740 posts
Posted in quitting. • 14th January 2019, 09:07 PM

Sorry it took so long for me to respond, I had to go downstairs due to the fact I didn't want my mom or sister to see me crying.

BFF, I love you more than you could ever know. I'm so sorry and I'm so upset you had to go through this. Honestly, it sickened me when that administrator told me to email them whenever you were being harassed and when I did email them, they called it a lie and did nothing. You deserve so much better than the type of treatment you get here. It hurts me so badly every time I see you upset, but now I really have no idea what to say. No matter what happens, no matter if we're separated, I'll always be here for you and I want you to know that. My DMs will never be closed to you. We've been through so much together. We've leaned on eachother when we've needed it. I'm so so sorry you had to go through hell this past year. I did my best to try to get you unipbanned. Please stay in touch with me, bff.... You're like family to me. You've met half of my family and I met half of yours. Like my profile says;

1 universe. 9 planets. 204 countries, 809 islands, 7 seas... and I had to privilege to meet you. I hope we're friends until we die. And then I hope we'll be ghost friends and walk through walls together and scare the living crap out of people together and then stay up all night eating chick fil a and laughing at our lives together. I can't be mad at you, ever. If I know I've hurt you in some way, I will not sleep. I will be so angry and upset with myself, I'll end up either severely hurting myself or crying myself into a breakdown. You're my bestest friend. I love you so freakin much you don't even know. You fight, I fight. You hurt, I hurt. You cry, I cry. You jump off a bridge, I will jump off after you with a parachute attached to me and I will catch. you. We may be many miles apart from eachother, we may be countries apart at the current moment but we will never leave eachother. You're my better half. Without you, I have no idea what I would currently be right now. I love you so much. You're like my older brother that I've never had. VCing you every month last year was the highlight of my days. You brought me so much joy and you made me smile and laugh so hard I could not breathe. And then I almost killed you and I was so scared I literally screamed and cried so hard my neighbor had to run over to make sure I was okay. ilysm <333

You're such a nice person. You didn't deserve any of the crap you've received. You're literally the main reason why I'm still emotionally stable right now. No matter where we are in the world, I'll always be with you in your heart. Please keep in touch with me... ilysm bff <3

740 posts
Posted in News Reporter Application • 14th January 2019, 06:55 PM

I sent your application in the discord for the others to view it. I like it, I just want them to see it for their opinions. Good luck.

740 posts
Posted in News - 1/13/2019 • 13th January 2019, 07:27 PM

THIS IS MY FIRST REPORT OF 2019!!! Anyways, what an interesting day it's been. Today was the ending of Dagorath (If that's how you spell it). Basically as a summary, it was a gigantic war that lasted for almost 12 hours today. People fought and people died... a lot. The fighting began at 8 AM this morning and ended a few minutes ago. Lush has created a report with a more detailed explanation on today's events. I would've done one myself but due to the winter storm, the powerlines are layered with snow and ice and it's a miracle I'm even typing right now. You can read Lush's report here.

On another note, tomorrow at 5 PM EST, there will be a redemption. We are entering a new era after 6 years of the same CZ line. With a new era comes a new staff. An entire rank reset will occur tomorrow so I wish all of you the best of luck. And also, every dead account has been revived.

After all of the fighting, there were a few jousts that Flame held! These were not a part of any competition of any sort. They were just for fun.

First joust: Randy vs Yeet
Winner: Randy

Second joust: Brit vs Perla
Winner: Brit

Third joust: Ian vs Ariana
Winner: Ariana

Fourth joust: Jenna vs Mike
Winner: Jenna

Fifth joust: Kara vs BeanXII
Winner: BeanXII

Sixth joust: Sid vs Randy Jenna vs R2D2
Winner: Randy

Final joust: Brit vs Leaf
Winner: Leaf

A bit of real life news, there will be a total lunar eclipse on January 21st. It will be one of the three supermoons in 2019, except this one will be a super blood wolf moon. Weird name, isn't it? The reason why I am including this in today's report is because it will be viewable in many countries. You may want to drink your caffeine because this eclipse will be one hell of a show and will last all night long.

That's all for tonight. Goodnight.

740 posts
Posted in How was your first day at school? • 7th January 2019, 03:49 PM

I started back last week and it's been absolute hell :)

740 posts
Posted in Character Cards • 7th January 2019, 02:58 PM

have you found mine yet dumbo

jk theyre amazing bff, keep it up :)

740 posts
Posted in au revoir -seth • 6th January 2019, 03:23 PM

Sethy :( you're such a good friend. You always made me laugh and smile when I was sad and you made me feel very happy whenever we talked. I'm gonna message you every damn day now. I'm not going to miss you because I'm still going to talk to you so there will be no reason to miss you at all. ily bff :) I hope you feel better. People in this community have a tendency to make others feel this way and I'm sad to see you're the next to go.

740 posts
Posted in Unable to move • 5th January 2019, 08:23 AM

Solution: click your player card or simply rejoin and you’ll be able to move again

740 posts
Posted in Stop with the autism jokes/rants • 2nd January 2019, 07:46 PM

Good job. Finally someone says it. Hopefully the 15+ people who bully and harass those with this disorder will open their eyes and grow up a tad bit and realize they’re probably much better people than they think. Personally, I have quite a bit of friends with mental illnesses and they’re some of the sweetest, most kindest people I’ve ever met and yet they’re bullied on a daily basis simply because they either stutter, pronounce things incorrectly or annoy people. People bullied a very close friend on mine on this game just because she had aspergers. Do you people remember Mal31? I bet you do- Most of you never gave her a damned day of peace. You people bullied her so hard, there were nights when I got no sleep because I sat up with her the entire night comforting her as she cried. She dreaded getting up each day because she knew as soon as she logged on, you fools would start harassing her again. People continued.. and continued... for two years. before she gave up and left. And when I brought it to your attention that you guys were hurting her deeply, you simply laughed. I recall one person stating: ''She's so annoying, just her presence makes me angry.'' Just because someone annoys you doesn’t give you the right to blatantly harass them and make them feel less of themselves when you have NO idea what they’re going through irl. Mental illness... it’s not a joke. It’s not something hilarious, it shouldn’t be thrown about like it’s nothing but another one of your possessions. It’s disgusting and it’s stupid that many trusted people who are both current and former staff go around this community bullying and calling people autistic. If they had a mental illness, if they ever thought to put themselves in someone else’s shoes to see how it felt to be the one tossed about like a rag doll, do you think many people of this community will feel better about themselves? Because a lot of people hate this community and despise logging on every single day. It’s thanks to those 15+ people that abuse them to the point they’re wishing desperately to leave that they feel this way. Excellent post, Sled. I’m glad to see SOMEONE is finally doing something about it.

And for the record, most of you shouldn't be so rude to a kid so much that they don't even want to get out of their beds each morning. The fact that's how most of you cause some people to feel makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. As someone above said, kindness is one of the community values. So where the hell is it at? I don't see it coming from hardly any of you aside from a select few people who actually care about how other people feel.

740 posts
Posted in Hi - R2D2 • 2nd January 2019, 11:24 AM

What a lie, your name is A a ron GET IT RIGHT

740 posts
Posted in DSGHQ Forum Activity • 2nd January 2019, 06:55 AM

85% posting news reports
2% making/replying to real discussions
10% updating/listening to my profile music
2% stalking bff's profile because why the hell not, I gave him 50 views just by myself YOU'RE WELCOME.
1% just sitting there staring at the page because nobody sends me mail or talks to me aside from bffs :)

edit- hey, replying to this got me to level 77

740 posts
Posted in Goodbye • 1st January 2019, 08:21 PM

Let's pretend like I'm not hiding my face from the rest of my family to shield the fact I'm currently crying-

Rila, you're the sweetest human being I've ever met. You're so adorable and whenever I'm around you, I feel like any emotion other than pure joy is nonexistent. I've never seen you upset or angry in the full year I've known you. You're so bubbly with energy, all you do is bounce all over the place and fill everyone with happiness and warmth. You're such a special little sugar cookie- everything about you is sweet. You're such a pure girl. All of the discussions I've had with you, all the moments I've spent by your side, the jokes we've laughed over... I won't forget them. When I saw this post, I literally choked on my cereal and as soon as I skimmed over it, I started crying so hard. And I still am. Please, Rila. Don't stop being a unique little ray of sunshine. If I find out you've changed, I'm getting on a plane to New Zealand and I will find you and stare at you like my grandmother does when she's angry.

Have a wonderful life, girlie. <3 ilysm, I'm gonna miss you <3 YOU BETTER COME BACK TO VISIT AND YOU BETTER KEEP IN TOUCH OR I SWEAR TO ACTUAL GOD RILAKKUMA-

740 posts
Posted in News Reporter App Zelrus • 1st January 2019, 01:23 PM

The spots for news reporter are currently full right now but I’ll be sure to recommend you if they ever need another.

740 posts
Posted in Roblox Arda • 31st December 2018, 10:47 AM

hahaha gamer told me about this like 8 months ago hahaha

740 posts
Posted in 2018? what? shoutouts? • 30th December 2018, 07:46 PM

ilysm sister <3 its been a great 3 years

740 posts
Posted in Loyal users • 30th December 2018, 07:39 PM

What's even more disappointing is how people thought they could do whatever they wanted. They failed to notice that it was literally like making a new account on oldcp aside from the fact that the modlist was different. If they had noticed these things, they'd've realized as soon as they joined the server that cussing wasn't allowed, nor was any other thing they did wrong. Instead of following the community values, they blatantly cussed and carried on with other things not normally tolerated. The saddest part? The fact that some people shot at the mods when they tried to log on to do their jobs and how most of the people breaking the rules were current/former staff members who knew better than to act like that.

I'm happy to say I followed to rules... I'm not happy to say I didn't report any of the explicit behaviors sooner.