740 posts
Posted in This isn't ok • 21st April 2020, 01:44 PM

I can't help but agree more. I mean no disrespect to Lex but.. dude. Maybe if you try being respectful and stop pestering the staff/harassing people/calling people names, perhaps you'll actually get unbanned???
Like, I'm sorry, but that's just common sense, man. Treat people the way you wanna be treated- if you don't like how people are replying to you, maybe you should stop doing it to them.

740 posts
Posted in Vanity • 20th April 2020, 04:34 PM

I only post on my Instagram once every month or unless I have something interesting or serious to share, so like..
but pictures of myself?
hell no.
only pictures of myself are half-faced or from baby zen.

740 posts
Posted in Random News w/ Zen #2 • 20th April 2020, 01:23 PM

adawg wrote on 20th April 2020, 01:06 PM:
Zendaya2408 wrote on 20th April 2020, 01:03 PM:
adawg wrote on 20th April 2020, 10:18 AM:
damn bruh, Random Newz?
I remember when Me and Freddy created RandomNewz in late 2016.
Interesting to see yall tryna re-create it but if you want pointers, let me know so I can help yall work on this.
oh damn I didn’t know it existed before..
I just chose the name from a random thought lmaooo
yeah man, RandomNewz was a big thing from RandomProductionz INC in the community a few years back. We had a youtube channel and everything. We went on for about three seasons before Freddy and I beefed and it ended. Miss those days.

you should bring it back, it sounds really cool :)

740 posts
Posted in Random News w/ Zen #2 • 20th April 2020, 01:03 PM

adawg wrote on 20th April 2020, 10:18 AM:
damn bruh, Random Newz?
I remember when Me and Freddy created RandomNewz in late 2016.
Interesting to see yall tryna re-create it but if you want pointers, let me know so I can help yall work on this.

oh damn I didn’t know it existed before..
I just chose the name from a random thought lmaooo

740 posts
Posted in Honorable Payoff • 20th April 2020, 03:05 AM

This is a really great idea, Chelsey. Keep going, you’re doing spectacular so far :)

740 posts
Posted in Thank You • 20th April 2020, 01:13 AM

ur so sweet I love u

740 posts
Posted in Random News w/ Zen #2 • 19th April 2020, 05:34 PM

a throwback from 2017 reports created by the legendary MNM21

Hey, cool, dual report :):)

Well, today was the day the vacancy results came in. Vacancies are where you can apply for ranks like Mod, Press, etc. These vacancy results are for Moderator, Detective Inspector + Sergeant.

Based 40% on applications, 60% on in-game activity
Topic One: Mod Announcements

First Mod: Jilly – 1 day, 20 hours, 37 minutes, 18 seconds
Second Mod: Sampopxxx101 – 3 days, 16 hours, 11 minutes, 16 seconds
Third Mod: Swirlie – 11 days, 12 hours, 41 minutes, 55 seconds

Based 40% on applications, 60% on in-game activity
Topic Two: Detective Announcements

Detective Inspector: Hashir – 10 hours, 52 seconds
Detective Sergeant: Sugarcane – 23 hours, 52 minutes, 37 seconds

- Chelsey has been promoted to Administrator. Swirlie has reclaimed Head Moderator.
- If you received a detective rank and are not active/engaging in crime zone/forgetting about it, you will not receive these ranks.
- Sugar will keep the rank for 5 days. If, after the 5 days are up and Hashir does not wish her to remain SGT, Bakon will take her place.
- Door was originally meant to be a Detective due to her incredible reports but she did not apply.
- Message from Raindrop: ‘’Keep calm and play oldcp’’

So yeah. That was basically all that went on today aside from a few fights this morning, a gigantic 'MUMU' person and a few spammers that managed to crash the server.. but to see all that, you probably might wanna visit Dice's report.

In other news, LeoRPG 2 is looking for beta testers. See Tennis's discussion for more information.

On a completely irrelevant note, we've reached 100 vacancies. REMEMBER WHEN THE FIRST VACANCY CAME OUT? I do. It was for moderator... June 2017, I only remember because it was my first instance as mod. Really fun. :)

...still not done talking! On Thursday, Tent and Yeet will be trialed for the murder(s) of users. Check out Sled's post for more information. Dice will be reporting this trial.


740 posts
Posted in Moderating Efficiently • 18th April 2020, 09:12 PM

Great post, Chelsey. I think this was really needed.

740 posts
Posted in Random News with Zen #1 • 17th April 2020, 08:35 PM

Well you know what this means...


Truth be told, I don't know why I'm doing this, I just got really bored and well... THERES SOME STUFF THAT NEEDS REPORTING! Also, I'm changing the name of my news thingy to this because ''Rootbeer Times'' doesn't really go well anymore. I mean, yeah, it can still work but I play on Rootss now and not Rootbeer55- yeah. So anyways, here's what you came for: random news.

Topic One: The Search and Return

The Crime Office has officially returned! These are Sled's words on the topic: ''On to the more exciting part though. The new crime office will welcome inclusion to all members of the OldCP community that are interested in crimezone and want to help out. These members of the community will be called "sleuths." Yes, there will still be detectives & they will have their own private chat, but members of the OldCP community are welcomed to chat and give help to the investigation – and maybe, just maybe, they will earn the rank of detective if they prove themselves worthy.''

The return of the Crime Office comes the return of Detectives of all range. You can apply for Inspector here. You can apply for Sergeant here. I do believe there's a link to Detective Applications in their discord server but seeing as I do not have very much interest or understand very much about crimezone, I've yet to join it.

Discord server: https://discord.gg/9g3KCCa

Topic Two: North Warlord Incoming

Seeing as our former Warlord of the North was trialed for treason, we're in need of another. This is what KOTN iBlue has to say for those interested in competing: ''The rewards will be rank 3 (if allowed by sled), blizzard beaut, clsnorthdouble, a bigger size, and a custom gray title. Hope to see you there!'' The Tournament will take place Saturday, April 18th at 5 PM EST. Pretty cool prizes too- I'd participate if I wasn't such a horrible fighter. :')

Topic Three: New Crimezone?

Yep... there does appear to be new crimezone. Which, in my honest opinion, is a godsend because the old one was getting pretty outrageous and confusing. This one is more like the crimezone of 2015/2016 with items being taken and stuff... Pretty interesting. Read Joseph's report from yesterday to understand it better.

But as new things rise, issues do as well. There seems to be a slight issue with crowding CZ characters which is beginning to throw CZ back to it's old ways- uninclusive and shut off from public. Honestly, I feel as though Jake01 has an idea that all of us need to follow. Here's a link to his post on Crowding. Should shed more light on the situation.

More CZ went on today! Read Joseph's report for more information.

Julian has a pretty interesting theory on the matter. This is his theory: ''Although nobody wants this, I’m confident that it is Pythas. Pythas is now notorious for putting ‘My’ in front of everything, and there would be no other reason for ‘MYSMUGGLE’ to be called that. My theory is, that Pythas is creating this front to gain power while not having to show himself publicly so that he could wait it out until his death on Damensday. Although again, many don’t want this to connect to OP people, I think it will connect to Pythas, but there won’t be OP fighting involved. This, also looking at it from Damen’s point of view, is to tie off Pythas’ story, and end it right instead of just deleting it. Another thing that may connect MYSMUGGLE and Myfort, is that Lucian knew that Orbay had been a king, so he obviously knew more than he claimed, probably from his higher-ups.'' You can read his full document here.

Topic Four: Jdutr's Create Contest

What with Coronavirus Quarantine going on, Jdutr is hosting a Create Contest to.. improve the mood of forums. You can get more information here.

Topic Five: Force Abilities: The Future

What with recent abuse regarding 'force push' in where users either use the tool to fling each-other off screen, to places where they shouldn't be or simply to cheat during a battle, Gamer created a poll and discussion to see what users think on Force Abilities. Should they stay as they are, be nerfed or be removed? You can find more information here.

Topic Six: Contact Hub

Due to the recent surge in users and the annoyance of being bombarded by requests in their DMs, the admins have created a contact hub where you can create a ticket expressing what you need and will hopefully get a fast reply from an in-game administrator. This is what Sled has to say: ''There is now a server that allows you to create a ticket in order to contact an OldCP administrator. An admin with the ability to resolve your problem will do so as soon as they can. This was made so admins can stop being spammed in discord DMs and ingame + be more organized.''

You can join the server here.

And so that's basically it! This post will be periodically updated with new things that come out but for right now, that's all the news I have. Dice will be doing tomorrow's reports so yeah.


740 posts
Posted in stuff lex says • 16th April 2020, 06:41 PM

you forgot ''I hate this game''

740 posts
Posted in Is Autoclicking Banned? • 16th April 2020, 01:28 PM

With all due respect, I have a very strong hatred for those who use autoclicking to cheat in POTM. I do not condone nor appreciate cheating because that just ruins it for everyone else. And I do know of one user who has been accused of autoclicking for POTM and they are ranked. It would make sense if they are autoclicking for they hardly respond or act. But I do not know. It may be allowed now but I've got no idea and in all honesty, I would much rather it stay banned since it has been 4 years since POTM came out and it's never been allowed and would be punishable by bans. But I don't know. Times change so maybe..?

740 posts
Posted in Introduction - Syd • 14th April 2020, 09:04 PM

little drummer dudes + the guitarist = best gc

hahahaha but ur cool and ur like bff so yah

740 posts
Posted in i just wanted to say one thing • 14th April 2020, 06:08 PM

42 says: You shouldn't of left that gc you were in w me. We could've actually talked.
His discord: A.#0666

Teigan did not have very kind words to say so I will not be relaying her message. EDIT: teigan replied

As for me, I feel as though I owe you an apology as well. What we all did was wrong, I'll admit. I was simply acting out of anger and I was just shocked that you'd do what you did. I want you to know, I did not mean anything I said. When we raided your discord server I was still angry. But I want you to know that I looked back in the chat history for my name and saw you bring me up. I was not blindly following lies. I just added what you did to things you said here.

But I have been your friend since 2016. While we do not always see eye to eye or hold the same interests, we still have had similar trust with each-other and for my retaliation to your actions, I am sorry.

But I do feel it would be best if we all steer clear of each-other for a while. Time will eventually heal wounds but as for now, I feel we should let the fire simmer before we go poking it again.

740 posts
Posted in Community’s Support • 14th April 2020, 01:27 PM

Terry you were one of the first people I ever met on this game. And you were kind. You didn’t turn me away like others were doing, you actually talked to me and I was really grateful for that. But honestly, I’m just gonna repeat what Dunk said- how could someone be so rude to someone so kind? It just makes no sense. Terry you are one of the greatest people I’ve ever met my whole life. You’re sweet you’re kind and you’re reallly supportive. We love you <3

740 posts
Posted in Goodbye -Lloyd • 12th April 2020, 02:36 AM

Lloyd we haven’t been really excellent friends until tonight.

For a long time I viewed you as someone wise, as someone who should be looked up to and for many years I was scared to get to know you but I’m glad I did. Tonight I got to see the humorous side of you and I enjoyed all the jokes we cracked tonight... I’m still 100% sure you’re an old lady. But you’re a really great person and I’m so sorry you don’t feel welcome here anymore.

I want you to know that you are ALWAYS welcome in my dms. Whatever you need I’ll be there. I hope you lead a good life and I hope we can stay in touch because honestly you’re a really great guy and I enjoyed working with you.