740 posts
Posted in FGOM Stage 1 - Dayton • 29th April 2020, 02:57 PM

This is cute, Day. I'd like it but I can't because of my sacrifice. : (

740 posts
Posted in Forums Redemption Results April 2020 • 28th April 2020, 04:25 PM

AudreyGalx wrote on 28th April 2020, 10:37 AM:
Gonna be real, I've seen the approved demotions do more than all the denied demotions as a whole.

I'd like this if it wasn't for my sacrifice. These are my exact thoughts, like, no disrespect to them and all but Scott was an excellent mod and I just cant understand why he was demoted.

740 posts
Posted in OldCP Verification System • 28th April 2020, 04:00 PM

Oh gosh.. I remember when I was a mod and we were looking over the verification list and there was like 800 people on it....
half of them were like inappropriate names it was so crazy

740 posts
Posted in FGOM Stage 1 - Zen's Facts • 27th April 2020, 06:36 PM

Cindie wrote on 27th April 2020, 06:30 PM:
These are really interesting facts! I feel like for some reason in entering sophomore and junior year as pressure increased my writing in english began to get worse and I burned out over time. I hope unlike me you keep writing and improving and I can tell your skill comes super naturally to you:)

thank you cyn <3 I love u.

i'd like your post but I cant because of my sacrifice

740 posts
Posted in FGOM Stage 1 - Ian • 27th April 2020, 06:09 PM

Nice job. I wish you luck : )

I’d like this but I can’t due to my sacrifice

740 posts
Posted in FGOM Stage 1 - Zen's Facts • 27th April 2020, 03:02 PM

Hey guys. This may seem longer than other people's posts but you know me, I cannot handle writing anything in short length. Let's begin with basics.

Interesting facts about me:

First Fact: I have an aptitude for ELA (most of you know it better as English but here it's English Language Arts). As seen by my writing here, my essays tend to go above and beyond. The lowest I've ever been marked was a 84%. The first time I took our state test PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) was when I was in 3rd grade. I was 9 years old. On the writing portion I achieved an 819 scoring and a Level 5 Rating. Over the years I have grown in that number.

Age 10: 4th grade 805, Level 5
Age 11: 5th grade 826, Level 5
Age 12: 6th grade 798, Level 5

If you guys don't take PARCC (now renamed to MCAP) basically the highest you can get in the ELA portion is 870 and Level 5. I got close to that many times.

Second Fact: I'm a competitive bowler. I started bowling in 2015 when I was 8 years old. I was pretty bad, not gonna lie. My first ball was a pink and white 8 pound. Anyways, over the years I have grown in upper-arm strength and my bowling balls have changed as well. After the pink and white one I used a grey and green 10 pound, after that I used a black and blue 14 pound and I currently am using a black 16 pound. All of my balls aside from the pink and white are fitted with inserts to help me grip the ball and that's because I have very small fingers and I kept dropping the ball on the swing. My equipment includes a black towel to wipe off the oil, slippers to protect the slide on the bottom of the shoe, red tape because I always tear the skin of my thumb off, a shoe brush and powder. A little over a year ago I was bowling and for some reason I was doing really well and got 7 consecutive strikes. Basically that means you're bound to get a 200, which I did. My final and highest score is a 235.

Last year I was on the travel team. Basically each month we travelled around Virginia to go to different tournaments. Even though it was really painful because the tournaments were always Sunday and I bowled 4 games Saturday, they were really fun. I met a lot of people outside my age group. Honestly I was the second youngest there. The youngest was on my team but she was really sweet. I befriended a lot of 19 and 18 year olds and, while they were strange, they were all really funny and kind and I hope they're doing well in college.

Third Fact: I have many phobias. I may seem brave but no, in reality I'm just as terrified of things as anyone else.

Agoraphobia - Fear of crowds, feeling helpless and vulnerable.

Aphenphosmphobia - Fear of being touched. I never knew what caused mine but whenever anyone does sudden movements near me I flinch. I think it's caused because my cousin used to be not-right in the mind and he would always attack me and crap. But he's okay now, he's on meds. But basically I don't let you touch me unless you're family or close friends.

Claustrophobia - Fear of confined spaces. Genetic. Passed by my grandfather.

Glossophobia - Fear of public speaking. Basically I start shaking and it's really noticeable but it doesn't affect my voice/presentation and it's gotten better over the years.

Selenophobia - Fear of the moon. This is a really strange one that I have but I am absolutely TERRIFIED of supermoons.

Fourth Fact: I suffer from Misophonia. It's a disorder which literally means 'the hatred of sounds'. According to WebMD, this is an explanation of it:

''Misophonia is a disorder in which certain sounds trigger emotional or physiological responses that some might perceive as unreasonable given the circumstance. Those who have misophonia might describe it as when a sound “drives you crazy.” Their reactions can range from anger and annoyance to panic and the need to flee. The disorder is sometimes called selective sound sensitivity syndrome.''

My triggers include tapping, clicking, humming, deep breathing, etc. Last year I had to eat in a room away from everyone else because the noise was literally driving me insane. Whenever my triggers are set off, I at first get extremely uncomfortable but that quickly morphs into me becoming absolutely enraged. I've been known to walk over and hit people in episodes in order to stop the noise and I end up screaming a lot. It's not very fun. It's a genetic thing that I got from my mother.

Fifth Fact: My reading level is advanced for those my age. When I was in 3rd grade we had this website where we would put in the book we read for a certain number of 'points' that would then determine your reading level at the end of the year. I always read heavy books like Harry Potter, Twilight, Lord of the Rings, etc. My reading level was around the 10th-11th grade range and I believe it's stayed the same ever since. So basically I'm a huge geek : )

Soooo yeah! Those are my facts. Very long, I know, I've been typing for the past two hours but I genuinely don't mind. Adios.

740 posts
Posted in Moderator Rank • 25th April 2020, 09:04 PM

I agree with your post. It really isn't about the power. In my application towards the end I wrote a paragraph on what the rank means to me and I state, ''It's not about the power you're given. It's not about the popularity you receive, nor the experience added to your resume. It's about having the ability to assist those who have questions/concerns/feedback. To act against those who do wrong and to help in any way possible.''

740 posts
Posted in Forums Moderator Application | Dayton • 25th April 2020, 03:53 AM

This is a really nice application. Good luck Day<3

740 posts
Posted in Forums Moderator Application • 25th April 2020, 01:37 AM

Jonathan1tt1 wrote on 25th April 2020, 01:34 AM:


740 posts
Posted in Forums Mod App - Sam • 25th April 2020, 01:25 AM

GOOD LUCK SAMMY I love you so much
should've included topaz tho :/
jk jk gl<3

740 posts
Posted in Moderator Application ~Jay • 25th April 2020, 01:18 AM

Damn, you multi-tasking LOL


740 posts
Posted in forums mod app ian • 25th April 2020, 01:03 AM

This is a really nice application. Goes straight to the point. Even though we may not get on very well, I wish you good luck. :)

740 posts
Posted in Forums Moderator Application • 25th April 2020, 12:57 AM

OldCP Username: Rootss

Hello. Most people typically know me better as Rootbeer55 or Zen. I'm the Deputy Head Reporter of the Press and I spend a lot of my free-time organizing past reports or creating new templates for future reports. But I don't revolve ALL my time around stuff for OldCP! I'm currently 13 years of age, 14 in five months, but my maturity can sometimes get the best of me thus making me seem older than I truly am. My hobbies include reading, writing and bowling. While I may seem small in person, I have great upper-arm strength due to me bowling with a 16-pound ball. Each year I get invited to special tournaments that require travelling out of state. Not to brag but my high game is 235.

Anyways, I joined the community on June 6th, 2015 as an eight-year-old but did not join Forums until October 15th, 2015 as a nine-year-old. Forums Moderator has always been an aspiration of mine. I bet if you look back through the applications section here you'd see a great load of my past applications. While we're on the subject of ranks, my five years on this game has allowed me to achieve many ranks such as...

- OldCP Discord Moderator, 2017 x1
- OldCP Moderator x2
- Press x3/Current
- Wise One x1
- Imperial Knight x3
- War Knight x2
- House Guard x1
- Dorval Nightwatch/Nightwatch Commander x1
and many more.

My time-zone is Eastern Standard Time (EST for short) which allows me to be online for a great part of the day. I tend to take up around 12:00-1:00 PM due to my screwed up sleep schedule but after I wake up I'm online forums until I go to sleep at 3:00 AM. Not very healthy but hey, it's quarantine, we can let some stuff slide. On oldcp I tend to be online for atleast five hours a day, not as great as what others can handle but satisfactory nonetheless.

The reason why I feel like I'd be an ideal candidate for Forums Moderator is due to my experience. While I've never been a Moderator on THIS particular platform, I have had experience with similar ranks before. Being a Moderator means you have to have patience. You need to understand other(s) and you need to be able to distinguish right from wrong. This is a platform where people tend to get into disagreements and arguments with each-other which will often-times lead to unwanted drama. A good Moderator would approach the situation responsibly and calmly, listen to both sides of the story while meditating a calm atmosphere and take care of the situation without causing it to progress further. In true honestly and with all due respect, I have seen countless instances where staff will rush into situations where two users are causing drama with each-other and automatically choose a side, assisting one in berating another. Genuinely speaking, this is something I frown upon- a Staff member should do their absolute best to end bad blood between others, not aid in deepening wounds. I feel as though I have the traits that would make me suitable in listening to other's without getting offended and ending issues with the use of the Restorative Approach. While many may frown and laugh at it, the Approach is something that has been used countless times in the past by both former staff and myself as a means to end arguments and I would do my very best to maintain a respectful and drama-free discussion, should opportunity to use it arise.

Another reason why I feel like I would make a suitable candidate for Forums Moderator is because of my ability to be the 'first' on the scene. You see, due to my wonky schedule I tend to be online at times where rule-breakers thrive. When I see something against the rules and no Moderators are online, I tend to take screenshots of the ongoings and personally send them to Forums Staff. Either I post it in rankhub or I DM a staff member individually. Most of the time these instances would often slip by or not be discovered until morning when many have seen them. And if people see it, they will be either under the impression that A) the staff are not doing their jobs or B ) it's allowed and will do it as well. Not only will this create a chaotic environment but it would give the staff a living hell trying to get everything sorted and under control. And if people get upset over the fact that they are banned, I would respectfully remind them that the rules are in place for a reason and that if they did not wish to get banned, they could either make an appeal or just follow the rules in the future. In my persistency to uphold a safe and child-friendly environment I have passed along numerous reports of rule-breaking to the staff and as a Moderator, I will not slack on those actions.

In conclusion, I just want to say what the rank Forums Moderator means to me: It's not about the power you're given. It's not about the popularity you receive, nor the experience added to your resume. It's about having the ability to assist those who have questions/concerns/feedback. To act against those who do wrong and to help in any way possible. In being a Forums Moderator, you become a person people respect, a person they look up to. People will go to you for advice. They will visit you if they need guidance. You're one of the first they go to if someone's bullying them, the first they visit should they need help. In being a Forums Moderator it becomes your priority to keep the place a safe-haven, to hold your arms wide and shield those who are being harassed. But that does not mean you should baby people, defend the people who break the rules or side with those who do wrong. While respecting others is a key contributor to a peaceful community, sometimes it's good to have a bark to your bite. Just not to let it get out of hand. But this rank is something that should be cherished, should be appreciated because it's not a thing you receive every day. It's something that proves you're trusted and it's up to you to live up to that trust that others see in you. It's up to you to be a role-model for the younger people. Those are my honest thoughts. And I apologize if you may feel like I'm ''kissing up'' or whatever- that's just how I genuinely feel.

Anyways, I suppose that concludes my application. Good luck to everyone who applies.

740 posts
Posted in Remembering the Armenian Genocide • 24th April 2020, 03:38 PM

Thanks for this post. I didn't really understand what it was before now but now that I do, i'm honestly shocked. I agree with what Gus said, it really is sad to see people be killed for defending themselves.

740 posts
Posted in Best Musicians/Bands of All Time? • 24th April 2020, 03:17 AM

Honestly, I like many rock bands.

- Metallica
- My Chemical Romance
- Fall Out Boy
- Bring Me The Horizon
- YUNGBLUD (he’s a pop rocker so he’s included)
- I Prevail
- Beartooth
- Falling in Reverse
- Asking Alexandria
- The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
- Set it Off (pop punk but counts)
and a lot more

Honestly I don’t really care for the other genres. I just like rock a lot because I was in a really bad way in 2018 and I didn’t have anyone to comfort me because it was at a time before I met my online bff and I just started listening to it one day and even though it made me completely emo for a while, it really did basically save my life because I was deteriorating fast and nobody would help me.

Also I kinda grew up on Metallica so that’s why it’s there, everyone else was just discovered via Spotify and recommendations.