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why I can't say no to Girls
1st July 2015, 03:38 AM
I'm not even sure what I just read.
Posted in
27th June 2015, 08:43 PM
Viking wrote on 27th June 2015 07:09 PM:
No, it should actually be $7.00 because usually lets say a 6 month membership for Club Penguin is cheap than buying 6 1-month memberships. It should be like 7.00 or $7.25.
It should be, but unfortunately DSGHQ doesn't have the type of specials that Club Penguin has. Buying 4 bundles of 500 gold is exactly the same as buying 1 bundle of 2000 gold. Buying a bundle of 500 gold and a bundle of 1000 gold would actually be 50 cents cheaper than the 1500 gold bundle alone, which is 8 dollars. So it is supposed to be $7.50.
Posted in
26th June 2015, 09:50 PM
This is a really short post but I wanted to make a discussion about it for it to get more attention rather than make it a mood. But shouldn't the 1500 gold option be changed to $7.50?
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Hashir and Concord
22nd June 2015, 07:00 PM
what on earth is this
who told you this was ok
what are you
who told you this was ok
what are you
Posted in
hi guys
5th June 2015, 06:49 PM
The sacrifice thing is basically choosing to lose something, such as gold or rank, in order to gain something such as XP or reputation. You can click the "Sacrifices" button on your profile to choose one.
Posted in
2nd June 2015, 09:42 PM
There's these neat things called "commas." You should really look into them.
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Why Was Rae Demoted?!
29th May 2015, 06:33 PM
Well Pw's are secret mods and they help the community and they look like normal users so when users cuss or something pw's will take care of it. Because the cussers don't know they learn there lesson. But if you learn who a pw is then the person can go out of the room and cuss without the pw knowing... That is why it's so secret but the people who have titles saying "Penguin Watch" are captains and look for good people who would be a pw. But captains are mod's but they can't walk on walls. Thats why pw's are secret!
So you're also saying that is worse than asking someone for nudes. Glad to know whose side you're on!
Posted in
Why Was Rae Demoted?!
29th May 2015, 10:47 AM
Damen Drake wrote on 29th May 2015 09:35 AM:
Roberto did a bad thing but wasnt treason, still really bad... But Rae did treason because she leaked PW names (which is secret info) for some reason...
So are you saying that leaking names that everyone will probably forget about within a week is worse than asking multiple girls in this community for their nudes (which is secret info)? Alrighty then!