740 posts
Posted in New OldCP Mods • 17th March 2019, 08:42 PM

I accept with the appointment. I look forward to it.

740 posts
Posted in goodbye • 2nd March 2019, 01:57 PM


Let's be honest here: This community are just full of rude people in general. I've been harassed, I've been called names, hell, I've even been called an autistic idiot by people who pretended to be my friends. My best friend and I were even told to kill ourselves by a former staff member (who was a current staff member at the time) and you know what happened about it? Nothing. The admin just told us he'd warn him because he was their friend and then he called us a duo of liars and blocked us. The treatment people get here for speaking their minds is just disgusting. You think people would be open to criticism, but no. Apparently, being on the internet means they have permission to say whatever the hell they want. I remember the night you said you were a girl. I didn't laugh. I congratulated you on saying it because it takes one hell of a person to do that to a bunch of strangers on the internet. The people who called you transgender and stupid just don't seem to understand that, do they? All they care about is making fun of people which is what half of them always do.

Moving on from that, let's talk about the Minecraft server... you only applied for operator for the experience, right? And then Damen simply threw the bill onto you to pay, right? That's just disappointing. You are a college student. You barely earn enough money to pay for your own needs, why should he throw that on you like it's yours to deal with. I'm sorry, but that made me very angry just to hear that. It's not your responsibility to pay for some $100-200 dollar game that you didn't even make. I think you deserve one hell of an apology.

I'm sad to see you leave. I'm sad to see that people in this community have succeeded in driving another one of my great friends away based off of sickening treatment. Sled, keep in touch with me, girl. I'll always be here for you, no matter what.

740 posts
Posted in GOM Stage One Results - 2/22/2019 • 22nd February 2019, 06:22 PM


GOM Stage One Results

Before we begin this report, I bet some of you are wondering... What is GOM? Allow me to explain: Today was Stage One of Game of Moderators. Each season, a three-day long competition is held and teams compete for the rank of ‘Moderator’. Finalists are chosen in the 5th task of the last day and are questioned separately about what they would do if they were a moderator or why they seem to outshine the rest. During the last task of the last day, the finalists do task 7 which has traditionally been the same thing: Run the Pizza Parlor. This stage is to test how well the finalists can cope with stress as there are up to 50 users in the room each asking different things at once. Finally, the finalists meet back at the office, the top 5 are evaluated in-front of everyone and the new moderator is selected, thus the name Game of Moderators. This competition began in 2013 with winner Journey and remains a thing 6 years later.

This season's GOM was probably the least active GOM I've ever been in. You may have thought the Fall one was bad with only three teams, but this year two teams are fighting head to head to outshine eachother in a series of 5 tasks per day, 5 tasks that determine your creativity and your leadership. The two teams this year are teams from the past that you may or may not have heard of. They are Sushi, lead this year by Emely (Poolpie), and Freehawks, who are returning from a long absence under the leadership of the legendary Key123. So the question now is... Which team will win and which of their members will achieve the rank of Moderator?

Task One

Sushi's poem:

Freehawk's poem:

Task One Winner: Freehawks

Task Two:

Sushi's story:

Freehawk's story:

Task Two winner: Sushi

Task Three:

I did not copy down the poems but Sushi team won due to orginization. NOTE: IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE RAPS, THEY ARE AVAILABLE ON CINEMA UNDER THE MOMENT ''CRINGE 2019''

Task Four:

Sushi's town:

Freehawk's town:

Task Four winner:

Task Five was a tiebreaker since both teams were tied with 2 points. It was a simple question of who was higher, a Lord Commander or the Head Moderator? Sushi won this since they were the first ones to answer. Lord Commander is closer to admin than Head Moderator, according to Lush which makes it a higher rank.

Stage One Winner: Sushi

Tomorrow is Stage 2. Chelsey will be hosting tomorrow because Damen'll be unavailable. As for both teams, take tonight to prepare for whatever will happen tomorrow. You both did amazing today and I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring.

Good luck from Team Sushi!

740 posts
Posted in Looking Back • 19th February 2019, 09:36 PM

• I don’t know what version but it was 2015
• Zendaya2408
• Lou. I asked her how to become a knight and she directed me towards Jesse ‘cause he was knight then.
• I think the water party??
• Mickey, it was the Blackhawk war and I just saw everyone screaming about him
• Lylance. He’s been my best friend since the very beginning.
• Lou
• Seeing mal and lou
• Mal31. She was forced to leave the game and anything related to it. Hell, saying ‘’miss them’’ would be an understatement. Just yesterday, I started sobbing because I thought she returned but it turned out not to be her and I was so heartbroken. That girl was like a sister to me. I helped her through so much and she helped me too and it killed me so badly when she had to say her goodbyes. She was the only person left from 2015 at that time. Everyone else quit.
• Mal31, I need her desperately because I haven’t been quite right since she left. It feels like I’m missing a piece of me.
• Imperial knight. I got demoted 2 days later but I’m knight again, so…
• Yea. I ‘’caused drama’’ even though other people were yelling crap at me also.
• That thing terrified me, I always thought I was gonna hit the microphone on accident.
• No
• 4207b, Jenna, Gamer, Lylance, Jake01, Mal31. They’re like family to me.
• I don’t know.
• Meeting all my best friends today. Memories like those make me happy but they also make very sad…
• Probably being harassed for defending Mal when she was getting attacked all those months for simply existing… That still makes me angry that you people had the audacity to do that to someone as sweet as Mal… to hell if she annoyed you, I doubt you’d treat anyone else that way.
• Idk
• In all honesty, I would most likely not even be sitting here typing this now. A lot of people have saved me from doing stupid crap and they don’t even know.

740 posts
Posted in Current State of CZ • 19th February 2019, 09:21 PM

who else read this in gru's voice

740 posts
Posted in Beard Reveal & Create Conf • 8th February 2019, 06:34 PM

what Pablo said

740 posts
Posted in Gamer Challenged Me (Big mistake!!!) • 5th February 2019, 07:42 PM

gamer is gonna shave his beard like he always does

@gamer no shaving allowed you need to beat this contest you must embrace your inner tree

740 posts
Posted in Art of Pablo 3 - My Dog • 4th February 2019, 09:03 PM

I love her shes so little and cute and just.. cute

740 posts
Posted in Tave Kitchen: S1 E3 • 4th February 2019, 06:52 PM

you should've given manager zen a cookie, I love cookies
how dare you not give me a cookie
im the one who sued you in last episode because I am secretly a time traveler and you were sued for not giving me a cookie

740 posts
Posted in Tave Kitchen: S1, E1 • 2nd February 2019, 07:55 PM


740 posts
Posted in POTM Results - 1/31/2019 • 31st January 2019, 05:26 PM

Player of the Month – January 31st, 2019

5th place: Brit
Time: 4 days 23 hours 41 minutes 31 seconds
Gold: 5k

4th place: Poolpie
Time: 5 days 10 hours 52 minutes 43 seconds
Gold: 10k

3rd place: Randy
Time: 7 days 4 hours 19 minutes 54 seconds
Gold: 30k

2nd place: Rainberry
Time: 9 days 7 hours 20 minutes
Gold: 80k

1st place: Chelsey
Time: 9 days 16 hours 15 minutes
Gold: 100k

Chelsey is the first winner of the January 2019 POTM. She is also the second admin to become POTM. Here are all the winners together!

Chelsey decided to say a speech since she was the winner. She says; ‘’I don’t have much to say, but shoutout to coffeecow. My favorite moments in January was every time I talked to swirlie and also zoe. That’s all thank you.’’

Other news:

- Damen is bringing back chancecards. He is resetting everyone’s chancecards.
- Spring GOM is in 3 weeks! Get in your teams. Prepare yourselves. Read more here.
- CoffeeCow has been promoted to News Reporter to fill in the place of Jesse, since he resigned. Be sure to congratulate her! Welcome to the team, Lou. <3
- Do you have a passion for writing? If so, we're in need of more News Reporters! If you're interested in applying, click here!
- Damen is currently hosting a live Q&A. You can tune in here

That's all for today. Congratulations to all the winners today! Good luck next month! EDIT: Sorry that I haven't been active as much with reports. My cat's health had been deteriorating rapidly this entire month and we had to put him down on Monday. I just wanted to spend as much time as I could before he had to die.

740 posts
Posted in The Pookie Standard • 29th January 2019, 06:26 PM

ewww its jeke

740 posts
Posted in My Return • 25th January 2019, 03:54 PM

ew its you

jk hi car key :)

740 posts
Posted in Sriram • 16th January 2019, 06:51 PM

I agree with this. I once disliked his reply to a post because it was very rude and uncalled for and then a second later I get a notification “Sriram has disliked your post News - 1/13/2019”

740 posts
Posted in quitting. • 14th January 2019, 09:12 PM

absolutecringe wrote on 14th January 2019, 09:09 PM:
Zendaya2408 wrote on 14th January 2019, 09:07 PM:
Sorry it took so long for me to respond, I had to go downstairs due to the fact I didn't want my mom or sister to see me crying.
BFF, I love you more than you could ever know. I'm so sorry and I'm so upset you had to go through this. Honestly, it sickened me when that administrator told me to email them whenever you were being harassed and when I did email them, they called it a lie and did nothing. You deserve so much better than the type of treatment you get here. It hurts me so badly every time I see you upset, but now I really have no idea what to say. No matter what happens, no matter if we're separated, I'll always be here for you and I want you to know that. My DMs will never be closed to you. We've been through so much together. We've leaned on eachother when we've needed it. I'm so so sorry you had to go through hell this past year. I did my best to try to get you unipbanned. Please stay in touch with me, bff.... You're like family to me. You've met half of my family and I met half of yours. Like my profile says;
1 universe. 9 planets. 204 countries, 809 islands, 7 seas... and I had to privilege to meet you. I hope we're friends until we die. And then I hope we'll be ghost friends and walk through walls together and scare the living crap out of people together and then stay up all night eating chick fil a and laughing at our lives together. I can't be mad at you, ever. If I know I've hurt you in some way, I will not sleep. I will be so angry and upset with myself, I'll end up either severely hurting myself or crying myself into a breakdown. You're my bestest friend. I love you so freakin much you don't even know. You fight, I fight. You hurt, I hurt. You cry, I cry. You jump off a bridge, I will jump off after you with a parachute attached to me and I will catch. you. We may be many miles apart from eachother, we may be countries apart at the current moment but we will never leave eachother. You're my better half. Without you, I have no idea what I would currently be right now. I love you so much. You're like my older brother that I've never had. VCing you every month last year was the highlight of my days. You brought me so much joy and you made me smile and laugh so hard I could not breathe. And then I almost killed you and I was so scared I literally screamed and cried so hard my neighbor had to run over to make sure I was okay. ilysm <333
You're such a nice person. You didn't deserve any of the crap you've received. You're literally the main reason why I'm still emotionally stable right now. No matter where we are in the world, I'll always be with you in your heart. Please keep in touch with me... ilysm bff
i am crying why do i deserve you as a friend ilysvm bff

you deserve me because you're a good person no matter what anyone else says and ily2 bff <333