im not religious
538 posts
Posted in You're not alone. • 15th March 2020, 08:18 AM

SikeII wrote on 15th March 2020, 08:14 AM:
In your logic all people who have issues or just are different should just be evacuated?

that is not what i am saying.

he's toxic, and hurting people. he should leave the dsghq until he learns that this is not acceptable.

im not religious
538 posts
Posted in Our Protest.. • 15th March 2020, 08:08 AM


I appreciate your support with this situation. It means a lot.

Damen had addressed this in his previous live-stream (last 6 minutes of it, go watch); and he said he removed Frogs' weapons and if he is re-armed by any CZ character, then Administrators should take it into consideration and remove those weapons too.

If Frogs' behaviour continues, he will be IPBanned.

Now, my thoughts on this:

Damen, don't be so gullible. Take this seriously.

Damen's mood is quite unnecessary, especially using the #metoo tag. The Me Too (or #MeToo) movement, with a large variety of related local or international names, is a movement against sexual harassment and sexual assault.
Damen used this very serious thing to shine light in a joking manner on Frogs.
Although Frogs behavior is very toxic and should be called out for it; using the Metoo hashtag in a manner that many found offensive was a choice. (thanks Chis)

Frog's has been given many, many chances and I hope Damen sees that the users of this community aren't happy that he his given yet another, pointless chance.

@Damen : You have a good heart giving people multiple chances, but sometimes there is a limit to how many you can give. Teach yourself these limits.

I will state one more thing:

Frogs is not a bad person.

He's just stupid.

im not religious
538 posts
Posted in You're not alone. • 15th March 2020, 07:51 AM

Xvoid wrote on 15th March 2020, 07:45 AM:
If you're all swarming the kid with hate how do you all expect him to change? Same thing happened with sriram the entire community hating on him for years never did him any good or helped him change.

then he needs to be removed from the community, just as sriram was.

im not religious
538 posts
Posted in Our Protest.. • 15th March 2020, 06:39 AM

Xvoid wrote on 14th March 2020, 05:05 PM:
he's just a troll, the only reason he says the stuff he says is for a reaction out of you guys, also probably a few underlying issues irl, but i wouldn't take the stuff he says on discord to heart cus it is just the internet.

Of course it's just the internet.

But some people do take it to heart.

It's like asking a small child not to cry when you hit them.

im not religious
538 posts
Posted in Six Years • 15th March 2020, 06:21 AM

aw love you layla <3

im not religious
538 posts
Posted in Our Protest.. • 14th March 2020, 04:53 PM

Chelsey wrote on 14th March 2020, 04:50 PM:
unfortunately not much can be done about the things he says on discord, considering he's not currently in any official servers.
my best suggestion would be to block him there and let an in-game administrator deal with him killing so many of your accounts. i'll make sure Damen sees this, i promise.

We have been. But he logs onto OldCP and continues to harass us there.

Believe me. We've tried to ignore him.

im not religious
538 posts
Posted in Our Protest.. • 14th March 2020, 04:33 PM

I'll start by stating the point of this post. You need to remove Frogs from the DSGHQ until he learns to respect the other members of the community.

Frogs has often displayed toxic behavior, bullied users, threatened users, told users to kill themselves, wished users and their family's death in real life. He has been doing so for several years. He has caused people to leave the community in the past and has caused people not to join the community as this he kills as well as bullies just about everyone for no reason and with no provocation.

And yet, he has gone unpunished for his actions and when he is punished, the punishments he has received have been minimal and he does not seem to learn from them.

I am speaking on behalf of the DSGHQ community. We are fed up and tired with his behavior.

Several users have submitted images of Frogs harassing them:


We kindly ask you to act upon this. And actually do it this time.

Thank you.

im not religious
538 posts
Posted in Mairon Tangles with the Shinobi: 3/10/2020 • 11th March 2020, 03:11 AM

This super good Loki! Unmei is not all that 'mighty' as he says he is.

im not religious
538 posts
Posted in alyse is a scammer guys • 10th March 2020, 04:42 AM

Sleddy wrote on 9th March 2020, 09:21 PM:
alyse smart bro sorry ca$h m0n3y m0v3s
Chelsey wrote on 9th March 2020, 08:28 PM:
lol you got played bro



im not religious
538 posts
Posted in Trial of brNY96 • 7th March 2020, 11:26 AM

Damn Bryn, what are you getting yourself into?

im not religious
538 posts
Posted in OldCP Cinema • 7th March 2020, 10:47 AM

Is the Cinema still for staff members only?

im not religious
538 posts
Posted in How Warlord Competitions have gone downhill • 7th March 2020, 10:08 AM

Sleddy wrote on 7th March 2020, 10:04 AM:
Like a way for me to remove transforms...and then we could do that before starting the competition

Exactly. Just remove the transforms from the competitors before the competition. That way no one can cheat.

im not religious
538 posts
Posted in CORVO BEACH CZ? • 7th March 2020, 09:51 AM

that's sad if it was just for nothing.

im not religious
538 posts
Posted in How Warlord Competitions have gone downhill • 7th March 2020, 09:46 AM


get rid of med kits and waddle expert.