33 posts
Posted in My party at nightclub (Penguin3D) • 25th July 2019, 09:52 PM

I hope the people of 3d penguin read this what happened to me

33 posts
Posted in My party at nightclub (Penguin3D) • 25th July 2019, 09:51 PM

Today, July 25, 2019, at 4:34 a.m., players started to enter because he had warned of an event for the game Penguin3D, 19 people entered the nightclub and 10 minutes reached someone, but we don't know his name anymore That was not called. invisible and killed us 3 of the 19 penguin players and a good talk appeared many messages that said the unknown penguin had entered without name for some time in the nightclub and so terrified they left 15 and 4 inside and then the unknown player left and then we dance in the nightclub in the game and in the messages that the game objects are searched for. at 5:00 a.m., I had emptied the players in the game Penguin3D, there was no one but me and someone

33 posts
Posted in Apply Moderator Penguin3D • 15th July 2019, 05:28 PM

I am always connecting to the game several hours and apparently I would like to have the moderator rank, since there is no moderator who writes in the chat in Spanish. I would like to know if I can have Spanish speaking moderator status and my name in the game is MeloGamer