New User!
19 posts
Posted in Taylor Swiffer vs Katie Pear-e • 13th August 2015, 10:41 AM

Alright, so lately I have noticed a PANDEMIC going on. No, not the spread of a disease... something much, MUCH worse. We have all noticed a user named Taylor Swift... but its just a matter of time before theres a Katie Pear! If these two collide it will be like world war 3 (in the words of Allie)! Some of you may ask how or why but heres tha facts-

-Katie Pear and Taylor Swiffer Sweeper have a long historee of fighting and junk, they have "bad blood" as Swiffer Sweeper puts it!

-Katie Pear has the eye of a tiger....

If the two collide they will cause world war 3 and destroy half the known universe with there banshee screaching. :oooo

New User!
19 posts
Posted in Think I'm fake? • 12th August 2015, 10:49 PM

Yes I do (in FACT) think your fake, I dont mean that out of hate (I swaer). Its just really obvious because you dont talk like a grown woman >->

New User!
19 posts
Posted in Being Strong (Not Muscles) • 12th August 2015, 10:44 PM

Howdy Ya'll... its Panda here for a second post about random things. Today I want to talk about Being Strooong. Now lately I have seen a whole heck of a lot of users being negative nancies so I decided to throw together a nice rittle (chinese voice :0) post. When ya'll get depressed just throw that junk in the back of your mind and if it tries to creep back up just tell yourself "how about no" and continue on. If someone is bugging ya'll just tell them to quit being a wet blanket, or you shrek them all ogre the place. That BEING said just look at users like sadie who got a load of bull when they first joined for saying the truth, now she is an accomplished user with swag and everything. I hope this helps my little bagel bites.

If you hate the post then just freaking slap the dislike button. But if you love the post then just friggin slap the like button! :D

New User!
19 posts
Posted in Posers *First Post* :0 • 12th August 2015, 10:11 PM

Helloooo DSGHQ, Pandamanax here coming to you live from China eating a bamboo stalk to tell you that I am fed UP with all these posers. Now i know what your gonna say "Panda dont hate on them" but I am not hating on them, I am just stating the truth.... That being said lets get on to the actual post before I stray off and talk about something else like pasta. mmmm... anyways, these posers can range from someone being "Damen1" or "Tennnis" with like an extra letter or number! You can also find users posing as celebrities, for example "Hi, i'm Morgan Freeman! Want me to narrate your life" or something like that. Today I have seen a poser being "Taylor Swift". Some of these posers act like they are better then other users because they are "famous".

I hope ya'll liked my first post, but if you dont... theres a nice little dislike button down there you can click!