Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in OldCp Problems At The Moment • 12th April 2015, 11:31 AM

i agree with the post,

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Knight Application OCH • 12th April 2015, 11:29 AM

Jesse wrote on 12th April 2015 11:13 AM:
I think your grammar is fine. Good luck with Imperial Knight, OldCPHelper!
thanks jesse i really appreciate your support

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Knight Application OCH • 12th April 2015, 11:28 AM

TimeLock wrote on 12th April 2015 11:10 AM:
If it was me, I'd deny this thank to this pro grammar. Why Do You Caps Every Word? Why do you make simple spelling mistakes. We shouldn't trust him with decision making.
is this a good thing or a bad thing? i donot enjoy these rude comments on my first knight application
this is pretty much why i dont make discussions

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Knight Application OCH • 12th April 2015, 11:10 AM

Lilly99 wrote on 12th April 2015 11:07 AM:
I don't mean to offend you, but you need way better grammar than this. I'm sorry to say but it's the truth.

I AM Well aware Of This Complaint but i have had no underlinings for the misspelled words at all

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Knight Application OCH • 12th April 2015, 11:04 AM

As You All Know I Want To Take My Ranks One Step Of A Time

so I decided its about time I gave up the moderator rank (not literally) I want to take all my thoughts one step at a time , so I thought one figure a lot like mod that would suit me would be The Rank Knight, again I know all the requirements for knight and I have all of them each one by one

About Knight

A Knight is a person who protects the citizens (AKA Users) from threats such as people shooting normally they have swords or guns (which I don't want) to stop certain criminals

Why Do You Want To Be Knight?
Like I had stated I felt it had better suited me and that the figure of a knight was a lot like a moderator except you don't have some permissions such as banning,kicking global, and whispering

however I know knights can:-
Kill Criminals (with permission only) Jail Pegnuins (if there is a well reason and a bit of evidence or witnesses with it)

Will You Abuse your Power

No. Honestly using your power will only risk your job and you yourself I don't clearly know whether you could get killed or sentenced to death but I know the consequences are quite high
normally I know there might be tournaments etc

Have You Broken The Rules Ever Before?
No Not Really only once but then again the last time I viewed the rules was a week after a rules post was released of course I am now much much more capable of my work

Are You Trusted?
Well I am not to sure for the answer for that but I am trusted by many moderators and admins (except the bullying staff that are now demoted) and I haven't really abused any powers yet unlike many other users I don't know if I was ever really that bad on OldCP if I was please forgive me because again I have tried with my best efforts
So Again I feel I am trusted enough to earn this rank Plus I never really was given a chance by the staff yet either (except those i can talk to more easily)


I Have Done A lot of showing on the application so far but to make it looked a bit more finished I Will Just Add the rest of the information below

Current Rank :Master/Experienced User
OldCP Username:- OldCPHelper
Do You Have The Requirements: Yes
How Long Have You Been On OldCP: Since the beginning of V3 other wise I remember joining on the first week of summer break 2013
Will You Abuse Your Powers: Never
Have You ever had power before and abused it: I had once been a mediator (which I bought) and never took advantage of some features such as the Room Jr adults or walking on walls

I Think that pretty much settles it I hope u enjoyed reading thankYou and Audios My Amigos! And Thank you for spending your time reading this thats right no edits! (except for the last 2 u's into you's)

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in OldCP Band performance • 11th April 2015, 04:36 PM

Thats Right my Amigos! the band is back together after a year now and they want to do a band performance!

the performance will be in 1 week from today (April 18)
new Timing:- May 2nd 2015 1:10 Toronto/Buffalo Standard Time (According To Dave)

food and drinks and entertainment will be served it might even be recorded (if i am able to ask a very humble and kind user who has helped me a lot lately)

if not it will still be fun

here is the info:-

Date: Saturday April 18 2015 May 2nd 2015
Time 1:00 - 1:10
Place:Server Iceberg
Room:Jr Fluffy
if u do not make it in time u can watch it on youtube (again if it works out)

the time may be cancelled so make sure to keep updated on new comments or edits on the post

now u may ask what is the Old Club Penguin Band?
read this to see more

we would love to have ur company at the performance

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Careless User(s) • 11th April 2015, 03:57 PM

Indeed u musnt be careless +1
thanks for the report keep up the good work!

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Cyberbullying • 11th April 2015, 03:46 PM

i get that a lot from Toby and Harry just ignore them

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Useless Discussions • 11th April 2015, 03:37 PM

indeed this spamming is because of earning gold and Requirements to get a higher level
all of gold

they should do some rule for it leading to a 1 day ban or a level decrease of rank lower

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in New at this (/). • 11th April 2015, 03:31 PM

Ah Welcome
you seem to be very good with the forum features already
i am OldCPHelper AKA Delta

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in HOW?? • 10th April 2015, 04:29 PM

ITS IN the wiki in the page known as characters in the r

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Ipbanned • 10th April 2015, 04:24 PM

but u r spamming posts now im getting a bit bored...
i understand u r concerned but spamming might lessen ur chances
i will talk to a mod

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Answers • 10th April 2015, 07:54 AM

well its true i agree and the lie thing too,
but he isnt a lier

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Answers • 10th April 2015, 07:20 AM

I Have Gotten Extremely Mad, on word i am otherwise too confused
i have seen a lot of drama on forums and im rising up to stop it

KH Members and Phoenix Members want to join as well with this mission

all i ever see on reserve on conflict on this website

1) user breaks rule
2) somehow the high average

i think there is another way to reserve it

that every user discusses why they had done their own acts

i came on here and became a helper
but i was a fool to hide myself... my name my age etc
but i know no one would like the original me u may see me laugh oddly meanwhile i might be crying...

either way
i know sherlocks act of reason
he wasnt actually doing it for cause of drama

no one has ever seen me do a bad thing literally that would be horrific to cause havoc on DSGHQ

well see the image

so we judge

still we all have our times
and this is my time
things have gone hard for me and no one has ever understanded my pain Not even anybody who supports sherlock
the only person who understands me is him
so here are your answers
no war
no anything
just confusion

Cat lover
1,721 posts
Posted in Glitch • 9th April 2015, 07:30 PM

youve made a lot of posts like these did u PM a staff member about this and tell them

because there will be discussions
so u should PM a staff member its the best way actually