740 posts
Posted in TeamMaybe Shape + Supporting • 11th April 2020, 05:36 PM

Diamonds symbolize endurance/perseverance. We may have no points but we will not give up.

we support eachother. we hold eachother.

740 posts
Posted in scootie • 11th April 2020, 11:43 AM

im trying to figure out who he is
scootie wrote on 11th April 2020, 10:06 AM:
i agree.

who r u

740 posts
Posted in Stage One Results - GOM 2020 • 10th April 2020, 06:28 PM

Today was the first day of Spring 2020’s Game of Mods. Those of you who are new may be asking yourselves ‘’What is GOM?’’ Each season, a three-day long competition is held where teams of more than 3 users compete for the rank of ‘Moderator’. Finalists are chosen in the 5th task of the last day, stage 3, and are questioned separately about what they would do if they were a moderator or why they seem to outshine the rest. During the last task of the last day, the finalists do one final task where they and only them compete- the traditional: Run the Pizza Parlor. This stage is to test how well the finalists can cope with stress as there are up to 50 users in the room each asking different things at once. Finally, the finalists meet back at the office, the top 5 are evaluated in-front of everyone. After getting everyone's hopes up and changing his mind countless times, the new moderator is selected by Damen's infamous 'gut feeling', thus the name Game of Moderators. This competition began in 2013 with winner Journey and remains a thing 5 years later.

Staff Picture:

Task One: In your teams, run a business e.g. coffee shop, pizza parlor, gift shop etc.
No Images
Winner: Underdogs

Task Two: Team activities. Go to forest and await a message.

Winner: Sonic

Task Three: Create a team dance. Performances are in 10 minutes.

Winner: Ringpops

Task Four: Moderator quiz! Answer the questions correctly.
No Images
Winner: Clown Check

No Images
Winner: Clown Check

STAGE 1 WINNER: Clown Check
General Classification:

740 posts
Posted in Are y'all Okay???? • 10th April 2020, 01:52 PM


740 posts
Posted in XVOID DOXED (REAL) • 10th April 2020, 12:57 PM

I can't agree more.

What people don't realize is the only reason why most people lie is because they're afraid they won't fit in or because they're going through something in their lives. I'm guilty of lying about stuff about my person before. I've lied about my age, my name and my appearance. While it is wrong, most people only do it because they're afraid that if they show their true selves, they'll be harassed/bullied/unwelcome.

In this next paragraph I want to let you all know I am not speaking of Dayton but of everyone I've ever met who've lied about something. When they do have the BRAVERY, and yes I say bravery because it takes a hell of a boost of courage, to come out with something like this and they get harassed/bullied for it, that just makes them feel unwelcomed and it just secures their previous mindset of ''I'm going to do (so/so) because I don't feel welcome as I currently am.'' You are all calling them names and bullying them for coming out with it but many of you are forgetting the kindness they've shown for the past years. They've hidden a great deal of things, yes, but what should matter is that they finally came out with it, not that they hid it for some certain number of years. Hell, I hid aspects of my personality from all of you for three years. I only came out with my name, age, etc. two years ago. I hid it because in my young mindset I felt I would be bullied. I was scared that you all wouldn't accept me.

Yes, it's wrong, yes, it's bad but it's not going to kill you. Many of you are out here complaining about it when you really should only care about the fact that it's finally been revealed. And as Audrey said, you should've waited until Dayton himself made a post about the matter before spreading around that document. What you all did is very much the equivalent of if someone posts embarrassing pictures and later that day they're all over social media of people they don't know. If you're all shaming him for this then in all due respect you ought to look in a mirror and be ashamed of yourselves because what many of you did was quite rude. As Void said, this is a virtual game where many people feel safe at. This is their safehaven, this is their sanctuary and you are all bombing it with your negativity. You are stripping away their protection from reality and you are exposing them to the harsh blizzard of negativity and unwelcomeness.

I'm sorry but many people here don't know each-other well so you can't really feel like you've been betrayed. Yes, it's shocking and angering but we're all talking to each-other through a screen. We all have secrets of our own that we don't expose and in reality, we are all complete strangers to each-other. How can any of us be sure that the other is who they say they are to be?

This is not made to offend in any way/shape/form. This is not meant to be rude. This is just my honest opinion.

740 posts
Posted in Catfishing is against the rules • 10th April 2020, 01:23 AM

I lied about many things when I first joined because everyone else was really older than me and I was scared that I’d be bullied. But then I realized it wasn’t good and I came on with my real age. I’m 13. I was 8 at the time I lied about my age and I didn’t think what I was doing was a big deal in all honesty but now I see that it is. But yeah, I see your point. Great discussion dude.

Also I just wanna say I can relate to some people in a way cause like when I first joined I lied about so many things like my name, my age, even the color of my hair. I did it because I was terrified that I would get judged and bullied and mocked for being so young. I had a fake name cause that was an alias I went by online but then I realized what I was doing was wrong and I just slowly started coming out with the truth. First I came out with my age cause like I was 8 not 16 and if I kept that up too much longer then hell would've broken loose. I used to say I was born September 2000 but I'm not, I was born September 2006. I'm currently 13 years old (I was really premature so my age doesn't match up with the year). Then I came out with my haircolor cause I am NOT a blonde and Mal31 asked me why I always wore hats/hoods on facetime and so I just took it off one day and she was like ''woah ur a brownie'' like Y E S but my hair is wild (its outrageously curly) and I hate it at times. The last thing I came out with was my name and that was to a friend. I just had to get it out of my system. If you all remember, I used to go under the name 'Avery'. But that wasn't my real name. I've actually said my real name here tons of times, like in one of the FGOM's when Damen was reading stories out loud I put my real name in there. I'm not going to repeat it cause, like, that's personal information and I'm just not comfortable stating it.

But yeah. I only did those things cause in my young mind, I was just so scared that I would be bullied by the community and babied and yeah, I was babied by many people when I came out with my age and I really didn't appreciate that but I was never able to speak up because, like I said before, everyone was really older than me and they were all so damn smart and I was just a stupid little 3rd grader who could barely pronounce words. (I have an issue in my speech where I couldn't pronounce syllables like L, M, H or TH for years. It's gotten better over the years, now it's just a stutter and I stumble over my words but it's really infuriating when trying to present) anyways, yeah. I'm pretty sure everyone here's been responsible for lying about something about their person but I would NEVER, not even back then, catfish a person. Because that's just rude and it's basically like toying with one's emotions. People aren't toys. You shouldn't treat them like that, they deserve to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. When I was younger I didn't think it was a big deal but over the years I realized it was.


740 posts
Posted in The Mega Trial Outcome • 9th April 2020, 05:51 PM

sarabareille wrote on 9th April 2020, 05:48 PM:
Very informative discussion, Zen. Nicely done!

wasn't just me, it was jenna and dice as well.

740 posts
Posted in The Mega Trial Outcome • 9th April 2020, 05:13 PM

This report is a collaboration by Dice, Jenna and Zen. This section is a mixture of both Dice and I's writing.

The trial began with Brit explaining what went down yesterday, April 8th of 2020. Brit says, ''There was a lot but I’ll start off with what happened when I was there. It was at earthhall and we were talking about Courtney as POTM. Some people were saying that she was cheating, getting her brother to click for her. Now I know that it should’ve been reported and the way I handled was not the best thing that I’ve done and I take the blame for it but I took the weapon out. I attacked Courtney, not Sam. They’re here because they ‘encouraged’, I believe and well damen I also want to say this isn’t the first time that Courtney’s done something or has been accused of cheating. She was trialed in 2018 by Sriram for assisting murder. Lush will go into detail.'' Yikes... only in the very first minutes of the trial and things are already getting pretty interesting.

Sam's explanation: ''I was in my mail and a user I don’t remember who added me and me my address. I was creeped out and Hamil was the only mod online so I went to her and Brit attacked Courtney. Hamil left and the guy was still ambushing me and then he/she logged off. I have to admit. I didn’t discourage Courtney’s death but I did not encourage it.''

Rouge's explanation as Witness to the Event: ''Brit’s attempted murder on Courtney, Sam’s part: I watched on cinema and in Earth Hall, Brit said she would kill Courtney. Then Jaden and Swirlie agreed to tell Hamil that someone cussed in popular. I checked and no one cussed. Jaden and Swirlie went to Courtney’s igloo and told Hamil to leave as someone was cussing. So then, right after Hamil left, Brit attacked Courtney. Courtney left just in time. Then Sam said 'SHE LEFT DAMMIT' but she was referring to Hamil, not Courtney.'' Please keep in mind, Rouge was not present when the events took place. She viewed off of cinema.

[Moving on]

[Bryn, Lush and Brit are called up, Bryn is not present]

[Damen talking about Courtney’s murder]

Notes: Bryn was armed by a DRAKE. Brit abused DRAKE account.

Brit's explanation: ''I did sword Bryn but not to kill Dancebear. It was to kill Courtney. But yes, I armed the murderer.''

Lush's explanation: ''I didn’t follow her or help her kill anyone. I came back from being afk and saw dance dead. I killed Courtney though. Well, no, she didn’t attack anyone. Courtney has been verbally harassing people and manipulating them to log off so she could WIN POTM. I have screenshots. If you would like to see them. This situation has been brought to the staff’s attention. Nothing was done about it. But also, Courtney has cheated before and she had a trial for her. She was banned from POTM forever. She was never lifted from that.''

[Damen has mercy on Bryn because Bryn mailed him and apologized for everything]

[Lush and Brit did not apologize but Bryn did to Courtney and Dancebear]

[Damen calls up Carly and Teig to talk about the harassment of Dancebear]

Carly's explanation: ''I never harassed her. I never got along with her honestly. I HATE HER. But I didn’t harass her. I have a GC to show WITH TEIGAN we never harassed her. Infact all she did was ask DID WE KILL HER? DO I LOOK LIKE BRYN? NO. She is a lying SCUM! ALSO, SUGAR CAN TESTIFY.''

Teig's explanation: ''I admit to harassing Dancebear only for like 5 minutes. She was bullying my friend and then acted like a victim. So all I have to say is screw you Dancebear you fat whale. thx <3'' Well- that was quite rude. Teig and Carly are both still BOS which leads into our next topic. Damen says both Teig and Carly are classified as 'Intentional Repeat Bullies'. This means they continue to bully people numerous times. The staff will now take stricter action against people like this.

[Lloyd gives wisdom: ''Good ones make bad mistakes. I was very surprised when I heard that Brit did that. As you mentioned, she’s one of the most trusted EHs. Brit is sincere, however, she admits her mistakes. But it doesn’t mean we have to show too much mercy.''] To be honest, that's probably the wisest thing I've heard in my life.

After numerous apologies, Damen has but one thing to say and that's advice. He says, ''Maybe I can give one last advice. Just be yourself. Don’t follow the crowd.'' Not only does that go along with what just happened in the events of yesterday and today but it's something we should all go by. I'm pretty certain every one of us have been guilty of following others in attempt to make ourselves seem cool and respected but you have to remember, sometimes it's good to be your own person. And there are times where it will save you a ton of trouble.

After a few more words from the defendants, the jury and the judge, we've reached the verdicts.

Brit: 2 Acts of Murder, Weapon Smuggling, Conspiracy to Commit Murder and Attempted Murder. Execution.
Bryn: [No Verdict Given]
Lush: Guilty of Murder. Execution.
Sam: Conspiracy to Commit Murder. Jail 24 hours.
Jaden: Conspiracy to Commit Murder. Jail 24 hours.
Swirlie: Conspiracy to Commit Murder. Jail 24 hours.


Also, check out Damen's post about staff training. You can find it here. In other news, tomorrow is the first stage of Spring GOM. Good luck and hope to see you all there. :)

740 posts
Posted in My Statement - Dancebear • 8th April 2020, 09:45 PM

Supermikey97 wrote on 8th April 2020, 09:27 PM:
Warth wrote on 8th April 2020, 09:26 PM:
Supermikey97 wrote on 8th April 2020, 09:03 PM:
I'm sorry this happened to you but, why didn't you log off or get Warth to arrest them?
there we're mods at that time i think then Dancebear told me to just arrest her.
If those supposed Mods were unavailable or AFK you should have stepped in and arrested the offender lol.
Supermikey97 wrote on 8th April 2020, 09:27 PM:
Warth wrote on 8th April 2020, 09:26 PM:
Supermikey97 wrote on 8th April 2020, 09:03 PM:
I'm sorry this happened to you but, why didn't you log off or get Warth to arrest them?
there we're mods at that time i think then Dancebear told me to just arrest her.
If those supposed Mods were unavailable or AFK you should have stepped in and arrested the offender lol.

They wouldn't've stopped either way. Either they would've gone to her on discord or they would've done it until she withdrew from the internet completely. Speaking as a person whose had experience with the people in question, I'd know what'd happened if people tried to act. It would've just gotten worse.

740 posts
Posted in The Mega Trial • 8th April 2020, 08:54 PM

Dice wrote on 8th April 2020, 08:15 PM:
I invite news reporters to report the trial.
I like how you told the news reporters to do their job that they should've been doing in the first place. Sucks that its come to that me and a non-news reporter are the only ones reporting.

Let's hold up here-
Dice, you're in our chat. Yes, its dead but have we not been trying to figure it out? You always get to the reports before we even have a chance to log on because you've got a different timezone than we do (I think). The chat exists solely for us to confer on whose going to report but nobody takes the liberty of sharing ideas so It's mad disorganized. There are 4 reporters. One for CZ and the rest are for events. We can't always report everything, we have a system. With all due respect, we do our best but you can't just throw us under the bus.

Sorry I went off on a small rant there. Sled, I will gladly report tomorrow. I'll be there.

740 posts
Posted in My Statement - Dancebear • 8th April 2020, 08:45 PM

I am so, so sorry you were on the receiving end of their crap. As a person who has fallen victim to their lies and moodswaps for the past two years, I know firsthand just how heartbreaking and stressful it is. But I would never wish that type of emotional grief on another human and that is why I am sorry that you had to go through that. Even now, nearly three years later, the words they said sting. But you are strong, you are resilient and you should not listen to them. You are worth much more than what they will ever amount to. You are loved and you have people in this world who care about you. Do not take their words seriously. While they may be relentless in their bullying, they get even greater satisfaction in seeing you broken and they will use that against you. Believe me, I know.

I am sorry even more that nobody thought to stand up to them and defend you. I saw the pictures you sent me after the events of this morning and, in all honesty, it made my blood boil- how could they be so ignorant?

I can relate to you in a way. This has happened to me before. I was being assaulted and the staff did nothing but sit there, laugh and some even joined in. It just got to the point where I couldn't handle it anymore and I snapped. They find joy in making you angry. They find joy in warping your emotions and they love it when you become blinded by the anger. These people in particular will pull the victim card if you get angry. They will use what you say against you in future fights OR to ruin your life. They will blackmail you and they will not stop until you are miserable. But what makes it even worse is to have nobody on your side. It hurts to feel like everyone's against you, that nobody's going to help you. It feels like you're trapped and everyone's just watching you suffer and writhe in torment and agony. It breaks you mentally. It makes your hatred grow and it makes you colder and more distant than you should be and that's because your body doesn't know any other way to protect you than to close you off mentally. And while many people don't know, that causes physical pain. It feels like your skull is constricting and you can't breathe. You can't do anything but cry and scream and when it's over you just want to run face first into a brick wall.

Dance, I am so sorry you went through this. I would never wish their hatred upon anybody after knowing firsthand how badly it can affect and I'm deeply sorry you had to experience it after regarding them as friends. But that just goes to show, you have to be very careful who you can trust. Even your most closest friends turn on you eventually. But if you ever need someone to talk to or just to vent to, my DMs are always open.

You are not alone. We will fight together.

740 posts
Posted in Re- Official Retirement • 7th April 2020, 06:30 PM

1. I'm just gonna say what Lloyd said, if the 'hacker' apologized then that's kind of startling. I've never met a hacker that apologizes for their actions.

2. Why are you bringing Miro up when he was being honest? He said what other people would say. Honestly I agree with him too, from the reports in staff chat not only was the person being very rude but they were also invisikilling which is something that only someone who plays this game/has experience with the invisibility command would be able to accomplish.

3. Dude, the last thing you said was just wrong. You NEVER bring up someone's mother in that context. And you most likely knew what happened to his mom- so you saying that is just a low move and nobody's going to respect you for that.

All due respect but this is a virtual game, dude. It's not going to kill you. Suck it up, buttercup.

740 posts
Posted in DSGHQ Community Google Meet/Zoom • 4th April 2020, 07:46 PM


740 posts
Posted in akatsuki wap by wustage • 3rd April 2020, 03:54 PM

NarutosRamen wrote on 3rd April 2020, 03:53 PM:
y'all dont know good music when you see it smh get some better eyes

girl how do u call this music
oh and nice job tryna ban evade