740 posts

I love u bestie

740 posts
Posted in Whats your first forums post? • 4th July 2020, 12:58 PM

I can’t take screenshots cause I’m on my phone and im too stiff to do all that but my first post on forums was in 2015 during summer gom and I kept flooding the discussion with questions.

If I remember right I said “Does it count if you don’t wear the team outfit?”

...I was 8.

740 posts
Posted in Guess The User #2 • 1st July 2020, 10:28 AM

1) door
2) dancebear (we love ted)
3) orbay
4) i wonder who this could be... and I’m not good at fighting >:(
5) jay
6) kace

740 posts
Posted in New rank idea • 30th June 2020, 12:18 PM

We actually had a discussion on this yesterday in the cabinet chat. Good idea :)

740 posts
Posted in Zen's News #6 - GOM STAGE 1 • 26th June 2020, 06:15 PM

What is GOM?
Each season, a three-day long competition is held where teams of more than 3 users compete for the rank of ‘Moderator’. Finalists are chosen in the 5th task of the last day, stage 3, and are questioned separately about what they would do if they were a moderator or why they seem to outshine the rest. During the last task of the last day, the finalists do one final task where they and only them compete- the traditional: Run the Pizza Parlor. This stage is to test how well the finalists can cope with stress as there are up to 50 users in the room each asking different things at once. Finally, the finalists meet back at the office, the top 5 are evaluated in-front of everyone. After getting everyone's hopes up and changing his mind countless times, the new moderator is selected by Damen's infamous 'gut feeling', thus the name Game of Moderators. This competition began in 2013 with winner Journey and remains a thing 5 years later.

The Teams
- Khrysalis, lead by Layla. Co-lead by Zen
- Sugar, lead by Cristal. Co-lead by Sugar
- Fairytales, lead by Kat. Co-lead by Rachel

Task #1 - Tell a story using 4 images. Post on forums in 10 minutes

Khrysalis story:

Sushi story:

Fairytales story:

Task #1 Winner: Sushi

Task #2 - Create a team dance. Performances are in 10 minutes.

Fairytales Dance

Sushi Dance

Khrysalis Dance

Task #2 Winner: Fairytales

Task #3 - Team activities. Go to the forest.

Task #3 Winner: Sushi

Stage #1 Winner: Sushi

General Classification:

Good job to all teams. You guys did well! Stage 2 is tomorrow at 5 PM EST. IT HAS ALREADY BEGAN! Make a WIKI. Best wiki wins. YOU HAVE 23 HOURS TO COMPLETE THIS. DO NOT RUSH. For those of you who play P3D the space update should be out in an hour or two.

740 posts
Posted in GOM Story - EVIL VS GOOD • 26th June 2020, 05:16 PM


740 posts
Posted in Racist IMPERIAL agent • 25th June 2020, 11:57 AM

AudreyGalx wrote on 25th June 2020, 07:53 AM:
zes wrote on 25th June 2020, 01:40 AM:
Imperial WYLIN bruh. THE HELL
AudreyGalx wrote on 25th June 2020, 12:21 AM:
Ape isn't a racial slur
imma be real tho sayin ape really aint ok lol
Ok but it's still not racist

It has its moments where it is non-racist and racist but it's still a pretty harmful thing to say to someone, especially to someone of color. If you look up the word you can read all sorts of recent news stories where people have used the word to insult BLM supporters, and where a young girl unintentionally used it to hurt an AFL player. According to a snippet from a thedailyvox article, ''The association of black people with monkeys is traced to the start of the Europeans’ reign of plunder and terror in these parts. And it has consistently been used to denigrate black people as being less worthy of dignity than their white counterparts.'' You can read that article here. And speaking truthfully, how would you personally feel if someone equivalated you to a monkey/ape due to the color of your skin or your facial structure? Overall it really isn't something you should say to another person... but that's just my opinion.

740 posts
Posted in Possible Bug? • 24th June 2020, 09:40 PM

I have this too- I just relog.

740 posts
Posted in Happy Pride Month! • 23rd June 2020, 09:32 PM

Here's a bit of history:

For those of you confused or angered over the existence of pride month, correct me if I'm wrong, it was founded to commemorate the 1969 Stonewall Riots sparked by the anger of the LGBTQ+ Community after law enforcement raided their bar and mocked a woman for wearing masculine clothing. Pride exists today to show solidarity, awareness and respect for those in the LGBTQ+ Community. Many people in the LGBTQ+ Community have this month to be proud of who they are without fear of retribution and to acknowledge the wins and losses they faced while fighting for liberation. As a matter of fact, here's what the colors on the flag stand for:

Red: Life
Orange: Healing
Yellow: Sunlight
Green: Nature
Blue: Serenity
Purple: Spirit

More recently the colors of black and brown were added.

Black: Diversity
Brown: Inclusivity

While many people may not like or appreciate their sexualities or relationships you could at the very least respect their history. Everyone is a human being, regardless of race, gender-preference, gender, etc. and they should not be looked down upon for how they choose to live their lives. As Chis said, a point which I cannot help but agree with, LGBTQ+ people have faced oppression and hatred of the heterosexual community for many years on end. Children of same-sex parentage were slaughtered. People were literally hunted down and murdered. A young boy was dragged tied to a truck while straight men laughed drunkenly for miles. And for what reason did they deserve such horrific deaths? For Loving those of the same gender, changing their genders because they did not feel comfortable and were insecure?

For those of you saying 'Well why isn't heterosexuality brought up', people who are heterosexual do not have to face the same fears as someone in the LGBTQ+ community. They don't have to fear for their lives, they don't have to fear disownment or pity from the people they love, they don't have people tell them to go to hell just for loving someone of their gender. They don't have to fight for their right to marry. They don't have silly little boys make harmful jokes about their sexualities. They don't get up every morning wondering if it'll be their last, or if they'll be the target of a hate-crime.

I have and always will respect the members of the LGBTQ+ community and while I understand everyone has been raised to hold different beliefs, I have been taught to respect a person no matter what. Homophobic behavior genuinely disgusts me and it angers me to an extent that I cannot describe in words.

That's just my two cents. I felt I needed to say that and I am in no way/shape/form degrading anyone for their beliefs. I respect you all regardless of what you believe but I just had to say that. Happy Pride Month to all who are celebrating.

740 posts
Posted in Introducing: Khrysalis! • 22nd June 2020, 12:57 PM

Making this post for Layla considering she doesn't currently have computer access. Also... im smart, I accidentally deleted the original so this may look different.

''Where the Shadows lie''

Description/Origin of the name: Many of you may be wondering 'What the heck is Khrysalis?' Basically its a world in the MMO Wizard101. You have to be atleast level 85 to access it and you have to have completed the pre-quest 'Speaker for the Dead' in Azteca (the quest after completing the instance 'This is the Way the World Ends' in Xibalba). W101 Central explains it as this; “Still confident from her victory in Azteca, Morganthe has dragged the souls of the oldest Aztecosaurs to her dark tower to assemble the Celestial Choir in her place of power. Now she will use their primal song to rewrite the Spiral in her image. The Council of Light, that ancient assembly under the leadership of Merle Ambrose, knows it has precious little time to act. Merle gathers what is left of the council – the Emperor of MooShu, Diego the Duelmaster and Lydia Greyrose – and they come up with a desperate plan: arm the Wizards and send them into the spider’s fangs. The call to action is now! Morganthe has created an eldritch ward to hold back her ancient enemies. But the Council of Light believes the heroic Wizards can use trickery and willpower to slip through her defenses, in their last, best hope to shatter her plans. You will be called upon to travel to a small Spiral island, a fragment of a broken world lost to time. From the edge of this island, one can see the dark swirl of Khrysalis. You will explore Morganthe's world, searching for ways to disrupt her power, help those pinned down under the weight of her tyranny, and learn the secrets of her magic in order to have a chance of restoring the Spiral.” It happens to be both mine and Layla's favorite world and so we decided to create a GOM team named after it.

Originally we were going to name it after our 2nd favorite world, Polaris, but we decided against it as its too similar to Solaris.

Team Information:

Leader: Layla

Co-Leader: Rootss/Zen

Member(s): Chopper, Skippy, Saber

Pending/Deciding: Warth, Dice, Ollo

Discord Server: https://discord.gg/gVRGJJg

Rules/Regulations (For the Discord Server AND for the team)

• Follow OldCP guidelines, as well as the community values. (https://forums.damenspike.com/view/161, https://oldcp.biz/rules/)
• Respect other members of the server, including house members or not.
• Do not promote your own server or house w/out permission from Lady of House or Heir. Chat Moderators cannot give permission, and will remove your message
• Do not spam in any form. Spamming the staff with pings, spamming the chat, and spamming bot commands all apply to this rule.
• Do not harass staff if their assistance is needed. This will give you a less likely chance of them being willing to help you.
• Do not play obnoxiously loud sounds/songs or send obscene content, as well as sending epilepsy-inducing content. Please use spoiler if you are sending content that could be considered epilepsy-inducing.

So... How do I join?

You can join by DMING either myself or Layla on discord. We don't really have an application process, you just have to follow the rules above.

Layla's Tag: laylette#7578

My Tag: zenny#0666

Questions? Comments? Concerns? We're happy to hear them. Hopefully we'll see you all there.

740 posts
Posted in Game Of Mods Summer 2020 • 21st June 2020, 12:17 PM

Always love this. we'll be there : )

740 posts
Posted in miso art challenge • 21st June 2020, 01:32 AM

my kitten is named miso can I send her-
this is so cute

740 posts
Posted in oldcp bos ban appeal • 20th June 2020, 10:46 PM


bff you already know I forgive you. as you said, you were surrounding yourself with toxic people at that time. and besides, people make mistakes. its what makes them human. nobody's perfect. people shouldn't hold a grudge on you for something that happened like 4 or so months ago. just because one strawberry is sour doesn't mean the rest are bad. would u throw away a batch without giving it a try? regardless, thank you for apologizing. its clear that you genuinely want to change so hopefully you can be taken off BOS.

I love u bff.

740 posts
Posted in Ban Appeal • 19th June 2020, 12:22 PM

girlie I forgive you. ive known you for 5 years and I know you would never purposefully say or do anything to hurt people in the lgbtq community. sometimes when people are bored they do awful things that they don't really mean. you've apologized twice for this now, heck, there's people who've done worse than what you did and have had people turn a blind eye to them so I don't see why you're still getting bashed over something that happened a week or two ago. I don't mean to be rude or ignorant or anything, what you did was wrong but its not like you go around using homophobic slurs as insults.