740 posts
Posted in Kace's shoutouts • 30th December 2019, 02:45 PM

no zen.. :((

740 posts
Posted in FGOM Story - Zen • 17th December 2019, 07:12 AM

Oh, and one more thing, Alatar-

I noticed you brought up mal. The reason why she had issues of her own is because she had a mental illness which causes people who take in too much emotion to have it burst out of them. The people in this community gave her relentless hell for 2 years. I don’t know why you’re saying it’s her fault when you weren’t the one staying up with her all night comforting her as she cried. You weren’t the one she told she didn’t want to get up every morning because she knew she’d get hell. I’m not trying to be rude, but it’s not your job to judge whose emotions are fake. And I saw what you said on discord about this, and in all honesty, that was very rude. You could’ve asked me about it instead of going to other people who I don’t know. I posted this post solely to give my own story. The task was to make a true story about yourself and so I did. I’m sorry that you feel as though this is fake but calling someone’s emotions self-diagnosed and an attention seeking thing is just rude. And for clarification to what you said on discord:

“Nobody puts this online or writes it like a damn story. This is obviously for manipulation or pity.. probably both.”

No, this is NOT in any way/shape/form for manipulation/pity. I already told you what it was for and that is to teach a lesson.

“Course they the kind of person with names like depressed, alone, etc. they talk like this. If you asked them if they had depression, but you don’t have to ask them because they’ll probably tell everyone they they’re depressed.”

...those words were used simply for descriptive language that described how I felt during this time period. This is what hit me the most in your rant. Like I said before, it isn’t your job to judge whose emotions are true.

“They’re definitely not self-diagnosed depression.”

You’re right! But my therapist says otherwise.

Alatar, I would’ve answered your concerns truthfully. I’m not a bad person. But what I can’t understand is why you’d talk about this with people I don’t even know.

740 posts
Posted in FGOM Story - Zen • 17th December 2019, 07:00 AM

Alatar wrote on 17th December 2019, 12:16 AM:
1kutya wrote on 16th December 2019, 11:26 PM:
Alatar wrote on 16th December 2019, 10:27 PM:
Look, I don't really understand.
This is the kind of story you share with close friends. Not with a public forms, and not in so much detail. Also, for a Forums Game of Mods? You literally wrote it like a god damned fan-fiction.
Why did you even put this here? Are you saying you don't want pity when you clearly as publicly asking for it? I really don't understand. I hardly believe this is even a tad bit true.
Also, Mal31 caused their own problems for themselves. That's not the communities fault. You can't be a jerk and not expect to return the favor. What is the point of this post? Genuinely, why?
That's ironic coming from you, really.. I expected someone else but, alright. You really don't have the right to say that when calling Mal a 'jerk' when you may have been one multiple times yourself. Are we really going to debate whether this is true or not? Zen is a good person, that's what matters. And you could even take account on this 'story' as a lesson. Zen doesn't need critics, nor does anyone else whom are attempting to set an example. I'm pretty sure a lot of people are even experiencing this story in their own lives.. so like, why not tell other people what you have been through? There is no confirmation on Zen's post being realistic or fake, but it matters that Zen is trying to tell other people to not cultivate the impression of other's appearances or how they may act, to teach that when people are struggling, there is always someone out there willing to help you. And even though it may seem this Community is not doing a very nice job at it, there is people like Zen whom may be wanting to even direct other people in a light too.
As for your first point, my phrasing was off, and what I said wasn't what I meant. Mal31 had created a lot of drama with people, and then when those people returned that drama, she decided she "couldn't handle it." Also, I'm not sure how it is you define a jerk, or what is so extremely ironic.
I have nothing to say on that, and to be quite honest, I don't care what anyone else has to say on the matter, apart from Zen. I wasn't claiming it was false, I was simply saying it was extremely fishy and seemed false, and I'm not the only one who thought that. I didn't even make the post until I was sure I wasn't the only person who though that way. You have absolutely no idea what her motives were, and neither do I. So let her speak for herself, as I was simply confused, as there have been PLENTY of other people who have done the SAME EXACT THING, and after a while it really begins to become obvious.
I'm sure you're going to dislike my post, and find some way to "dox" me, or threaten to anyways, but at the end of the day, I'm literally just here to play video games, I'm not accusing you of lying or looking for pity, all I'm saying is that if you are, it's pretty damned low.
Also, I wasn't critiquing her story. I'm saying I highly doubt it's true. What do you mean are we going to debate if it's true or not? Is someone who lies to their friends for pity a good person? So it doesn't matter if I snake out my friends right behind their backs, I'm still a good person? Yes, people are definitely experiencing it, and I'm not saying that she was wrong for posting it, I'm simply saying that you don't post things like this publicly, and if you do, you don't give THAT much information on the subject.
For your last point, how do you know that is her goal? You quite literally said there is no confirmation. Therefore, there is no confirmation on her goal. You have no idea what her goal was.
Thank you.

Look, I appreciate you bringing all this up but I promise you, this is highly true. And if you read back at the first paragraph, I said I was debating on posting this because I knew there would be someone who would say all this. But I promise you- this is very true. And this wasn’t made as a sob story. This was made to teach a lesson, which can be seen in the last paragraph.

740 posts
Posted in FGOM Results • 16th December 2019, 06:11 PM

Loki wrote on 16th December 2019, 06:10 PM:
Omg I didn't even know you were writing one

haha its okayyyy urs is way better

740 posts
Posted in Forums GOM Season 2 Entries • 16th December 2019, 06:10 PM

Loki wrote on 16th December 2019, 06:08 PM:
Forums Game of Mods Summary
Stage 1
Stage One's challenge was to make a picture of someone in the community. It would be judged based on how smart or funny it was.
Below are the submissions:
Lylance1 Lylance2
The winner was PABLO!
Stage 2
Stage Two's challenge was to make a meme!
Below are the submissions:
The winner was LYLANCE!
Stage 3
Stage Three's Challenge was to write a true story about yourself.
Below are the submissions:
The winner for Stage Three was PABLO!
To determine the winner Damen did another livestream where he read the stories to all of us illiterate users. Thank you Damen, how did you know I could not read? :o
And here he revealed the Winner of Forums GOM Season 2.
Damen narrowed it down to two contestants. It was between Lylance and Pablo, both of them DSGHQ Legends. But there could only be one winner, and that winner is...
Reveal SpoilerPABLO!
Congratulations Pablo, welcome to the forums moderation team!

ahaha this is wayyyy better than mine, great job love

740 posts
Posted in FGOM Results • 16th December 2019, 06:05 PM


For those of you who don't know, FGOM stands for 'Forums Game of Mods'. If you know what Game of Mods is, this is basically that- except this takes place on Forums and instead of receiving OLDCP Moderator, you get Forums Moderator if you win. So now you're probably wondering... well, who won? That's why I'm making this!

STAGE ONE: Make a picture of someone in the community. The smartest/funniest picture will win!

Many people participated in this task, such as Joseph, Kace, Lylance, Anja and Pablo. Each contestant did a different drawing than the other, but Pablo emerged victorious. You can see his picture here. Damen had this to say about his art: ''A very relatable moment... being slain by boss nass on oldcp. Pablo did this on paper, as did Lylance, but Pablo's wasn't just well drawn but was of a good oldcp community memory. Anja's was 0.001 away from winning. It was a surprise, it has a lot of character... I mean it completely blew me away.''

STAGE TWO: Make a funny meme

The people who partook in this stage were Kace, Lylance, Frogs and Alatar. After nearly a day of looking at the memes created by the contestants, Damen decided to hand the win to Lylance. He says, ''This happens sometimes- not always but it does. I didn't just pick this because its relatable, but because the meme itself was structured in a way that nicely builds up the punchline at the end and didn't involve too much reading.''.

STAGE THREE: Write a true story about yourself. The best story wins. (Do this in a discussion with FGOM in the title)

This task surprisingly had less people than the other two. Those people were Pablo, Lylance, Kace and Zen. After reading everyone's stories out loud and giving his criticism and feedback on them, Damen was faced with the ultimate decision; who won the stage and who won overall? Pablo's story was full of detail and it made you feel as though you were present in his graduation ceremony. Damen liked how it was structured and he made comments on how great his grammar was. Zen's story was emotional, he said. He said it made you feel like you were in her shoes. He commented on the happy ending, but he also commented on how her grammar was incorrect in some places. As for Lylance's story, Damen felt like he could relate to how it was. He even shared some of his own life experience. But when it came to judge the writing itself, he acknowledged how poorly written it was. He said that some punctuation was off and that there wasn't capital letters where they were necessary. And lastly, Kace's story- Damen cracked a lot of giggles reading this. When he was done laughing, he basically said that it was a horrid story and that there was no way he'd win in the task. But it was a great story! Just... indecent grammar.

Time for the winner- It was between Lylance and Pablo. It took Damen a good 15 minutes to decide on who should win... and he chose Pablo. Pablo won this stage and he also won the overall.


Be sure to congratulate him when you guys see him! As for everyone else who took part in this competition, you all did a spectacular job. Even though you didn't win doesn't mean you shouldn't be happy. Bye.

740 posts
Posted in FGOM Story - Zen • 16th December 2019, 04:43 PM

Jonathan1tt1 wrote on 16th December 2019, 04:41 PM:
sorry for your loss, but its time to move on, and im not even trying to be rude, but everyone dies eventually and you’re just gonna have to go through it. Ive lossed people before and sadness lasted 2 weeks but thats it

Thanks but I clearly stated in the last paragraph that I've moved on. :')
I just chose to share this because the task was to write a true story and so I decided to write an emotional one about how I felt these past few years.

740 posts
Posted in FGOM Story - Zen • 16th December 2019, 04:17 PM

yeah I've been debating on doing this. ANYWAYS, HERE WE GO.

So... around 3 years ago, I was a really happy child. I was excelling in school and I smiled and had many friends. A couple weeks from now 3 years ago, my grandmother fell victim to multiple diseases. The main cause was Alzheimers. She forgot everything. She screamed at me on a daily basis and it was so bad that I didn't even get to say a goodbye to her because everytime she saw me, she would cuss and try to attack me. Well... the night before she died, I went to see her and she couldn't move. She just laying there, crying. I hesitantly walked over to her, scared if she'll attack me like every other time. She just looked at me, her irises drowned by tears. Her look could say a thousand words- but I could decipher one sentence. I'm sorry, Katie. I'm so, so sorry.

I couldn't handle that. The longer I looked at her, the more I could feel my heart shatter into a million pieces. So I did what was natural to any 10 year old- I ran. I just couldn't stand being in that room any longer. So I ran. And then, the next day when I woke, my parents broke the news: She had died in her sleep. We were allowed to go over to see her, before the coroners took her away. I went over... because I thought I would be able to take it. But as soon as I stepped over the threshold of her living room and caught sight of her pale, frigid skin dangling off of her agape jaw, I broke. Completely. My mental wall absolutely shattered. Now, death doesn't affect me much... but hers did. I loved her deeply. Everyone always says that people die eventually, but I just couldn't- It was my first time being in the presence of death. Everyone was crying, so I wasn't alone. But the world that I was launched into after that moment... I was alone in that.

Nobody could understand the damage that was done to me. I felt as though the world was colorless, I felt like I was drowning in despair and agony, falling deeper into the void. I was alone. They asked me if I were okay and I put on a fake smile. People saw me as a brave leader... I didn't want to seem weak. I became depressed. My grades suffered and many of my friendships broke off until it was only me and a few select friends. Everyday, the only thing I wanted was a way out of the pain. A way to escape from the emotions that burst out of me like an unpredictable volcano. Mal31 was here for me, she did her best to help me but she had issues of her own. This community, for example, put her through utter hell. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't help me. I was truly alone.

But then I met people. 4207b was one of them. He saw that I was struggling and day after day, he took me from the darkness and he brought me back to life. He became someone I could talk to for anything. He understood how I felt and he became a pillar of support. He's my best friend now. He was like a godsend. And thanks to him, I've managed to escape from the darkness. He came in and flooded it with light. He saved me. Without him, I would've probably not been here typing this right now.

Which brings me to the moral of this story- Don't judge a book by its cover. You don't know what people go through. You don't know how things may be in their mind or in their life. Just because of how they act on the outside doesn't secure how they are on the inside. Never judge them. Never question them. And most importantly, don't ever hurt them. You don't know if you may be making them feel worse based off of what you say. And if you feel like you've got nobody... you will make it through this. Believe me, I know. I spent 3 years in that place. And I made it out. You're stronger than you think you are. Don't let one thing make you doubt your abilities.

740 posts
Posted in People I'm Thankful For + RECAP • 29th November 2019, 08:04 PM

Rila wrote on 29th November 2019, 08:01 PM:
awh zen im so sorry u had to go through all of that - i cant imagine the pain u have felt ur loved so so much and its awesome that u have some lovely ppl in ur life to support u

I love you.

740 posts
Posted in People I'm Thankful For + RECAP • 28th November 2019, 10:09 PM

Last year was really difficult for me.

Many people bullied me, both here and irl. My good friend committed suicide. My best friend was driven from this community. My uncle, other uncle, childhood friend and teacher died. My mental health was drastically declining and there were times where I seriously considered giving up. Towards the end of 2018, my behavior got so bad I was basically violent towards anyone who I didn't feel support or comfort from. I was mentally in the dumps. I went to guidance and counseling on a daily basis. I stopped talking. I stopped participating in class. I stopped eating lunch with the rest of the school and I was barely able to get myself out of bed. They believed me to have aspergers syndrome. A high-functioning form of it because my symptoms are near identical to that of an aspergic child. My breakdowns were the exact same. I was giving off the same signs and I extremely struggled with understanding the difference between jokes, sarcasm and insults. I was violent and aggressive and I cussed many people out and attacked many people when I felt threatened or insulted. I had my first mental breakdown on 10/31, where it got to the point where I was given an ultimatum- Go to the guidance counselor or they'd have me committed.

I thought that after 2018 that things would get better, but no. They just got even worse. The year started off semi-decent... I genuinely felt as though I was getting better- and then my cat died and then I spiraled right back to where I was in December. February, one of my close friends committed suicide. Nobody knew he wasn't okay. If we had known, we could've done something. But the bullies covered it up that greatly. When we found out, everyone in the school cried. A group of us tracked down the bullies and beat the living daylights out of them. Then his funeral came- I couldn't stand to look at him. I just remembering holding his sister as she cried and sobbing myself. Rest well, Vince, I love you. And then March came. Everything was fine until my granddad fell. I remember my aunt calling us in hysterics. I remember running over there and finding him on the floor, his head split open with blood everywhere. That metallic scent has never left me. They thought he had a brain bleed. He ended up staying at the hospital for a while as they fixed his head up. Little did we know him going to the hospital would leave him worse off then when he went in- He was diagnosed with end-stage renal failure and his legs are severely infected. April was.. interesting. Nothing bad happened, although I did go to guidance quite a few times. Then May came along. My boy bff came to me one day and told me something. He had done something very bad. The next day, he got called to the office and when I saw him next, he told me he had been suspended for the rest of the year and 30 days of the next schoolyear. Well, that's just great. The one person I could cry on had left me. I was virtually alone. June and July went without problems... and then August came. I had a lovely mental breakdown in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. I was on a cruise and I guess I got overwhelmed or something.. I don't even remember why I had it but that just killed my emotions even more. But I went to the counselor. She got me help. She got me enrolled in a counseling system where a professional psychiatrist would come into the school every Wednesday during the end-of-day free-time, talk to me and ask me what I'd do to fix myself. They gave me stress balls, baseball bats, punching bags, the entire thing. I stopped harming others and myself and started taking my emotions out on non-living things. That seriously helped me. It fixed the break that was created in my family, the thing that damaged the mental wall in my brain. I began to be more social. I started eating more food and I stopped taking scissors to my forearms. I began to laugh, to smile, to joke and to live my life without having that damn shadow over me all the time. The past few months have been fine, though- nothing's happened yet. But I know it will. That's just my luck, right?

More recently, I've been suffering from intense abdominal pain. It's.. it's persistent. I told my doctor yesterday and she told me I have to get a pelvic ultrasound.. so knowing my luck, I'm probably being internally impaled or something! Or I need surgery... I don't know. But the pain makes me really mad and like, it's happening rn so that's why my typing is all wacky because IT HURTS LIKE ALL EVERLOVING hell- and yeah.

I'm fully aware I copied the beginning from one of my last posts. I honestly don't care anymore. If you've got an issue with how I choose to write, then that's not my problem. But yeah, let me just skip ahead to the part to where I thank the people who've been for me through all the hell and who've (hopefully) never given up on me.

4207b: I honestly cannot believe it's been almost 2 years since we've met. I met you when I was at my worst. You picked me up out of the darkness and you brought me back to life. You're a freaking godsend, bff. You protected me so many times, you comforted me, we've comforted each-other and we've had each-other's backs for so long. You're like an older brother to me, okay. I love you so so so so so so SO MUCH. Nobody here can understand our friendship. We're so close to each-other its almost like we never leave each-other's sides. We're inseparable bffs. Oh, and you are very talented at singing. But I also remember on VC when you fainted and I started crying and screaming because I thought you died. I screamed so loudly my neighbor called me to make sure I was alright. I'm never ever going to let anybody hurt you, bff. I have cried over you when you've been hurt, I got viciously angry when people were bullying and hurting you and I make it through every day because I know you'll always be there to talk to me. Bff, no matter what anybody else tells you, you are strong. You are independent. You are a beautiful human being and you're intelligent. I'm thankful every single day for your existence. Please, bff, never leave me. I don't think I can live without you and I honestly don't ever want to try.

Gamer: NOT GOING TO LIE, YOU USED TO SCARE THE CRAP OUT OF ME. But that was before I actually started talking to you. Even though you annoy me to buy you robux and to embrace DBZ (WHICH I WILL NEVER DO) we're still best friends. You've been through absolute hell this year, for which I am so. So sorry. You're an amazing person, man. You've survived, so that shows you're strong. You've always been there for me and now you can expect me to be there for you. I will help you through this dark phase you're in right now, whether you accept my help or not. I am NOT the kind of person to leave a friend in the cold. I love you, nerd. And I'm thankful that I got to meet you.

Jenna: Oh, where do I begin? You've been my friend for such a long time, I don't really know what to say because I've said everything I can say. You give the best advice, you're sweet and you're so kind. No matter what anyone else thinks of you, or has to say about your love life, I will defend you and I will always be there for you. My DMs are never closed to you. I love you, Jenna. And I'm thankful you're my friend.

Fable: In all honesty, I used to really hate you. And then I was kind of forced to be nice to you, cause, well... you're dating my bestie! And now we're.. friends, I think. Well, now that we've gotten over our.. mutual verbal bickering... I'm beginning to see what a good person you are. You're kind, you're funny and you're really nice. Even though you give mean dares in t or d :( Fable, you are strong. You will get through what you're going through. I'll pull you through it myself if necessary. Thank you for being there for me when I've had nobody else to go to. Thank you for giving me a place to rant when I don't want to make a scene. You truly are a great friend.

Chase: You've been my best friend since 2015. I'm so glad I've gotten to annoy you throughout the years! It's been so fun. Even though you got me grounded... BUT WHATEVER. We've had our ups and downs, but that's okay. Chase, you're an amazing human, okay. That's really all I can say. I'd trust you with my life, if it came down to it. You make me laugh and you make me so happy. I'm so sorry about all the crap that's going on in your life.. I genuinely hope it gets better. And I'm always gonna be here for you.

ok bye my hands hurt thanks to those people and thanks to y'all for- well, majority of y'all- for being great. AND IF UR NOT ON THE LIST, DONT COME AT ME. I DID MY BEST, OKAY. EVEN IF UR NOT THERE, I STILL LOVE U. oh, and happy turkey day.

740 posts
Posted in Quitting • 25th November 2019, 08:43 AM

I love you.

740 posts
Posted in music genre debate thingy • 24th November 2019, 03:10 PM

rock / pop punk.

my least favorite type is rap and pop. I don't know why, they just make me very unsettled and uncomfortable and they make me agitated.

740 posts
Posted in Pointing out a few things • 19th November 2019, 02:43 PM

Frogs wrote on 19th November 2019, 04:42 AM:
Zendaya2408 wrote on 18th November 2019, 02:24 PM:
Xvoid wrote on 18th November 2019, 01:50 PM:
if u want guns removed, we want op health removed and let combat be bows and swords, no sabers.
I actually agree with this.
edit: yo why r u guys disliking. guns are a one shot kill. op health makes it unfair game. so do sabers. OLD CZ with only bows and swords was actually fun, not to mention easy. people weren't killed ASAP in fights by sabers, guns or even by taking on someone with like 1000 health more than you.
Old CZ with only bows and swords sucked, because the CZ actors had OP health and the only non-cz actors who were op were bakon and Gamer with 600 health which is way over OP.

im talking 2015 era CZ. 2016 is when it began getting unfair.

740 posts
Posted in Pointing out a few things • 18th November 2019, 06:19 PM

August wrote on 18th November 2019, 06:02 PM:
Zendaya2408 wrote on 18th November 2019, 02:24 PM:
Xvoid wrote on 18th November 2019, 01:50 PM:
if u want guns removed, we want op health removed and let combat be bows and swords, no sabers.
I actually agree with this.
edit: yo why r u guys disliking. guns are a one shot kill. op health makes it unfair game. so do sabers. OLD CZ with only bows and swords was actually fun, not to mention easy. people weren't killed ASAP in fights by sabers, guns or even by taking on someone with like 1000 health more than you.
bows came out after sabers idk wym by ''old cz with swords and bows''

ik. I just didn't have the will to re-edit the post.

740 posts
Posted in Pointing out a few things • 18th November 2019, 02:24 PM

Xvoid wrote on 18th November 2019, 01:50 PM:
if u want guns removed, we want op health removed and let combat be bows and swords, no sabers.

I actually agree with this.

edit: yo why r u guys disliking. guns are a one shot kill. op health makes it unfair game. so do sabers. OLD CZ with only bows and swords was actually fun, not to mention easy. people weren't killed ASAP in fights by sabers, guns or even by taking on someone with like 1000 health more than you.