740 posts
Posted in New LOTB • 2nd May 2021, 03:14 PM

i want to dislike this post. there is no dislike button.
i am now sad.
pic would be the better option.

740 posts
Posted in OldCPv16 & Redemption • 19th April 2021, 06:04 PM

Dice wrote on 19th April 2021, 05:55 PM:
In my opinion, I think the redemption would be better on iOldCP and having only active iOldCP players being able to vote to prevent trolls from voting people out for no reason.

Literally this. We all know redemptions are biased so let's just have only active ioldcp players participate in this one.

740 posts
Posted in OldCPv16 Proposal • 18th April 2021, 06:42 PM

This response is not meant to be rude in any way, shape or form. I do not like this reform at all, I feel like it's a bad idea and I'm going to be blunt about why that is. So I apologize in advance if this hurts anyone's feelings. It needs to be said and I'm not going to spend time sugarcoating this because then I'll just be lying to you about my true feelings and I'm not a liar.

- oldcp is dead, no offense. It won't be doing much. There's no point in merging an alive and thriving game in hopes that it'll revive a dead one. That'll just destroy them both.

- Many people actually don't like oldcp. They don't have good memories with the game and it would just make them not want to log on if the oldcp and ioldcp merged because many people play ioldcp to get away from oldcp. Alot of people that play ioldcp play it because they were bullied on oldcp and don't have good feelings playing oldcp anymore. Merging the two will just lead people to quit.

- ioldcp is perfectly fine as it is. I enjoy it as it is and so do some of the people I've talked to about it.

- PLEASE DO NOT HAVE OLDCP CZ MERGE OVER TO IOLDCP. oldcp cz has gotten repetitive, confusing and boring. ioldcp cz is actually comprehendible and fun. People on ioldcp can take part in CZ whereas in oldcp cz, you're either killed immediately or you're just ignored. And to be honest, more work has been put ioldcp cz- islands have been designed for it and vampires have made a comeback. Detectives in ioldcp actually do their jobs and it's fun to watch.

- Revives actually happen on ioldcp. oldcp, you've said revives would only happen if julian sacrifices himself which has brought down the appeal in logging on. Why log on if you're just going to die automatically to weapon abusers or bots?

- Majority of the people agreeing with the merge hate SG and only want someone else in charge (dislike this, you lot, that'll just cement my point) even though SG does giveaways, inputs new things and actually communicates with his userbase. (Not directed to you, just listing something SG does well that makes him a good warden)

- I feel that the ioldcp staff team is better than the oldcp staff team. They communicate frequently, they solve issues well and they've all shown they deserve the rank they have. A merge would just disrupt that. If you're going to do this merge, keep all the ioldcp staff.

- Database should not be given out like candy. Any admin should go through training before being given it and they should be checked thoroughly before being deemed trustworthy. That would prevent another situation like the one that happened last week or two weeks ago.

- The Warden should remain the same since nothing is actually changing.

- If you're gonna merge, restart the BOS list. If you're changing the way the games are, you might as well change that too. It's outdated and half the people on there either don't play or are no longer problematic and the only reason why some of them are still on there is because of staff bias. Majority of the staff focus on personal feelings. They don't take into consideration apologies, current actions, etc. They focus on the past. I've been called biased by staff for being friends with some BOS people whereas I've seen a staff member keep a person BOS simply because they didn't like them, which in my opinion is rather foolish.

But in reality, nothing is changing. It's going to be the exact same. There's no point in merging, it's not like ioldcp is gaining more members. And honestly, oldcp is being forgotten. An actual event hasn't happened on it since January. That was 3 months ago. Events that normally take place on oldcp now happen on P3D. In my opinion, it's better to just let oldcp die a peaceful death than scramble to keep it alive. Had you suggested this, say, 5 months ago, I'm sure it would've been welcomed. But you're just too late. We've wanted your attention on oldcp for a while now but the damage is just irreversible at this point. The game is officially dead. It's clear you're focused more on P3D and everyone else likes ioldcp as it is. Some people went to ioldcp to escape oldcp because they don't like it or they don't like the people. It's safe to say that if you do this merge, you're just gonna be driving a ton of people into leaving. I know that I, for one, will be one of them.

See Lokis reply on what you should do instead.

But then again, it's your game. It's your decision what you do with it. These are just my thoughts. Though you should understand, you're forcing something that nobody wants and is destined to fail. So honestly- please do not do this merge. I'm literally begging you.

740 posts
Posted in Staff Appreciation Post • 5th April 2021, 06:40 PM


but anyways um
thank u jake : )

740 posts
Posted in Nevermind. • 31st March 2021, 11:16 AM

You remind me of 2018 me. I was the same exact way with being fed up with rude people and so I started being rude back except I realized what I was doing wasn't helping anything.
I'm glad you've apologized. That's a good first step.

740 posts
Posted in HEAVEN LEAK • 26th March 2021, 02:26 PM

Cannot believe you've done this.... how dare you leak something so confidential? Shame on you!


740 posts
Posted in Stop Cross-Platform Banning • 21st March 2021, 10:11 AM

Basically what Miro said- I don't believe people who kill should receive cross-platform bans, I only believe it should happen if they cyberbully/troll/etc. because it limits their ability to do so.

Secondly, please calm down. I see why you're upset but I don't see any reason to be so aggressive. It's just pixels, there's no true harm done.

Thirdly, when you say ''I am talking mainly about rules that CAN OR HAVE ONLY BEEN BROKEN IN ONE PARTICULAR GAME OR PLACE'', I want you to know that the same rule can be broken on another platform. People can kill in oldcp/ioldcp/p3d. People can bully people on every platform. You'll find that nearly every rule can be broken on every platform thus why they're called 'Community Rules'. So I don't quite understand what you meant by this.

Good post though

740 posts
Posted in My Introduction. • 14th March 2021, 12:39 PM

i love u

740 posts
Posted in DRAGON IS BACK • 11th March 2021, 04:30 PM

welcome back

740 posts
Posted in Life Update And What Not. • 7th March 2021, 11:25 AM

WELCOME BACK i just barely remember you.

740 posts
Posted in Behind the Name? • 5th March 2021, 02:50 PM

i was 6.
i liked the show 'shake it up'
Rocky was my favorite character.
Rocky was portrayed by Zendaya.
and there you have it.

740 posts
Posted in Sugar • 1st March 2021, 05:09 PM

im terrified.

(me, looking for the like button and realizing i have centrist on-)

740 posts
Posted in how to moderate the forums properly • 23rd February 2021, 05:48 PM

i feel like an ass for laughing at this