master can decide what to do with him." The other creeper thought.

That's the end of part 2! Who do you think the master is and what are they going to do with Steve? Find out in part 3 coming soon! I will be happy to take any suggestions you may have for part 3.

76 posts
Posted in Keeps asking me to log in? • 3rd August 2015, 07:38 PM

So I was finished making my Minecraft Short Story part 2, when I went to post it and it asked me to log in again when I was logged in already! Is this a glitch? Thanks :)

76 posts
Posted in Minecraft Short Story #1 • 3rd August 2015, 05:52 PM

It was a beautiful day in the minecraft village! Steve was walking around trying to find a good place to build his new house. He wasn't looking where he was going, then WHAM! He bumped right into a villager! "Hey watch where you're going!" The angry villager said. "Sorry!" Steve replied and quickly walked away. Then, he found a perfect spot to start building! "Perfect!" He said. He started building. The sun was already setting and the creepers and zombies would be out soon! "I'd better get done with this before the creepers come out!" Steve said. He already started to hear zombie noises. Oh no! The building was only half finished. He hid in his half finished house. The zombies were coming inside!!! He had to get out one way or another. Either fight, or keep digging down.

This was the end of part 1! Hope you like it! Part 2 will be coming out soon, so be on the lookout!

76 posts
Posted in I'm New • 3rd August 2015, 05:40 PM

Hi everyone! I am a new penguin on cp. I will be posting interesting stuff, like suggestions, short stories, quizzes, etc. Thanks guys and don't miss any one of my posts! Have fun with my account!