76 posts
Posted in tOP 10 anIME BetraYALS • 17th March 2023, 05:58 PM

Loki wrote on 17th March 2023, 05:26 PM:
Wow you got me Damen is definitely going to demote me now. I 100% betrayed him so hard. Maybe I should write an apology mood and reply to it 10 times?

Whoa, you're supposed to keep users in the Community not chase them away.

76 posts
Posted in tOP 10 anIME BetraYALS • 17th March 2023, 04:28 PM

Welcome to my new series called "tOP 10 anIME BetraYALS".... ? To be part of it. Just betray someone or claim you was doing it for a joke - as Loki did as you can see here:


This is at #1:

This is why:

Should Loki have be inducted into the newly established Traitor Hall of Fame? She being the first one of the inductees.


76 posts
Posted in CZ NEWS: Feb 28-March 16, 2023 • 17th March 2023, 06:51 AM

This is the most 🤪 thing I've ever had the fortune to see with my very two good own 👀 at least Glarthmare / Glarthir got what was coming to him. Let this b a lesson: Do not make absurd nonsense up if you can't come up with something original.

Just a little disclaimer:

I do not play any of the games provided by DSGHQ or anything in general. I'm just on here for the so called "Community" aspect.

76 posts
Posted in FRUIT TIER LIST • 16th March 2023, 12:26 PM

basedbag wrote on 16th March 2023, 12:19 PM:
wizle wrote on 16th March 2023, 08:46 AM:
basedbag wrote on 16th March 2023, 08:40 AM:
wizle wrote on 16th March 2023, 08:24 AM:
Green apple should be higher than B, c'mon bro.
Granny apples slap different.
The sweetness of a red apple's better
Red apple is mid compared to green apple, the sweet and sour taste of the green apple is perfection.
The red apple is mid, like yo hair line.
Don't insult my hairline bro you probably got your haircut from the butcher

Way too âť„!!!! Why you gotta go there for? That was âť„!!!!!

76 posts
Posted in The Bit • 15th March 2023, 09:09 PM


76 posts
Posted in Thank you, Damen • 15th March 2023, 09:00 PM


76 posts
Posted in FRUIT TIER LIST • 15th March 2023, 08:58 PM

If you don't like you a confirmed hater of my bro Sir Warrior.

76 posts
Posted in damen x my great aunt fanfic • 12th March 2023, 02:53 PM

JustRigby wrote on 12th March 2023, 02:48 PM:
SentFromTheTrash wrote on 12th March 2023, 02:32 PM:
JustRigby wrote on 12th March 2023, 02:27 PM:
SentFromTheTrash wrote on 12th March 2023, 11:53 AM:
I'm confused are we allowed to talk about inappropriate things or not? Because this post conflicts the rules and is a contradiction of the rules page as a whole. I hope 100% that we are not allowed to because that's bad who will allow their children on a platform that allows this kind of rubbish to be made? Rigby I urge you to delete this and get your brain checked out that brain damage or impairment needs to be checked out immediately. Thank you.
That "Don't smoke kids" rubbish is all that needs to be said to encourage children to get into it because you're telling them something that they already know. I'm sure you didn't think this one through, I forgive you please follow the rules. If Moderators and Administrators themselves can't make this kind of post why would you be able to? Think logically they're children around for the love of Allah please next time think logically.
i think i should be allowed to because i’m pretty great and this is satire.
And people wonder exactly why I berate the entire staff team as a whole this is why by the way, this is exactly why.
If you’re sticking up for someone who was banned for being inappropriate then trying to dish out punishment over satire (which isn’t even bad by the way) I’m sorry but maybe you need to calm down.
If there were anything wrong with the post I would be happy if someone qualified would notify, in my 9 and a half years of being here I’m MORE than aware of how this community works.

You sure you aware? Your online presence is based on being silly or foolish making zero sense in the process whatsoever. I'm confused since when can someone post satire? Didn't the rules state clearly satire is not allowed? Or does it only apply to people the staff hate?

76 posts
Posted in damen x my great aunt fanfic • 12th March 2023, 02:32 PM

JustRigby wrote on 12th March 2023, 02:27 PM:
SentFromTheTrash wrote on 12th March 2023, 11:53 AM:
I'm confused are we allowed to talk about inappropriate things or not? Because this post conflicts the rules and is a contradiction of the rules page as a whole. I hope 100% that we are not allowed to because that's bad who will allow their children on a platform that allows this kind of rubbish to be made? Rigby I urge you to delete this and get your brain checked out that brain damage or impairment needs to be checked out immediately. Thank you.
That "Don't smoke kids" rubbish is all that needs to be said to encourage children to get into it because you're telling them something that they already know. I'm sure you didn't think this one through, I forgive you please follow the rules. If Moderators and Administrators themselves can't make this kind of post why would you be able to? Think logically they're children around for the love of Allah please next time think logically.
i think i should be allowed to because i’m pretty great and this is satire.

And people wonder exactly why I berate the entire staff team as a whole this is why by the way, this is exactly why.

76 posts
Posted in damen x my great aunt fanfic • 12th March 2023, 11:53 AM

I'm confused are we allowed to talk about inappropriate things or not? Because this post conflicts the rules and is a contradiction of the rules page as a whole. I hope 100% that we are not allowed to because that's bad who will allow their children on a platform that allows this kind of rubbish to be made? Rigby I urge you to delete this and get your brain checked out that brain damage or impairment needs to be checked out immediately. Thank you.

That "Don't smoke kids" rubbish is all that needs to be said to encourage children to get into it because you're telling them something that they already know. I'm sure you didn't think this one through, I forgive you please follow the rules. If Moderators and Administrators themselves can't make this kind of post why would you be able to? Think logically they're children around for the love of Allah please next time think logically.

76 posts
Posted in Ban Appeal - Wilf • 9th March 2023, 11:09 AM

fable wrote on 8th March 2023, 10:09 PM:
SentFromTheTrash wrote on 8th March 2023, 05:35 PM:
fable wrote on 8th March 2023, 05:25 PM:
You have spent your life thinking you were cursed, I'm afraid it wasn't anything so dramatic, merely you were born from trash.
Please forgive him, he is apologising genuinely. Do we not forgive people when they're genuinely sorry? I mean he broke the rules and even came back a couple of times, doesn't take from the fact he has now apologised for he's actions. Please forgive him I encourage all to show that compassion, show the community values in your actions. Show what you're really following is true, in your actions not your "speech".
Quran Surah Ash-Shuraa, (The Consultation)42:40
"And the retribution for an evil act is an evil one like it, but whoever pardons and makes reconciliation – his reward is [due] from Allah. Indeed, He does not like wrongdoers.”
Quran Surah Ash-Shuraa, 42:53
And you are truly leading ˹all˺ to the Straight Path— the Path of Allah, to Whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Surely to Allah all matters will return ˹for judgment˺.
You are not one to judge those who ask for forgiveness and those who do not. All matters will return to HIM and he will judge those who deserve it. I give not this man reconciliation, but apathy for his remarks. Truly, how will he accept his actions tenfold, are we to rely on humankind to punish him tenfold? Only HE knows if what Wilf says is truth or lies.
I hope the He you're referring to is, the only one true Lord on the Noble Throne; Allah.
Wouldn't you ask for forgiveness sincerely if you made a mistake as costly as this (Wilf) made? I mean those who ask for forgiveness you keep forgiving them but I'm so used to forgiving others without others apologising to me because I know deep down they all need some kind or some form of guidance. We can sit here and argue all we want but apathy is not a word you should use. Switch the words around and make empathy. Because truth of the matter is, if you forgive others you will be forgiven if you also break the rules or do something as foolish and silly as Wilf has. Although he did apologised, I'm sure he has changed for the better and by doing so has decided to not cause any more drama. Can we stop mentioning this topic moving forward? If you have any serious concerns please PM me. We can talk about it though the Private Messaging feature on Forums. We mustn't project our failures onto others instead talk about it. Would you like to talk about your failures or even about this? If so private message! I don't want to see drama because drama is all that's been happening but we need to tone down on that and I think this is the right step in the right direction.

76 posts
Posted in Ban Appeal - Wilf • 8th March 2023, 05:35 PM

fable wrote on 8th March 2023, 05:25 PM:
You have spent your life thinking you were cursed, I'm afraid it wasn't anything so dramatic, merely you were born from trash.

Please forgive him, he is apologising genuinely. Do we not forgive people when they're genuinely sorry? I mean he broke the rules and even came back a couple of times, doesn't take from the fact he has now apologised for he's actions. Please forgive him I encourage all to show that compassion, show the community values in your actions. Show what you're really following is true, in your actions not your "speech".
Quran Surah Ash-Shuraa, (The Consultation)42:40
"And the retribution for an evil act is an evil one like it, but whoever pardons and makes reconciliation – his reward is [due] from Allah. Indeed, He does not like wrongdoers.”

76 posts
Posted in The Story of Lexrocks • 7th March 2023, 01:57 PM

basedbag wrote on 7th March 2023, 01:42 PM:
Pretty weird. Lex hasn't responded to this post. Is he alright? Think we need to check on him, he isn't this inactive

If I'm not mistaken - wasn't he banned forever due to misconduct of power straight out out and out acting like he had ownership over both the game(s) OldCP / iOldCP? When actually, all he had was a tiny bit of that power he thought he had all of it. That's the differences between someone who worked their way up (SG) to someone who just "asks" for it, but this is not my slandering of anyone I mean no disrespect to SG or Lexrocks. I mean't we shouldn't keep spamming someone until they say "yes". A rule that should be enforced strongly and harder at that.

76 posts
Posted in Common theme? • 6th March 2023, 11:49 AM

Sleddy wrote on 6th March 2023, 08:52 AM:
SentFromTheTrash wrote on 6th March 2023, 03:23 AM:
Off-topic: Why does everyone keep calling me "Sriram"?
that’s who you are and how we’ve gotten to know you all these years I’m not sure why you are hiding on an alt under a different name and trying to be someone else
Anyways hope you have a nice day and hopefully this bug gets fixed in the future if it’s still an issue

Why does everyone jump to conclusions so quickly? Why does everyone all of a sudden think I'm "Sriram"? Who is this "Sriram", you speak fondly of?

76 posts
Posted in Common theme? • 6th March 2023, 03:23 AM

Off-topic: Why does everyone keep calling me "Sriram"? Is it wise to go around and call someone other people's name(s)? Will that stop us becoming friends? Of course not! Please private message me if you need any kind of help or, if you want to be friends. I don't hate anyone: after-all, this is our joke thing on this site. We call me other people's name(s), when you stop, y'all stop. Let me help you help yourself. Don't ignore this. I'm Muslim praise the Lord Allah.
2: Al Baqarah, (The Cow):165
Still there are some who take others as Allah’s equal—they love them as they should love Allah—but the ˹true˺ believers love Allah even more. If only the wrongdoers could see the ˹horrible˺ punishment ˹awaiting them˺, they would certainly realize that all power belongs to Allah and that Allah is indeed severe in punishment.

The explanation I have written up:
This verse refers to those that direct their love to something else besides Allah. This could be an idol or another god created through their imagination. It could also refer to loving their wealth, children, parents, and other worldly things. Nothing is wrong with these things, but one should love them for the sake of Allah. Many people become lost once they lose their object of love. For example, it’s okay to feel sad when one loses their parent, but if it causes one to commit suicide then their love for their parents exceeded their love for Allah. Think about any attachments that can spiral out of control and renew the intention for the sake of Allah. The most powerful love should be for Allah even over our own selves! If you still have doubts after this please, private message me let's talk about it.