740 posts
Posted in [WARNING SPOILERS] Best Scenes from No Way Home? • 18th January 2022, 03:18 PM

ultimate favorite for me was when MJ was falling and they had andrew save her. that was such a sweet tribute to when he couldn't save gwen. and when he was crying after they landed, it was like he had finally done right by her. i cried.

second favorite when andrew garfield came through followed by tobey maguire, that was so funny. the way they made andrew touch the ceiling and climb around and then when andrew and tobey were fighting or wtv. i laughed so hard.

third favorite has to be like any scene w doc ock, i love him sm

740 posts
Posted in Best CP party? • 17th January 2022, 02:21 PM

i liked the seasonal parties.
my favorite were the christmas one in 2012/2013
second favorite was halloween 2014
then they got bad

i loved the fair one too
and the one with the limo i forgot what it was

740 posts
Posted in Favorite Book Series • 17th January 2022, 11:43 AM

i have way too many

all for the game [the foxhole court/the raven king/the king's men], it's not widely known but i think it's extremely popular in russia. it's a really dark series that deals with trauma and abuse so it's not for the lighthearted reader. it's an amazing series with amazing characters [not including riko or any of the other moriyamas, they can die]

folk of the air [the cruel prince/the wicked king/the queen of nothing], jude duarte is by far the best female character i've ever seen in writing. this girl was bullied her whole life and brought down for being human and she doesn't let that take her down, she becomes the high king's seneschal and eventually becomes the first human queen. her relationship with cardan is disgusting at first but eventually you start to love them. he explains why he treats her as he did and they eventually fall in love and i think the enemies-to-lovers arc was carried out so beautifully. CAN WE JUST ACKNOWLEDGE HOW JUDE WOULD PRACTICE MITHRIDATISM [THE ART OF INGESTING POISON] SO SHE COULD PROTECT HERSELF?? HELLO????

literally any book in the grishaverse [shadow and bone/ruin and rising/siege and storm/six of crows/crooked kingdom/king of scars/rule of wolves] i love that series, i love the show, i just think the books are amazing. the only ones i've read through entirely are six of crows and crooked kingdom, im halfway through shadow and bone and i love them so far. wylan and jesper have my heart. the season 2 cast was just announced the other day and the actor for wylan is so perfect it looks like he came straight from the book.

740 posts
Posted in zen's writing stuff or wtv • 16th January 2022, 08:57 PM

people are complaining about the forums being dry / having nothing interesting on it so here.
i literally started this at lunch in 7th grade bc i was daydreaming and now we have this.

basically it's a story about a girl named alaine whose learned she's the last living member of an ancient order of elementalists. she's lived her entire life thinking she was odd and being bullied for it. her parents died when she was really young and she has no other living relatives, so it's just her and her cat. she's always believed that there's more in the universe than just humans and she was right- the beings from the bible stories at her church are real and they're trying to induct her into their army because they want to use her to destroy humanity. they're a ''family'' of insanely old creatures of darkness except three of them are alright and treat alaine as their own. they didn't know the true purpose of her being there because they disagree with everything their father and brother stand for and they work together to try to save the world.

cliche. i know. it's horrible. it sucks. but it gets BETTER.
exhibit a - we have characters.

alaine - star seeker [PROTAGONIST]

asren - god of serpents [DEUTERAGONIST]

vesta - goddess of flowers and decorations [TRITAGONIST]

amrys - god of misery / prince of darkness [ANTAGONIST]

i won't include the main villain bc i dont know if blood is against the rules or whatever but yeah.

anyways. i started writing the other day and im kinda loving what i have so far, its just so cute to me.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

''Don't you see I'm trying?’’

Alaine wouldn’t have heard him had she not been standing so close. He spoke no higher than a whisper, his eyes swimming with emotion he’d never once displayed.

‘’I'm trying to do good. I'm trying to be a good person. I never had someone to teach me right from wrong. I never had someone who cared for me or loved me as you do,’’ He trailed off, swirling the stone ring on his index finger. He stared at the ground for what felt like ages; he seemed to be having a war with himself.

With a great inhale, he continued, ‘’Before I met you, I had no one. I was alone. I can't go back to being alone, I can't.’’

Asren looked up at her through glistening eyes. He was hyperventilating. He was scared. A tear slipped down his cheek. ‘’Please don't leave me, I'll do anything. I beg you. Please don't abandon me again.''

His head dropped into his lap as he broke down, sobbing. His fear of her leaving was overwhelming him, and it broke her heart to see him crumble. Tears of her own flooded her face as she knelt down, clutching his shaking hands between her own. He tried to flinch away, but she held him tighter.

‘’Look at me,’’ Alaine whispered, her voice steady despite the tears. ‘’Look at me, As.’’

He looked; his eyes stained with red. She cupped his face with her palm and wiped a few tears from his skin.

‘’I’m not going anywhere, I promise.’’

ITS SO CUTE im so excited. i have so many ideas for this story.
anyways bye

740 posts
Posted in fav movie and show • 16th January 2022, 02:48 PM

movie: any harry potter movie
tv show: shadow and bone / the witcher

740 posts
Posted in Vegan • 7th January 2022, 03:32 PM

i don't eat red meat, pork or anything else of that sort because i don't like how it tastes
chicken is addicting
i don't like messy food
vegetables / fruits / etc. are my go-to for eating, sofritas tastes like fajita mixture to me but without the meat

i understand your point and i agree with some of it. animal abuse is disgusting and i believe that anyone who practices it should be charged to the fullest extent of the law where they live for harming animals that can't defend themselves properly.

here are my thoughts though-

i don't think everyone is cruel to animals, i live surrounded by tons of farms and they treat animals as well as they possibly can. my grandparent's patio has its own insulation and is full of cat beds / mattresses and stuff and there's tons of food and water bowls and heaters for wild animals. my grandmother didn't want to see them suffer in the cold or without a place to stay so she did that, i've gotten to see tons of creatures up close like wolves, coyotes, foxes, possums, etc. while staying completely safe. they also know there won't be any harm, one of the cats we took in used to come all the time and one day she brought other cats with her so they definitely communicate in some way like ''hey, this is the place to go'' or something.

I think people should be allowed to make their own decisions on what they eat / what they put in their body. it may not be agreed with but you can't exactly dictate what a person eats or how they eat it, it's up to them to make that choice. if they want to eat meat, alright. if they want to go vegan/vegetarian, cool. i don't like when i see people going off on others for what they eat, they automatically label them as supporters of animal abuse and that's a horrible thing to say, especially when its not true.

not saying that dog / cat are good things to be eating but cuisine is different everywhere. what you eat in one country may not exist in another, or it may be entirely different. just as they eat burgers in america, snails in france, spider in cambodia and melitzana in greece. i think it's a good thing that everyone has such a unique taste because even if you don't agree with some of what they eat, it's normal to them and you can't really change that or force them to eat like you. not saying that you're trying to do that, i just mean that people should be able to eat what they want.

when im older i want to grow my own herbs and stuff and buy fresh. i don't want to go into a store unless i absolutely have to. i feel like things that come from nature taste way better than things that come from the store. i want to have my own cafe where the food is completely fresh and organic, and i want to open a hospital that feeds its patients correctly and doesn't add onto their poor health. hospital food sucks, that's a globally known fact. and i want to change that. and i think the only way to do that is to change what kind of food they're providing for the patients.

i want to say something because you made really good points-

Because animals are below humans, they shouldn't have rights like us, and should be used as a product, as long as their life is taken in a way which is fast and they live a good life - whoever truly feels this way clearly has never met an animal before because there are TONS of animals who are just as smart, if not smarter, than humans. most species of primates use rocks and other objects to open tough nuts. octopus can open jars, have extremely great long-term memories and can learn how to do things the minute they're born. dolphins are extremely self-aware and can understand abstract situations. when i was in bermuda a few years ago we went swimming with dolphins and there was a lady in our group who was pregnant. one of the dolphins wouldn't leave her side; he would constantly boop his nose on her stomach and would get aggressive if another dolphin came too close to her. they had to separate him from her because he wouldn't leave her alone.

I think its healthy, despite the contrary evidence, I still can find other scientific evidence to support my view, which I trust. - meat is rich in protein and vitamins which play a crucial role our anatomical structure. the plethora of minerals it gives you support your cells and bodily tissue. eating meat will supply you with the essential acids that are needed for good health. dairy is full of calcium which help strengthen our bones. you say that meat is a carcinogen and is associated with a high percentage of cholesterol and fat, but that's only in red meat. red meat has been proven to be high in saturated fat. there isn't enough research to prove that meat is a carcinogen, the only cancer they've determined it can cause is colorectal cancer which is extremely rare considering the risk is about 4.4% for men and 4.1% for women. obesity is mainly the cause for it, but you can get obese from way more than just meat so its unfair to blame it on something which helps much more than it does harm.

but yeah. just my opinion.



740 posts
Posted in Winter Photo Contest • 4th January 2022, 03:44 PM

i love you for this.

icicles, 1/3/2022

baby snowball ft oversized flannel [and my baby hands], 1/3/2022

christmas fire pit, 12/23/2021

snow branch closeup, 1/3/2022

740 posts
Posted in Ranking the Nazgul from Best to Worst • 28th December 2021, 09:04 PM

zes wrote on 28th December 2021, 08:47 PM:
what's a Nazgul and why am I not in first

this made me laugh

740 posts
Posted in Lets talk abt feelings • 26th December 2021, 10:40 PM

honestly amazing. the year started off horribly and now it's just gradually gotten better

740 posts
Posted in DSGHQ Mod Appraisals Winter 2021 • 17th December 2021, 12:41 PM

this'll be fun

740 posts
Posted in flame hate post • 14th December 2021, 07:31 PM

gurlplayy wrote on 14th December 2021, 06:23 PM:

i love both u and kat pls

anyways flame sucks

740 posts
Posted in DSGHQ SOAP OPERA? • 7th December 2021, 10:55 AM

Name: zen
Title: idk
Where Your Character Lives: idk
Spouse (?): none
Evil/Good/Neutral/Surprise Me: neutral
Signature Superpower (?): writing duh

740 posts
Posted in i should be sleeping rn • 6th December 2021, 03:15 PM

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH hihihihi i missed u

740 posts
Posted in tiem (read that however you like) • 3rd December 2021, 03:05 PM

i joined when i was 8 and i turn 16 next year

i was literally in the last few days of second grade when i joined and now im halfway through the first year of highschool

740 posts
Posted in OldCP reuinion: Like never before • 27th November 2021, 12:06 PM

that was fun