But what am I?
72 posts
Posted in Made Mikey Laugh ;D • 9th March 2016, 07:07 PM

Congrats on getting gold.

But what am I?
72 posts
Posted in DO YOU LIKE NACHOS? • 9th March 2016, 07:04 PM

I like nachos but I am not in love with them.

But what am I?
72 posts
Posted in Imperial Knight App • 9th March 2016, 06:57 PM

Great Application but I think you should get Member first.

But what am I?
72 posts
Posted in News Reporter Application • 9th March 2016, 06:51 PM

Nice Application. Good luck for News Reporter. We need more(besides those bots) and you would be perfect. Good luck!

But what am I?
72 posts
Posted in DO YOU LIKE DONALD TRUMP? • 9th March 2016, 06:45 PM

If Donald Trump wins...

1. Rip America
2. Start of World War III

But what am I?
72 posts
Posted in oldcp Mod app~papachis • 9th March 2016, 05:21 PM

Xpapachis wrote on 9th March 2016 03:43 PM:
Hello i am papachis and im here to make my mod application i hope you like i, May i please begin?

User name:

Age:Well my age is kinda weird i am 13 by birth and almost 14. However since i was adopted like for 3 years i am also 3 years old by adoption.And i was adopted again (2 months now)But i am genarly 13

Rank i want?:
I would love to help moderate oldcp so, moderator

Why do i want it:
After of few crazy nights off alot of users breaking rules (ect.) i feel like we need mor mods online at night, And this past night i had to arrest about 15 users for innap behavior. dont worry i realeased most of them. But not the really mean ones who would not stop (i would do that today) So then after that night i thought i should be a oldcp mod.I even cried from what happened yestarday\

yes i am active alot of time during the day and almost like 8est through 2est, so yea i am active

Time zone:
Well arizona has its own time zone like in between pst and mtn so im like 30 min ahead of pst so yeah my time is close to it so i would be active more then est mods.

/arrest (user)
/release (user)
/whisper (user) message
/kick (user)
/ban (user)
/unban (user)
/summon (user)
/sendto (user) (a other user or a room)

Will i abuse?
let me asked you? Have i ever abused my powers (knight one) No i have not so never (some say they wont and they do, however that is not me i stick to my word for life.

Experience with dsghq?
Well i used to be a xat mod, and a knight (no one remembered me :'( ...)I have won this recent snaildom gom and it was my first one,I am a curent oldcp knight.I have been here since the 2013 and joined forums lte may in 2014, I have achieved a lot on here

Issues with staff?
No! i am always great with staff i am nice to them they are nice to me. Same thing with users.
Staff likes me and i am never mean. I was never banned or arrested (EVER)

Yes i am trusted by a lot of staff (not just saying it, I actually mean it)

Thank you +1 or -1 just thank you for seeing my application thank you for your support.
And if i earn it, you will feel happy you helped someone achieve one of their goals. I will thank you all.

Great Application! Good luck for moderator!

But what am I?
72 posts
Posted in Resignation from News Reporter • 9th March 2016, 05:02 PM

We come and go. Congrats on Master.

But what am I?
72 posts
Posted in Oldcp/Minecraft • 9th March 2016, 02:57 PM

Wolves wrote on 9th March 2016 02:28 PM:
School? School? It's Spring Break
Well for other people there are still in school. For some people, Spring Break is in April *cough**cough*me*cough**cough*

But what am I?
72 posts
Posted in Tournaments and Events! • 8th March 2016, 10:10 PM

Awesome! Thanks for the update.

But what am I?
72 posts
Posted in Apology to Stanley Stanford Stan Pines • 8th March 2016, 10:02 PM

Sense you want to be specific, nice illustration.

But what am I?
72 posts
Posted in Gallery of the Houses • 8th March 2016, 10:00 PM

This sounds awesome! Good luck to all houses!

But what am I?
72 posts
Posted in International women's day!! • 8th March 2016, 06:53 PM

Pretty soon women all over the world will have the same rights as men.(hopefully)

But what am I?
72 posts
Posted in Star Wars Characters • 8th March 2016, 07:44 AM

Oh I was about to say thats not even all of the characters in Star Wars. My favorite from this list is Darth Vader.

But what am I?
72 posts
Posted in Dislike Button • 8th March 2016, 07:39 AM

Users usually dislike someone's post if they disagree or they are just being rude. I agree and disagree with this post.

But what am I?
72 posts
Posted in Coming after you Bill Nye • 7th March 2016, 09:50 PM

Megs wrote on 7th March 2016 09:42 PM:
Hi and stuff

I'm a little infuriated for real for real because this guy decided to wait until now to become a presidential candidate and he's put zero effort in. No useless speeches, no ignorant tweets, he's literally done NOTHING related to presidency and he somehow has 3,000,000 votes. This is the guy:

His name's Bill Nye. Meanwhile, I've been running for president for ages and working tremendously hard and not even my family knows I'm running. I was planning to make a "comedy" discussion today but I just can't believe that citizens would rather have some..expired dorito or whatever run the country than me.

I'll be back to my normal discussions soon. In the meantime, you're going down Bill. You're getting erased.
Exactly and GF fans unite!