An Artist
40 posts
Posted in Sans (undertale) • 6th February 2016, 03:50 PM

Goldie Mio wrote on 6th February 2016 03:50 PM:
Pastel said on 6th February 2016 03:34 PM:
Errrr I drew this ugly sans and uploaded it soo...

that sans is spicy
hot. you did a good job!
;3; thanks!!!

An Artist
40 posts
Posted in Sans (undertale) • 6th February 2016, 03:50 PM

sam wrote on 6th February 2016 03:37 PM:
no sans is ever ugly

An Artist
40 posts
Posted in Adding a msg on a mood? • 6th February 2016, 03:48 PM

Stupid question but how to reply on a mood? Is it a member only thing?

An Artist
40 posts
Posted in This User • 6th February 2016, 03:46 PM

Maloroni wrote on 6th February 2016 03:29 PM:
I created the account,Maloroni.When I logged on,it felt I was being controlled.My avatar kept going into the clothes shop and coffee shop for some reason.

I kept trying to tell my Baffed what was happening.I was trying to yell help,but instead it just took me into the coffee shop or clothes shop.
It was REALLY weird.I swear something was controlling me,like wth....
Anyway,can you guys help me?

PS: Can someone pin this to reports?

wow thats weird.... hope it wont happen again!!!

An Artist
40 posts
Posted in My Journeys End • 6th February 2016, 03:44 PM

Riverstein wrote on 6th February 2016 03:01 AM:
Dear Everyone from the DSGHQ

Thank You for these 3 Awesome,wonderful,Exciting,Amazing years with each and everyone of yous and getting to know most of yous through out those Years

I used to be a Nobody just another face in the crowd which was a good thing because I got to meet each and everyone of yous and i've been taught a lot and I wouldn't have learnt them from my friends and as a thank you here is a little something

Avo:Your a great person and I haven't found one of those friends who would care until the died (historically) until I met you

Wolf:You have taught me lots of things in life that I'm proud of (e.g Undertale) when I first met you I knew we would be good friends

ollo/olleh:You are a radical friend.You inspire me by your Bunny-loving Talents and how we both enjoy roblox together.See you at Roblox.You were like a brother

Queenblue:I always will remember when we would throw snowballs at eachother as a sign of our friendship.Good Times Mate.

Summer:Your a good friend reach for the stars and NEVER give up I hope things go well for you.

Megashark:Your a good friend.You helped me when I'm down you make me laugh at any times necessary

Qveen/Salsa:I remember the good old times when we always hung out and you would call your best friends Boyfriends/girlfriends.Good times

Bonwe:Our friendship didn't start off well but we got there didn't we?We really put our enemy relationship behind us

Pickle:Your a good friend.Keep it up and Kia Kaha (Stay Strong) Future Knight

Terry:All these years ive seen you Help others and Help Damen by Keeping this game safe.Stay Strong Terry.Your the best Head Mod Ever

Lou/Coffee:I remember when you were knight I would always come over and support you the way I could.And seeing you now puts a smile on my face

iiKatt:Me and you get along well and I hope that never ends.Even though my journey is done I hope when we see eachother again we will remember what we been through (good things)

Design:You were an Outstanding Wise One.I wish you the best on your journey.

Mckensie:We were the best of friends.We would always get along wouldn't we?

Ash:I remember the day you adopted me.From then I kept it as a Memory and I hope I will never let go of it

Mal:You are the Bomb and I hope everything goes good for you. #Malthenumber1sister

PeTaL/Tent:You were the best knight ive ever seen and I always thought you believed in me to be knight.I guess that's true huh?

Jesse:I remember the good old days.Remember Rigbytalk? You probably do because you were talking about it before.() Maybe when we meet up again maybe we could do another rigbytalk

Orbae/Orbay:You were one of my best friends and I Hope everything and everything/one around you turns out well

Kara:Sorry other admins but Kara you are my favourite admin.Hopefully you don't get embarrassed but I used to have a crush on you.heheh

Family (My whole DSGHQ Family):You guys were and are the best and I hope that youll always be.Never give up

(Sorry if I have forgot you if I have tell me down below and ill add you in)

I guess this is it for Me.But I might come Rarely For visits to pop in for a quick hello.I will also be on forums rarely just to see the gossip around oldcp

Thank you everyone for these wonderful 3 years and I hope I see you around.

(Getting Emotional) Today (it'll be tomorrow for me) will be my last day to say goodbye and maybe enjoy those few last tears because of how well you've all treated me

I guess I will See yous Around...
Rigby (P.S K.I.T = Keep in touch with you all)

awwww! We'll miss you even if some of us didn't know yo uthat well!!!

An Artist
40 posts
Posted in Should we worry? • 6th February 2016, 03:40 PM

Misteh Rose Sunset wrote on 6th February 2016 02:47 PM:
Maybe you didn't know, it is the new jail (they wanted to make jail scary I bet)

~ Misteh Rose Sunset

DANG now i want to see it but I dont want to go to jail ;-;

An Artist
40 posts
Posted in Sans (undertale) • 6th February 2016, 03:34 PM

Errrr I drew this ugly sans and uploaded it soo...

An Artist
40 posts
Posted in mmm watcha sayyy • 5th February 2016, 04:36 PM

Lol yesterday I was in a group chat and i asked someone in the chat something and then another person in the chat just started to yell at me. I asked them what I did that was wrong and they said this was a bad time. I didn't understand what they ment and I scrolled up in the chat and all they were talking about was undertale and so I didn't get it. I asked her what she ment and she just left the group chat...

Welp I'ma go see if I get get what I was asking for.

An Artist
40 posts
Posted in maggie draws #1 • 5th February 2016, 04:25 PM

I would say 7/10! But again it hasn't been colored in yet so that would probs change my guess

An Artist
40 posts
Posted in When bored, What to do? • 3rd February 2016, 06:48 PM

if some one is bored what should they do?