Posted in
Experience Builds Wisdom
30th July 2015, 05:21 PM
I come and read almost all the posts in the wisdom section usually to be surprised by the amazing wisdom of users who I wouldn't expect would deliver it. Maniac, I have always known you were a smart and experienced man, and I can confirm you are a wise man, indeed. This post really touched me on personal levels, too.
Excellent job
(Ever considered taking the wisdom test?)
Excellent job
(Ever considered taking the wisdom test?)
Posted in
Apology - Matthewvacc
28th July 2015, 09:57 PM
I accept this apology, but don't expect this event to be erased from DSGHQ history. You messed up pretty bad. You made a stupid decision, but admitted your mistake. I hope you have learned something from this experience, because I sure did (being a victim and all).
I will not forget, but I will forgive. This apology was well written, and I'm glad you made the smart decision to apologize.
I will not forget, but I will forgive. This apology was well written, and I'm glad you made the smart decision to apologize.
Posted in
Depression? -Jacobg627
27th July 2015, 02:37 PM
Greetings, users of the DSGHQ. Today I will try to tackle the topic of depression. This post may offend you, for I do not know what is going on in your personal life. Choose to stay? Good choice. Note that depression is not the main part of this post. This may come off as harsh, and I apologize for that.
Now, there might actually be users here who have legitimate, physiological conditions that are contributing to your depression. But I should be careful saying this, especially on the internet, because people lie on the internet. You can look online for conditions matching a few of your symptoms, and then force yourself to act depressed. If this sounds like something you would do, nothing is causing depression except you.
Helping solve your depression is not what I am here for. I'm here to take you back in time, and show you that you shouldn't be depressed. Prepare to go back to the early 1900s, a tough time for many families.
Let me give you a short history lesson. My mother’s side of the family wanted to immigrate to the USA in the early 1900s. They came to America after World War I. A few years after they came, The Great Depression of 1929 began. During The Great Depression, people had to rely on their own resources. And when resources are limited, you have to make the most out of them. On top of all this, there were a lack of jobs, and businesses didn't have enough money to pay their workers. This caused the workers to not be able to purchase the goods and services that would keep the businesses open. This caused many businesses to go bankrupt. Do you see where this is going? Oh, and not to mention the banks shut down, so you couldn't get any money out of them. The Great Depression has left a large impact on people. My great-grandmother reused everything. She used things until they didn’t work anymore. Everything. Even small things, like use both sides of papers she wrote on.
But little did they know that all that hard work would’ve saved their lives. They lived in Europe, and soon after The Great Depression, World War II began. And with that, came the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a horrible time in history, especially for Jews. If my family didn't immigrate to the USA, they would have most likely been brutally killed. If not that, tortured. So if they hadn’t persevered through The Great Depression, I would never have existed.
Now the lesson of this post. You log onto the internet, saying you’re going into a depression over your first world problems. For attention. Amusing. There are people going through terrible things, and they don’t have access to the internet. Do you see them complaining? No. Want to know why? They have nowhere to complain. No social media. Stop taking things for granted. During The Great Depression, people found value in bent nails. Children had to do many more chores than you could even imagine. One I've heard people had to do was go to the railroad track and pick up coal that fell out of the train’s engine to heat their furnace. Stop taking things for granted. Start helping the world with what you do have.
I apologize if the way I worded things may have offended you. Thank you for reading this lecture.
Now, there might actually be users here who have legitimate, physiological conditions that are contributing to your depression. But I should be careful saying this, especially on the internet, because people lie on the internet. You can look online for conditions matching a few of your symptoms, and then force yourself to act depressed. If this sounds like something you would do, nothing is causing depression except you.
Helping solve your depression is not what I am here for. I'm here to take you back in time, and show you that you shouldn't be depressed. Prepare to go back to the early 1900s, a tough time for many families.
Let me give you a short history lesson. My mother’s side of the family wanted to immigrate to the USA in the early 1900s. They came to America after World War I. A few years after they came, The Great Depression of 1929 began. During The Great Depression, people had to rely on their own resources. And when resources are limited, you have to make the most out of them. On top of all this, there were a lack of jobs, and businesses didn't have enough money to pay their workers. This caused the workers to not be able to purchase the goods and services that would keep the businesses open. This caused many businesses to go bankrupt. Do you see where this is going? Oh, and not to mention the banks shut down, so you couldn't get any money out of them. The Great Depression has left a large impact on people. My great-grandmother reused everything. She used things until they didn’t work anymore. Everything. Even small things, like use both sides of papers she wrote on.
But little did they know that all that hard work would’ve saved their lives. They lived in Europe, and soon after The Great Depression, World War II began. And with that, came the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a horrible time in history, especially for Jews. If my family didn't immigrate to the USA, they would have most likely been brutally killed. If not that, tortured. So if they hadn’t persevered through The Great Depression, I would never have existed.
Now the lesson of this post. You log onto the internet, saying you’re going into a depression over your first world problems. For attention. Amusing. There are people going through terrible things, and they don’t have access to the internet. Do you see them complaining? No. Want to know why? They have nowhere to complain. No social media. Stop taking things for granted. During The Great Depression, people found value in bent nails. Children had to do many more chores than you could even imagine. One I've heard people had to do was go to the railroad track and pick up coal that fell out of the train’s engine to heat their furnace. Stop taking things for granted. Start helping the world with what you do have.
I apologize if the way I worded things may have offended you. Thank you for reading this lecture.
Posted in
The Trial of NinjitsuSir
19th July 2015, 07:56 PM
If you need a wise one to help decide the verdict, I'd be happy to. I've looked into this case, it is an interesting one indeed.
Posted in
The Harsh Reality of Life
18th July 2015, 11:54 AM
This is the wisdom I was writing when Roberto/Matthewvacc shot me. It's ironic, I was writing about The Harsh Reality of Life, then I died.
If you ever want to get something in life, acquire something, or if there’s a goal that you want to achieve, you have a few steps to take. You must first understand that success only comes to those who work hard at it. Some will only dream of it, for they are too weak to work hard at it. To be successful, you must wake up every morning knowing your hopes and dreams, and take one step closer towards them. This isn’t easy, oh, no.
You must next overcome your negative habits. There will be times where you think you will never make it. You must shift your mindset and see the light. A relative of mine once told me that it is in our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. This is where people give up on their talents. Then they will proceed through life without finding their talents. This leads to people not being able to develop their talents. Be it with math, science, sports, or whatever talent you may possess, you must work hard at it and develop it to do it professionally. Which is sad, really sad. This makes dreams even harder to pursue. Which makes pursuing your dreams even more impressive, but all the more difficult.
*At this time, a hacked Roberto killed me. I will talk more of this later*
The only thing that will satisfy you is when you step up. You must step up out of the shadows and raise the standards, discover what you really can do. Don’t let anyone stop you. Soon you will see through to your inner self. People are awarded in public for things they have practiced for years in private. Remember that. So if you want to acquire something, achieve something, you have to work hard at it and practice. And the harsh reality of life is… most people will never achieve that goal, or discover their true talents.
Now, let’s move on to death. One of the most harsh realities of life. It is at the end of every life. Nobody is certain of what happens after your death, or if anything actually happens. But the fact of death is inevitable. The fact of immortality is a dream. The fact of disease is a nightmare. The fact of life can be tragic, funny, beautiful, or ugly. One of the things I hope you learn from this post is that everything is based on your mindset. I’ll give you an example.
Someone makes a mistake. They sincerely apologize. You can either hold a grudge and not forgive them, or simply accept their apology. Now, holding a grudge is like letting someone live inside of your head, rent free. You don’t gain anything from it, just a lot of stress. Your friends don’t gain anything from it, they just have to put up with stupid attitude. Holding on to a grudge is like holding on to hot coal and trying to throw it at someone. You are the only one who gets burned. So good luck holding that grudge, just remember it is much easier to apologize directly. The harsh reality of life here is… people are more likely to hold grudges against you, so don’t be the guy to hold grudges back to them.
Part II Coming Soon
If you ever want to get something in life, acquire something, or if there’s a goal that you want to achieve, you have a few steps to take. You must first understand that success only comes to those who work hard at it. Some will only dream of it, for they are too weak to work hard at it. To be successful, you must wake up every morning knowing your hopes and dreams, and take one step closer towards them. This isn’t easy, oh, no.
You must next overcome your negative habits. There will be times where you think you will never make it. You must shift your mindset and see the light. A relative of mine once told me that it is in our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. This is where people give up on their talents. Then they will proceed through life without finding their talents. This leads to people not being able to develop their talents. Be it with math, science, sports, or whatever talent you may possess, you must work hard at it and develop it to do it professionally. Which is sad, really sad. This makes dreams even harder to pursue. Which makes pursuing your dreams even more impressive, but all the more difficult.
*At this time, a hacked Roberto killed me. I will talk more of this later*
The only thing that will satisfy you is when you step up. You must step up out of the shadows and raise the standards, discover what you really can do. Don’t let anyone stop you. Soon you will see through to your inner self. People are awarded in public for things they have practiced for years in private. Remember that. So if you want to acquire something, achieve something, you have to work hard at it and practice. And the harsh reality of life is… most people will never achieve that goal, or discover their true talents.
Now, let’s move on to death. One of the most harsh realities of life. It is at the end of every life. Nobody is certain of what happens after your death, or if anything actually happens. But the fact of death is inevitable. The fact of immortality is a dream. The fact of disease is a nightmare. The fact of life can be tragic, funny, beautiful, or ugly. One of the things I hope you learn from this post is that everything is based on your mindset. I’ll give you an example.
Someone makes a mistake. They sincerely apologize. You can either hold a grudge and not forgive them, or simply accept their apology. Now, holding a grudge is like letting someone live inside of your head, rent free. You don’t gain anything from it, just a lot of stress. Your friends don’t gain anything from it, they just have to put up with stupid attitude. Holding on to a grudge is like holding on to hot coal and trying to throw it at someone. You are the only one who gets burned. So good luck holding that grudge, just remember it is much easier to apologize directly. The harsh reality of life here is… people are more likely to hold grudges against you, so don’t be the guy to hold grudges back to them.
Part II Coming Soon
Posted in
Roberto? Or Hacker?
17th July 2015, 10:04 PM
Oh my goodness. I was on brb writing a wise post. That account had been mine for 20+ months, and I held Most Wise on it for over a year.
Posted in
Living right
17th July 2015, 06:44 PM
date me
I'd love to date you. We are absolutely perfect for each other! We're both humans. Wait, idk actually. Sometimes we're penguins, sometimes were snails, sometimes were penguins and so I'm very confused. But I do know that we're both beautiful, and we both know that Jacob is a cooler Santa Claus. We're highly destined to be together. *blows kiss*
I'd love to date you. We are absolutely perfect for each other! We're both humans. Wait, idk actually. Sometimes we're penguins, sometimes were snails, sometimes were penguins and so I'm very confused. But I do know that we're both beautiful, and we both know that Jacob is a cooler Santa Claus. We're highly destined to be together. *blows kiss*
I can't stop laughing. Thanks for the cameo! But by any chance, do you know where I can get a crocodile? Thank you
Posted in
Wedding of Jacobg and Sammeh
17th July 2015, 07:43 AM
Wedding of Jacobg627 and Sammeh
Date: July 18th (Saturday)
Time: 11 AM EST / 3 PM GMT
Place (subject to change): The Library o' Wisdom
Best Man: Freddy
Groomsmen: ollo, Habsolo, Supermikey97, Chopper
Maid of honor: Sadie
Bridesmaids: Cheep, Angi, Little
Ringbearer (in /outfit teddybear): Jake01
Flower Girl: Smurfsss
Priest: NinjitsuSir
If you cannot make it contact Sam or myself immediately. If a wise one wants to be the priest, please notify me.
Date: July 18th (Saturday)
Time: 11 AM EST / 3 PM GMT
Place (subject to change): The Library o' Wisdom
Best Man: Freddy
Groomsmen: ollo, Habsolo, Supermikey97, Chopper
Maid of honor: Sadie
Bridesmaids: Cheep, Angi, Little
Ringbearer (in /outfit teddybear): Jake01
Flower Girl: Smurfsss
Priest: NinjitsuSir
If you cannot make it contact Sam or myself immediately. If a wise one wants to be the priest, please notify me.
Posted in
Wedding of High Priest Mico and Lady Cheep
8th July 2015, 07:59 AM
I can come, if you need a priest. Congratulations, and good luck to you!
Posted in
Mac Or PC
5th July 2015, 01:37 PM
I favor PC over Mac. There are more models of the PC than the Mac. Being a gamer on the Windows OS is a lot easier than on a Mac. Mac advertises a virus-free OS, but there are indeed viruses. Windows doesn't do any better, but they are honest about you needing an antivirus program. Macs have decent value, that is true. But they are not cheap.
This was not meant to offend anyone. Thank you for reading, and just so you know, I favor Linux above all
This was not meant to offend anyone. Thank you for reading, and just so you know, I favor Linux above all
Posted in
New Moderator : Jacobg627
4th July 2015, 10:00 PM
I seriously can't thank you all enough. I am honored to serve the DSGHQ, and I will not let the community down. I really don't know what to say, I'm speechless.
Posted in
Forums Mod Application -Jacobg
4th July 2015, 04:19 PM
Name: Jacob (Jacobg627)
Age: 12
Timezone: EST
Joined Forums: 2nd September, 2013 (Under username jgd627)
Why do I want this job?: I wish to be forums moderator because I believe I can keep this site safe. I am able to help others and enforce rules, and I enjoy doing so. The moderators of the DSGHQ have really helped me when I first started, and I want to help others the same way they helped me. I think the forums are a great place to do so, because there are many ways to interact with users.
Experience: I have lots of experience with moderating, the community, and more. I joined OldCP a little over 2 years ago, and since have become an active member of the DSGHQ community. I have earned many ranks and titles in that time. These include Credit Holder, Most Wise, Grand Most Wise, Lord, Chat Moderator, and OldCP Moderator. I have moderated several minecraft servers, and own one myself. I can be trusted, and have never broken any of the DSGHQ rules. I am familiar with moderating rules, commands, and etc.
Skills / Special Qualifications: I believe I have many skills. I am very smart and logical for my age. I can be funny, but I will get serious whenever you need me to. In my free time I play the Trumpet, program in various languages, and practice martial arts. I am good at math and reading. I learn things quickly, and have a good memory. I am very wise, and I think that will help me in many ways. I am good at decision making, helping others, and enforcing rules.
Age: 12
Timezone: EST
Joined Forums: 2nd September, 2013 (Under username jgd627)
Forums Moderator Application
Greetings, members of the DSGHQ. Please consider me as a Moderator on the Forums.
Greetings, members of the DSGHQ. Please consider me as a Moderator on the Forums.
Why do I want this job?: I wish to be forums moderator because I believe I can keep this site safe. I am able to help others and enforce rules, and I enjoy doing so. The moderators of the DSGHQ have really helped me when I first started, and I want to help others the same way they helped me. I think the forums are a great place to do so, because there are many ways to interact with users.
Experience: I have lots of experience with moderating, the community, and more. I joined OldCP a little over 2 years ago, and since have become an active member of the DSGHQ community. I have earned many ranks and titles in that time. These include Credit Holder, Most Wise, Grand Most Wise, Lord, Chat Moderator, and OldCP Moderator. I have moderated several minecraft servers, and own one myself. I can be trusted, and have never broken any of the DSGHQ rules. I am familiar with moderating rules, commands, and etc.
Skills / Special Qualifications: I believe I have many skills. I am very smart and logical for my age. I can be funny, but I will get serious whenever you need me to. In my free time I play the Trumpet, program in various languages, and practice martial arts. I am good at math and reading. I learn things quickly, and have a good memory. I am very wise, and I think that will help me in many ways. I am good at decision making, helping others, and enforcing rules.
Thank you for reading my application. I greatly appreciate it. I hope I have proved myself worthy of forums moderator. Although not necessary, I would appreciate some feedback.
Posted in
habsolo relations
3rd July 2015, 06:16 PM
Hey, Habsolo, I have a question for your brother. Is he as awesome as you?
Posted in
News Reporter Resignation -Allie
3rd July 2015, 07:16 AM
Do as you wish, but you were an amazing News Reporter. I'm sure everyone else who comment agrees, and we will all miss your news reports.
Posted in
Rambling About Wisdom
30th June 2015, 09:32 PM
Greetings. A few hours ago I made a mood asking YOU what I should make a wise post about. They were all good ideas, so I decided to include as many as I could in this one.
When I look at a user on OldCP (or any game, for that matter), I see a person. Not a rank, title, or username. Of course, I'll address them by their username, but I won't judge them. Bottom line is, we're all human. We all have strengths and weaknesses. We tend to take advantage of our strengths and pity ourselves over our weaknesses. We all have rights, but some are given more rights than others for reasons as silly as a subtitle. Now, some of us say we treat everyone equal, but do they really? Here's a basic example:
You are a user who has no rank, currently (if not, just pretend). You are talking to random users who are not yet your friends. Damen walks in the room. You'd probably treat Damen a liiittle differently than that user. Which is perfectly fine. People aren't supposed to treat everyone the same. You shouldn't treat best friends and worst enemies the same. Equality is not simply "Treating one another the same," but more like "Giving everyone attention and acknowledgement that they need in order to succeed"
"When I was 5 years old, my mother told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down 'happy'. They told me I didn't understand the assignment, I told them they didn't understand life." -John Lennon
"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!"
"A winner is a dreamer who never gives up." -Nelson Mandela
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." -Gandhi
Life and Death (But Mostly Life)
Life hurts a lot more than death. I don't know from experience, but I will just tell you that. In life you must suffer injuries, bullies, tragic incidents, and many more challenges. When you die, it's all over (There has been no evidence of other possibilities, and I'm trying not to make this post religious.), isn't it? The tragedy of life is not death, but instead what we let die inside of us while we still live.
Giving up on that big goal. The one that you've always wanted and tried so hard for. You were so close to it, when you gave up. You let the chance of getting that rank or title die right inside of you. If you ever want to be famous, or get anywhere in life, for that matter, never let it die. "It," can be whatever you want it to. Learn from your mistakes, and don't let the past take from what the future has to offer you.
This is where life begins, and love never ends. You laugh, share, play, fight, and love together. Time spent with them is worth every second. Sure, you'll go through tough times with them, but it will end. We all have our highs and lows. Life is a roller coaster, in lots of ways. We have our highs and lows, we are entertained, excited, and show many more emotions. We must be fearless, but most importantly: it's fast. Life will be over before you know it. Your family will be there all the way. They will see your highs and lows, and you will see theirs. The best way to get close with family is to help them through their tough times.
Now, I am not going to be one to instruct you on how to live your life, but trust me, if you live by these basic guidelines with family, your life will be a LOT better.
Wow, you actually read all the way down here? Thanks so much. I hope this helped you, and if this gets kind of successful, I'll be sure to make another! Please give feedback below.
-Jacobg627 Equality
When I look at a user on OldCP (or any game, for that matter), I see a person. Not a rank, title, or username. Of course, I'll address them by their username, but I won't judge them. Bottom line is, we're all human. We all have strengths and weaknesses. We tend to take advantage of our strengths and pity ourselves over our weaknesses. We all have rights, but some are given more rights than others for reasons as silly as a subtitle. Now, some of us say we treat everyone equal, but do they really? Here's a basic example:
You are a user who has no rank, currently (if not, just pretend). You are talking to random users who are not yet your friends. Damen walks in the room. You'd probably treat Damen a liiittle differently than that user. Which is perfectly fine. People aren't supposed to treat everyone the same. You shouldn't treat best friends and worst enemies the same. Equality is not simply "Treating one another the same," but more like "Giving everyone attention and acknowledgement that they need in order to succeed"
"When I was 5 years old, my mother told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down 'happy'. They told me I didn't understand the assignment, I told them they didn't understand life." -John Lennon
"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!"
"A winner is a dreamer who never gives up." -Nelson Mandela
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." -Gandhi
Life and Death (But Mostly Life)
Life hurts a lot more than death. I don't know from experience, but I will just tell you that. In life you must suffer injuries, bullies, tragic incidents, and many more challenges. When you die, it's all over (There has been no evidence of other possibilities, and I'm trying not to make this post religious.), isn't it? The tragedy of life is not death, but instead what we let die inside of us while we still live.
Giving up on that big goal. The one that you've always wanted and tried so hard for. You were so close to it, when you gave up. You let the chance of getting that rank or title die right inside of you. If you ever want to be famous, or get anywhere in life, for that matter, never let it die. "It," can be whatever you want it to. Learn from your mistakes, and don't let the past take from what the future has to offer you.
This is where life begins, and love never ends. You laugh, share, play, fight, and love together. Time spent with them is worth every second. Sure, you'll go through tough times with them, but it will end. We all have our highs and lows. Life is a roller coaster, in lots of ways. We have our highs and lows, we are entertained, excited, and show many more emotions. We must be fearless, but most importantly: it's fast. Life will be over before you know it. Your family will be there all the way. They will see your highs and lows, and you will see theirs. The best way to get close with family is to help them through their tough times.
Now, I am not going to be one to instruct you on how to live your life, but trust me, if you live by these basic guidelines with family, your life will be a LOT better.
Wow, you actually read all the way down here? Thanks so much. I hope this helped you, and if this gets kind of successful, I'll be sure to make another! Please give feedback below.