740 posts
Posted in Snaildom Connect Four Competition • 16th May 2020, 05:43 PM

Firstly I would like to apologize for my lack of reporting. I've been MIA to clear my head. School has just been stressing me out lately and a lot of things have been going on mentally but I've gotten on track and hopefully will be able to report more frequently.

For an account on yesterday’s events, please read Jenna’s report before continuing.

Snaildom Connect Four Competition:


Round One:
Swirlie vs Rachel at the left table
Jaden vs Jenna at the middle table
Ollo vs Randy at the right table
Jaden beats Jenna in the first round. Randy beats Ollo. Swirlie beats Rachel.

Round Two:

Dice vs MNM21 at the right table
Jaden vs Saber at the middle table
Knife vs Fizza at the left table
Dice beat MNM in the second round. Jaden beats Saber. Knife beats Fizza.

Round Three:
Swirlie vs Jaden at the middle table
Knife vs Dice at the left table
Swirlie beat Jaden at the middle table and advances to the championship

Round Four: {Semifinals}
Randy vs Dice at the left table
Randy beat Dice and advances to the championship.

Swirlie vs Randy at the left table.
Randy was afk for many moments causing Swirlie to become bored. He came back after about 7 minutes of inactivity and the game commenced. After many moments of painfully long, nail-biting suspense, Randy shocked us all and bested find-four goddess Swirlie and won the grand prize of 200 gold. Swirlie achieved 75 gold for participation. Congratulations and good sportsmanship to all.

Damenball Match
In a throwback to the good old days of 2015, Sam hosted a Damenball Soccermatch. It is basically virtual soccer with two teams, red and green. Sam admits to just needing gold. Saber and Tom are the only ones going. Well, it did not last long. The final score was 13-17 with red team in the lead.

Extra News:

- The Snaildom Staff are looking for new Moderators. You can learn more here.

- Game of Kings Contestant Dancebear and her Helper Zes are throwing an event… you can learn more here.

- For a list on those competing in GOK, check Dice's report here.

Thanks for reading. Tomorrow's report will be written by Dice.

Also please wish Chis a happy birthday if you see him. :)

740 posts
Posted in Emergency OldCP Press Conference • 15th May 2020, 03:11 PM

Supermikey97 wrote on 15th May 2020, 03:08 PM:
I feel bad for the poor 26-year-old BBC reporters that had to witness stuff like that

Personally I feel bad for the children, such as myself, that were subjected to viewing horrific discussion on that.

740 posts
Posted in My apology to the community. • 8th May 2020, 11:18 PM

Your apology seems sincere and really well written. While I won’t forget the things you’ve said to me, I can forgive you. I hope we can actually get to know eachother instead of bicker over small things. :)

740 posts
Posted in FGOM: My Mom • 5th May 2020, 04:47 PM

Girlie, I love you so much. I'm so sorry about what happened. The grieving process is horrible, when I lost my grandmother it took me a full year to come to terms with the fact she wouldn't be there whenever I walked to their house. But you putting this out here shows you're strong and I know how much she meant to you. I'm always going to be here for you if you just need to rant about something but honestly, this post.. this post is just wonderful. Love you, always.

740 posts
Posted in Zen's FGOM Story • 5th May 2020, 12:37 PM

This post will be relatively short because it's a simple but fascinating story to tell and because I don't really remember it well considering it happened 9 years ago.
Topic: I made a half-court in basketball when I was 4

I don't know what team this is but this is basically what I did

At this academy I used to go to in pre-k they had a rule where if you were in the aftercare/daycare section and your family/guardians hadn't come to pick you up yet you could play in the gym. Me being 4 years old, I was EXTREMELY athletic and hyper. Like, I once threw myself down a flight of carpeted stairs just to feel the adrenaline. So anyways I had 'friends' who were all like 11-12 years older than me who wanted to play basketball and I was like ''basketball? join.'' I DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO SPEAK FULL SENTENCES WHEN I WAS 4 I TRIED MY BEST.

So eventually they let me join them because they didn't want to be known as the jerks who turned down a hyperactive baby. And so the game began. I didn't get the ball many times, I just kinda dawdled around in the half-court area but in one instance I saw the ball rolling out of bounds.. and so I went for it. The boys were all confused and they were like ''Give the ball please.'' and I was like ''throw.'' AND SO I TURNED AROUND, BENT MY NECK SO I WAS STARING AT THE HOOP UPSIDE DOWN AND I CHUCKED THAT THING OVER MY HEAD BACKWARDS. And somehow it made it in the hoop. Now keep in mind, the gym at that school is absolutely gigantic, like, if I were to estimate I'd say it's about 65 feet from the left wall to the right. And that's the length of the court we were playing on and I was standing like 32.5 feet.

I was literally 3'8 myself. My head barely reached half those boys waists and yet I made a half-court. Needless to say they were impressed. Oh and one of them was also on the basketball team and funnily enough the captain was also there and.. yeah. Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely hated that school because the older kids would harass the younger ones just because the young ones couldn't do anything about it (I was one of the ones who got harassed, it was horrible) but I loved those people that I befriended.

But also, there's a lesson that could be learned here- never judge a person by their size or age. We're all capable of being extraordinary.

740 posts
Posted in Coca and I are back! • 4th May 2020, 01:46 AM

I remember you both :) welcome back

740 posts
Posted in FGOM Stage 3 FINAL • 3rd May 2020, 01:17 PM

that was fun

I totally did not have nightmares from envisioning said creature in my mind

740 posts
Posted in lets play a game • 3rd May 2020, 12:10 AM

1. you're always.. talking abt rappers

2. I thought you were rude and I didn't likeyou

3. ''WTH?''

740 posts
Posted in Banker Application - Zen • 30th April 2020, 10:00 PM

I'm going to attempt to keep this as short and as sweet as possible.

Who am I?

My current username is Rootss but I prefer to be called 'Zen' instead. I have many aliases like Zendaya2408, ZendayaII-IIII (very stupid, I know), Rootbeer55, Roots and, as you all know, Roots. I have been a member of this community for the past 5 years. I joined on June 6th, 2015. In real life my hobbies include bowling, reading, writing, cooking and baking. I've memorized the recipe for cookies and, if you asked, I would willingly bake for hours on end. The highest amount of cookies I've baked was 8 batches worth, 96 cookies in total. All homemade. But I don't mind. It's just.. relaxing. On oldcp I'm currently a Press, Deputy Head actually, so most of my free-time is spent organizing the format(s) for future reports. It's quite fun. Many people would shudder at the mere thought of needing to write so much but it's cool. It's great. I can't write as much as I used to anymore since I've developed Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in both hands but I try my best to get some stuff in.

Experience: In the past 5 years I have obtained multiple ranks such as...

- Imperial Knight x4
- Wise One x1
- War Knight x2
- House Guard x1
- Nightwatch/Nightwatch Commander x1
- News Reporter x3
- OldCP Moderator x2
- DSGHQ Member x2
- DSGHQ Master (I think??? Might've been on RCHQ but I can't remember)

How do you reach the Requirements?

Knowledge of how to transfer gold between accounts on oldcp
- I have knowledge of how to transfer gold between accounts on oldcp. [/transfer (username) (amount)]

Excellent Reputation with oldcp Administration
- I believe I have a good reputation with them. We may not socialize on a daily-basis but we get along well enough.

Basic math skills such as: addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and percentages.
- I'm very decent in math. I can do addition + multiplication mentally, subtraction + division I need a pen/paper for. Percentages, however, are my downfall. I can do 10% but everything above that is just... yeah. I would need a calculator for that.

How will you handle Roles and Responsibilities?

Follow the orders of the LOTB
- As in any job, you need to follow the rules your boss provides. That should be no different here. I will follow the rules of the LOTB.

Follow the Imperial bank spreadsheet
- If you do not follow the spreadsheet, you would not know who gets paid what amount. To correctly do your job, you should follow the Imperial Bank spreadsheet and that's exactly what I'd do.

Pay ranked users their monthly salary
- Of course I would pay ranked users their monthly salary. If you did not pay them, then you would not be doing your job and then you'd be risking demotion.

Assist the lotb in decision making
- Naturally I am very good when it comes to making decisions. With this ability I feel as though I would do a satisfactory job in assisting the LOTB in decision-making.

Use the imperial bank account ONLY For rank payments
- Of course I would use the bank account only for rank payments. The bank account does not belong to you nor is it yours to steal from. Without the money in the bank account the gold balance would become uneven and that could affect the payment towards users at the end of each month.

So, yeah. There's my application. I'm sorry it's so short, I was just trying to state the wanted information and not go off onto a ramble like I do in other applications.

740 posts
Posted in Facts About Lil Khal K • 30th April 2020, 09:05 PM

BeanOffical wrote on 30th April 2020, 08:10 PM:
Warth wrote on 30th April 2020, 08:07 PM:
BeanOffical wrote on 30th April 2020, 07:47 PM:
Zendaya2408 wrote on 30th April 2020, 12:57 PM:
No, you were a jock in 2015 too. Remember the gang, Chase....
you, me, rachel (not 2016 rachel), cookie, payton, max... (might've been another dude I forgot)
I was also there lmao, we use to have online fist fights
who won?
Me ong


740 posts
Posted in Facts About Lil Khal K • 30th April 2020, 12:57 PM

No, you were a jock in 2015 too. Remember the gang, Chase....
you, me, rachel (not 2016 rachel), cookie, payton, max... (might've been another dude I forgot)

740 posts
Posted in Banker Vacancy • 29th April 2020, 11:48 PM

dang it.. I was gonna apply and then you brought up percentages. I absolutely suck at that. But all the others I excel in :(

740 posts
Posted in FGOM Stage 2 • 29th April 2020, 07:25 PM

A chill, howling wind swept through the room even though all windows were closed and the ceiling fans were off. Alarmed, I spun around attempting to find the source of the eccentric winds but as quickly as they began, they stopped. And then the house was left in complete and utter silence. For a moment I thought I was simply imagining things, that my mind was playing tricks on me in my tired state. But then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw it. A flicker of silver light. The materialization of a pale being with a rotted skeletal face and pupil-less bloodshot eyes that stared unblinking. I stumbled back into the wall, my heart banging against the wall of my chest at a million miles per minute. What the hell is that thing? Whatever it was it crawled towards me at an antagonizingly slow pace. It stopped right before me, stood up and towered over me, its head nearly touching the ceiling. After a few moments it lowered its head over mine and opened its mouth, smiling inhumanly wide, portraying its rows of dagger-like yellowed teeth.

Hello.” it rasped.

Edit; I love u for this prompt
Double edit: http://prntscr.com/s8d1ph - me and my high level vocabulary are gonna go cry