740 posts
Posted in PLEASE READ • 26th February 2020, 05:19 PM

I have quite a few screenshots of you being really rude and inappropriate and even harassing people.
You wanna be unbanned, you gotta learn patience and how to talk with people without cussing at them or demanding they do something.

740 posts
Posted in PLEASE READ • 26th February 2020, 05:19 PM

I have quite a few screenshots of you being really rude and inappropriate and even harassing people.
You wanna be unbanned, you gotta learn patience and how to talk with people without cussing at them or demanding they do something.

740 posts
Posted in The end. • 25th February 2020, 05:40 PM

I love u bisikeal. you're one of my good friends and youre someone I know I can always count on. i'm always here for you if you need me and im so sorry all this is happening to you. things will get better, I promise you. I know they may seem like they're unfixable but it'll be okay one day. i'm always gonna be here for you, just send me a dm on discord.

stay strong bestie <3

740 posts
Posted in Abusive admins?!?!?!?!?!?!??! • 25th February 2020, 02:45 PM

Loki wrote on 25th February 2020, 12:10 AM:
1. Sled doesn't have database, only Damen does now. So she didn't touch anyone's health.
2. Due to the new health system, your health automatically drops a bit every time you die.
3. The health on TwilightXXII is because that account has very poor health. The armor raised it to that but I bet if you hit him with a saber on that account, it would lose like 100 health. My account's health was set at 1 at one point (which is one hit if you're not wearing the armor) and thats about the number it showed.
4. Yes, sometimes the game does glitch and it will show a person in spawn despite them being out of spawn and moving around. I've seen this happen before when someone attacks me. They'll look to be be in spawn or all the way across the room when in reality they aren't. The DRAKE was probably on a wall and Frogs probably rejoined and saw it in spawn trying to shoot him. Thats typically when that glitch will occur. Also, sometimes when you rejoin, the weapon will still appear to be out despite it not actually having been pulled since the person rejoined. I've noticed that glitch a couple times too.
Honesty, you all need to get off of Sled's back. Back in the day when an evil person would so much as kill ONE person, they would be disarmed and jailed indefinitely. In 2016 or 2017, they literally kept ALL of the dracs in jail for a whole summer. Every single account of theirs was arrested if they were caught in public. Armed accounts had to be hidden or they would be disarmed or placed on a KOS list that people would actually strictly follow and enforce and we couldn't get our weapons back by asking an admin for them, we had to wait for cz to come on and ask that they arm us, which didn't happen very often, not nearly as often as it happens these days.
Sleds been doing a good job as admin. Shes very kind and very fair. Technically she could have just disarmed most of you a long time ago whenever any of you murdered any innocent person outside of war time, but no, you all get to keep your weapons and seldom do you face any consequences for your actions. If we dont appreciate her, shes going to end up leaving and the next admin could be very strict, and you wouldn't like that either. Theres a very fine line to tread there. If you're too strict the dracs wont like it, if you're not strict enough the rest of the userbase wont like it because then people are pretty much just allowed to murder everyone as freely as they wish.

I'm quoting Loki's post here because it says everything I wanted to say to you lot.
But here's my bit:
Every single day you people complain and whine about unfairness when you turn an oblivious eye to your own doings. You wanna complain about unfair? Take a look around you. Look at everyone who've you killed for no reason whatsoever other than 'wars'. People can't even log on without risking death from you lot. I don't log on anymore because I honestly like my account very much and do not want it to die. And that's how I lost a rank that I liked very much, because of you lot. And you're complaining about unfairness? That's real funny. Karma always comes back around, doesn't it?

And about Sled- shut up about her. She's an amazing admin. She does everything in her power to keep this game running and it's the people like you that always got problems. If you even did half the crap you did now in 2015 or 2016, you'd be ipbanned or killed every single day. And you wouldn't get the chance for redemption. We give you second chances. We let you have the opportunity to redeem yourselves. But now it's getting to the point where it's just outrageous how you guys don't understand that. And you're getting on Sled because you people broke yet another rule? It was a glitch. You know it and yet all you wanna do is cause a problem for an admin doing a spectacular job. I mean no disrespect but Sled has been here possibly longer than any of us. Hell, Sled doesn't even need to be here but she is because she loves this game and is trying to revive it since you lot are killing it with your sprees. So why the hell won't you just let her?

I mean no disrespect here but I had to get that off my chest. You guys can complain all you want about unfairness and point however many fingers as you please- just remember that it's your doings that make it unfair.

740 posts
Posted in Coronavirus • 25th February 2020, 08:32 AM

Naii wrote on 24th February 2020, 08:01 PM:
Zendaya2408 wrote on 24th February 2020, 07:40 PM:
Naii wrote on 24th February 2020, 05:47 PM:
We don't have to worry about the Corona Virus hitting the United States
....It's already been reported here, my friend.
Bruh didn't get the joke

not to start drama or anything but I saw the joke.
I just didn't find it funny.

740 posts
Posted in Coronavirus • 24th February 2020, 07:40 PM

Naii wrote on 24th February 2020, 05:47 PM:
We don't have to worry about the Corona Virus hitting the United States

....It's already been reported here, my friend.

740 posts
Posted in Coronavirus • 24th February 2020, 03:26 PM

It's a zootopic illness originating in the Arabian Peninsula, being spread by camels, fleas, ticks, etc. Your household animals can develop this but they cannot transfer it to animals.
Of the 6 known variations, only 2 are lethal; Southern Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)
SARS and MERS can land you in the hospital with lung disease.
But the average naval coronavirus can only keep you bedridden for a week. Its just like the flu. Nothing to be scared of.
Just make sure to wash appropriately and to clean your foods thoroughly. And like you said, if you take the flu shots, your immune system is already built up pretty well. The flu shot consists of each flu strain in a liquidized form with saline. It gets your body used to it and it lowers your chances of dying from the flu. It doesn't prevent you developing it.
But yeah. There's my bit. Nice post.

740 posts
Posted in My mind • 9th February 2020, 06:26 PM

You're a good friend, Hash. We haven't really talked much since 2016 but we talked a lot in 2015.
You might not remember me and I don't mind if you've forgotten.
But you're a nice dude.

740 posts
Posted in the hype house are taking over. • 6th February 2020, 11:06 AM

JustRigby wrote on 5th February 2020, 03:22 PM:
mariojack905 wrote on 5th February 2020, 02:43 PM:
lmao all you can do is dislike my post, didn't think you could change my mind...
lmao all you can do is be a dog, I don’t have to reply and you don’t have to rude it’s all about choice

ok but calling him a dog was genuinely disrespectful.
correct me if im wrong, did you not make a post calling people out on the toxicity of this website-
and in all honestly, I kinda agree with him. not on the fact that they're useless because nobody is useless, everyone's unique in their own way, and I see why you like them so much, but this is kinda getting a bit.. idk.. ….why make 2 accounts just for this purpose? IT'S FUNNY, DONT GET ME WRONG, but please I beg you don't flood every chatboard and mood with renegade because then people will get reallyreally annoyed

740 posts
Posted in Calling Out. • 5th February 2020, 04:13 PM

I honestly agree with this post very much and I was even debating on making a post on this myself. This game has changed. And it hasn't changed in a good way. Back in like 2015 when I first joined, it was very much alive. People were innocent, people were kind. If you called someone a rude name or attacked, you were automatically banned. The staff actually paid attention to users and the CZ was easy to follow along with and wasn't full of random people. People could log on whenever they wanted without fear of immediate death. Honestly, the decline began in 2016. The CZ became extremely unorganized and it was hard to explain to new users. We went from blackhawks to pirates to poison to ice queen within a span of 1 month. That's not easy to understand at all. And it was restricted to only a certain group of individuals. If you even attempted to spectate, you were either arrested or sent out repeatedly. Nobody enjoyed it. And then people began getting rude. One of the former staff members went as far as to tell me to kill myself. And they weren't even punished, which was surprising for a game which was once so strict. Nowadays nobody wants to go online. Nobody wants to participate in CZ because we're too underpowered. People get so many OP weapons that it's beginning to get unfair. And it's sad. Now I'm not going to call anyone out here, but nobody likes a person who acts stuck-up and better than everyone else because of what they get. It's probably not even their money and I doubt anyone asked their parents to buy it for them so not only is it extremely rude, but it makes them thieves as well. On the staff, they don't pay attention. At all. I can't tell you how many times I've seen people being inappropriate and breaking rules only to have mods laugh at them. You were given a job. DO YOUR DAMN JOBS. I even went off on some people in staff chat for it because it's just outrageous. They complain that the ''good'' mods get demoted and who knows that they put in their applications and yet they're all out here turning a blind eye to basic rules. Hell, they don't even arrest people who attack anymore. They only focus on the evil people like, no, they're not the only ones doing wrong here.

It's even funnier because the staff call people ''retarded'', ''failed abortions'', etc. Do you people not understand basic human decency? That's probably some of the most vile things I have EVER heard someone say. Y'all are supposed to be role models. Who cares if a kid says it to you? I was banned before for trying to defend myself against a moderator who called me a dramatic (censored). In what way is that kind of treatment fair.

This game has changed. And it's BAD. And it's not because of the CZ, it's because y'all run around calling eachother names and threatening people you don't even know. THEY'RE PIXELS. ON A PENGUIN GAME. You really stoop down that low to get in a good insult?

(This is not in any way/shape/form directed at anyone. I'm not trying to be rude. I just had to get this off my chest.)

Good post.

740 posts
Posted in Super Bowl Prediction Contest • 2nd February 2020, 10:16 PM

Jonathan1tt1 wrote on 2nd February 2020, 10:09 PM:

I said 32-28 chiefs winning wdym-

740 posts
Posted in Super Bowl Prediction Contest • 2nd February 2020, 02:33 PM

Chiefs to win 32-28

idk crap about football except that the chiefs are decent and yea:)
I had to ask my guy friend cause hes obsessed with football and that's what he said

740 posts
Posted in Zen's FGOM Excerpt • 22nd January 2020, 05:50 PM

Tobob wrote on 22nd January 2020, 05:45 PM:
It's a nice story but your tenses are jumping all over the place.
E.g. "You go to get up; you couldn't stand"

At first I thought this was a prompt so that's why the tenses are all over the place. You typically see that a lot in prompts but now I realize we're supposed to be writing an excerpt so I'm currently adding a story-type thing to this while keeping the original prompt. I'll try to fix as much as this as I can, thanks though :)

740 posts
Posted in Zen's FGOM Excerpt • 22nd January 2020, 05:32 PM

this is based off a true story that happened to me in 2017 when I was diagnosed with mononucleosis

PROMPT: You wake up drenched in a cold sweat. At first you have no idea where you are- you were too focused on the blinding headache you were experiencing. After a while you realize you're in a bed and you automatically think it's time for school. You go to get up, only to crash down to the floor. You couldn't stand. Your legs felt as if they were going to explode. You begin crying, scared and confused. You know you need to get up but you just can't. The pain worsens the more you try to move and so you scream for help. Your mother and sibling run down the stairs asking you what's wrong. You tell them you can't stand and you ask them if we're late for school. They tell you it was 7 PM and you'd been sick all day. Your mother checks your temperature and what she sees makes her dial 911. Your temperature was 106 and rising. After what felt like hours to you, the paramedics arrive and ask you a series of questions; Where was the pain? When did it start? Could you stand? After answering these questions, you're lifted from the bed. Your legs hung limply over the arms of one of the paramedics, as if they were dead weight. They carry you to the ambulance and, unsure if its from the pain or the tiredness seeping through your body, you fall asleep. When you awake, you're lying in a hospital bed with your limbs connected to saline drips. You still couldn't move. Through the pounding storm inside your head, you could hear voices talking above you. You heard one of the doctors saying; ''Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Mononucleosis. She's lucky she can still breathe on her own.''

ACTUAL EXCERPT: I wake up to the feeling of a war raging in my skull. I groan, leaning back on the pillows as I read the time. 7:45. DAMMIT. I launched off the bed in my scramble to get ready for school. I was barely two steps from the doorway when I collapsed, screaming. My legs. There was something wrong with my legs. I tried to push myself off the ground and into a crouching position but it didn't hold for long as the same sickening pain shot up my limbs for a second time. I was scared. I had no idea what was going on with me. It felt as though my legs were having their blood pressure taken, but the pressure kept adding on and on. I collapsed onto the floor once more into a fetal position, tears beginning to slide down my face as I cried out for my mother.

She ran down the stairs and came into my room, stopping at the sight of my crumpled figure on the ground. She cautiously approached me.

''...Katie, what the hell-?''

She caught sight of the tears sliding down my cheeks. She immediately asked me what was wrong and I pointed down with a shaky hand.

''My legs.. I c- can't feel my legs and I feel like c- crap.''

My mother grabbed the thermometer from my bedside table and made sure it was securely in my mouth. We waited for a while until the results popped up with a blaring noise that aggravated my head even further. 106.4, it read. Upon seeing this, my mother shrieked. She ran out of the room and I could hear her calling 911. I still didn't know what was going on and I decided I was delusional from the illness I had been experiencing.

After what felt like centuries, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs until my bedroom was full of paramedics. They lifted me off the floor and laid me carefully on the bed. They began asking me what was going on and I replied to each question, my shaking voice barely audible. When it was clear that they weren't going to get a straight answer from me in this state, I was lifted into the arms of a paramedic and carried out of the house to the waiting ambulance. I winced repeatedly as my limp legs swung back and forth over his arms. He was trying to be gentle but with every step, it felt as though I was being sliced open.

I was set down on a soft bed in the middle of the ambulance's interior. The bright light refracting off the metal walls made me wince due to my headache. Shortly after this, unsure if its due to exhaustion or pain, I passed out.

When I wake up again, I'm in the hospital. I can hear the soft, steady beep of the cardiac monitor somewhere above my head and I go to shield my eyes from the light above me- only to discover I couldn't move due to multiple IVs in my limbs. I was groggy and my surroundings were blurry due to my glasses being off my face, but I could hear my parents and doctors whispering somewhere overheard. I turned my head towards the sound of their voices and caught a bit of their conversation.

''Mononucleosis?'' my dad asked. He sounded concerned. ''Is that a new disease?''

''No, no, it's quite old.'' one of the doctors said. ''Your daughter's immune system has been compromised for nearly a month while the disease has been leeching off her blood cells. They'll replenish eventually, this disease is not permanent. But it does stay in the body forever. It just deactivates after a while. Currently she is suffering from Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Mononucleosis. We can keep her here on antibiotics while the first two diseases run their course, to help ease her pain. Having two lung diseases at once can turn fatal, seeing as the strength of the coughing can tear her esophagus or lung. Or she could experience a pneumothorax so we'll keep her here for a few weeks on observation. She's very lucky she can still breathe on her own.''

''And for the Mono?'' my mother asked. ''Will she need to stay here for that?''

''No.'' the doctor said with a smile. ''Her body will shut itself off while the disease is running its course. She'll still be alive, she just won't have the will or strength to do anything. But be very careful- Mono can cause severe complications. She'll be here long enough for us to catch them but to be on the safe side, don't let her do anything physical until she shows signs of feeling better.''

tl;dr my lungs were full of fluid and so was my bronchus. The mononucleosis was attacking my white blood cells and making me extremely vulnerable to disease. This passed off as exhaustion, which is why doctors weren't able to diagnose it for nearly a month. Wasn't fun.

This happened to me December-January 2017/2018. I chose to write about this because me, as an 11 year old, didn't know what was going on with my body and it scared me because I couldn't stand without experiencing extreme pain and I could barely breathe full breaths.

740 posts
Posted in FGOM Stage 3 Final • 22nd January 2020, 04:47 PM

bless u.
also I though the gifs could be on anything so that's why I did harry potter-