76 posts
Posted in I'm not sorry. • 10th January 2023, 01:39 PM

Take this up with a Administrator. Stop causing drama you're going to be banned and then your fortunes turn from just being able to visit the FORUMS to never being able to do ANYTHING. Because yo head didn't get the message. Just stop, relax please you're going to ruin yourself. And realised you cared about this website more then you're letting on but obviously, once you're banned you can appeal for a unban and maybe even get unbanned because Damen and Co are that gullibleAnd you're using this fact to get off the hook for no punishment you received. It seems as if you was let off of the hook? If you wasn't, I apologised I don't know the ins outs and going ons I just know that I would appreciate if YOU stop ruining your chances to probably maybe even be in this Community because everything you border line say or do is just about me me me all you do is whine are you a toddler? A baby? Did you forget your age when you woke up today? Act your goddamn age and MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE. I don't care personally if you stay or leave as the choice is personally yours but on a serious one if @Wheeler was leaving or forced out the Community I would be gutted, lost and hurt as well as deeply sadden. Not that he is gone, because moving on in life is something we can't control so it's okay just know I love you bro, real bros show their love regardless of the post and show much they mean it....But here's
why..... because I lost A BRO, REAL ONE. Just remember Wheeler, I'm your bro first friend second.

Kinda went off topic though, but it was this obnoxious post that had no sense in it that made me realise that you gotta show the people who are there for you the love, when they still with us because one day you won't probably see them again. Always got Wheeler's back. That's on Allah.

76 posts
Posted in I'm not sorry. • 10th January 2023, 10:45 AM

This is Wif, the one Alatar was referring to yes correct something along those lines?

Why would you be condemning the man @Damen who let you stay despite what you listed on here what was it?
CZ smuggling, CZ faking, swearing, and being generally rude.

You see, why the rules are in place right? It's not because Damen wants to be a dream killer and kill everyone's childhood dreams it's because the children who come here think they're so high and mighty, when actually they wouldn't do all of this stuff if it was real life. Because they're hiding behind a screen acting like this. It's so priceless that someone would be so desperate to be the center of attention they has no clear sense of mind when writing this. Do you know why Alatar was banned and you wasn't? Because he shared his password. You however was the one who broke the rules? Damn why does everyone keep breaking the rules but only one out of the two get banned? Remember this, it's not the fact Damen doesn't have the brain capacity to even figure out you did all of this or anything but he chose you over Alatar for a second chance. That's right, YOU. Don't waste that second chance because it is YOU who will be sad bitter and miserable after you get banned on all platforms. And this post is a clear indication, you won't learn a thing even if action was taken against you. Maybe if you didn't have a account at all or you didn't exist on here maybe you would see how positive it is and then learn from it? And change once and for all.

76 posts
Posted in Prepare to be Appealed • 10th January 2023, 08:34 AM

Alatar wrote on 9th January 2023, 07:38 PM:
Your percipience is immaculate. I repent! I wish to end my punished! And I could never forget advice as sagacious and astute as the kind only you provide. I have messaged the admins now. I shalt follow the rules forevermore, no longer a heathen in hopes of reclaiming my precious vessel. My gratitude could flood the ocean, 'O Rabbi. I so desire to witness you flourish your wisdom again in the near future.

Aim to be the great version of yourself that you can forever be.

76 posts
Posted in Prepare to be Appealed • 9th January 2023, 07:24 PM

Alatar wrote on 9th January 2023, 07:05 PM:
I have been banned for about a month now for some incident I have little knowledge of involving Wilf and account sharing. I would like to humbly apologize to the community on my behalf, as I can understand that something as serious and heinous as sharing passwords has an incredibly vast effect on the game as well as the community as a whole. I hope you can all find it in your hearts to somehow forgive me for my recklessness in handling my Penguin3D password; not only the dangers to myself and my family, but likewise, the consequences these actions have on all of the DSGHQ. I will make absolute certain, from now until they close my casket, I solemnly swear that my Penguin3D password is now and will continue to be thoroughly protected, and by extension, my friends and loved ones alike.
Heartfelt Regards,
~ Alatar/Ahimoth

Is this a public acknowledgement of your short comings because you was in-fact caught red handed? I know I might not see like anything right now but trust me when I say, you don't want anything bad to happen to your precious Penguin3D account because you shared passwords with who is the guy you mentioned Wilf was it? Yhhhh you just don't want to serve the punished. You could've easily messaged a administrator providing them with this information, they will look into it (as they are supposed to) and find a outcome for you. If you get unbanned remember, don't share your password. Once your IP changes you're escalating your entire PENGUIN to someone else which means, that someone could be a danger to those people around him. I mean, I don't know who this Wilf guy is but it looks like you shared passwords and you got punished for it? In a fair world, you'll both be banned but you did share your password and the seriousness of that has to be a strict punishment and this what was done. Please don't spread false news trying to play the victim when you just admitted to what you did. (Sharing passwords, endearing as that may seem at the time it's not what you did was single handedly endangered your Penguin.) Next time think before you do. Think long and hard. Ask yourself "Is this appropriate will I see positive outcomes or negative ones based on my actions"? Nobody is blaming anyone I'm going off of what you just wrote. Confessing to the crime you just committed.
I won't like or dislike this post, as it was beautifully written but the contents of this post did not seem at all great in the slightest. If you don't follow the rules set and the community values what do you expect? That you still be around? You should count your blessing and consider yourself lucky you wasn't full on banned on every single platform. What the dangerous damage to the morales of this website you committed. Go think what you have done and learn from it. It's never too late to change. Remember that.

76 posts
Posted in The Actual Letter. • 9th January 2023, 10:55 AM

Nobody is being left of the hook, for anything don't worry this is my Public Acknowledgement and taking my Responsibility all at the same time post, as the Quran tells me to take acknowledgement and responsibility for one's actions. In this case, my own.

As you may seen, I apologised to Flynn but not the Community and that's why I'm writing this post.
No disrespect to Flynn because he is also apart of the Community way before I even joined in 2022.
Flynn is just one guy, I offended because I owe one to the whole Community and I want to take time to apologise to each and every one of you individually. For my behaviour, it is not acceptable to use freedom of speech as a format for hate speech. I want to say sorry to the people I offended, the ones who kept telling me this is not right for the Community because truth of the matter is this isn't the place to have a religious debate or argument and I took my time here for granted. Well that being said, I kept contradicting myself every time someone gave me the chance to speak and that's what led to everyone theorising whenever or not I was a TROLL and I serve every thing that you guys are saying. Because, I am really sorry for the staff who I was going after in my first few days you guys remember that right? I don't know, it looked right to but I realised how Wheeler and Gamer did not take offence to it, but I did on their behalf (because I wasn't aware of the friendly banter going on) I assumed that maybe,
Loki (the Administrator) was after them and she was using her powers of Administrative Postion for the wrong purposes, like going after one without any reason obviously someone cleared it up it was a jest between three friends. I honestly owe her a apology as well, for how I lashed out at her in the responses I made on that forums it wasn't funny nor fair on her but at the same time, I should consider those who did not take offence aren't offended so why should I be? The reason I'm writing this apology in the first place is because, you guys let me stay, despite everything that happened and I wanted to take time to appreciate each and every one of you for helping me and letting me know whenever it's in the PMS or even in my posts and mood by just taking a chance on me
one person who kept showing up was ARI and I apologise to them as well. This individual only meant well, he even told me this in a mood, response that I responded to first.
@sentfromthetrash then maybe make normal NON criticising posts and moods and it will take you far.

And this is my response to that mood, I believe it 100% that's why I'm not making any posts or moods criticising anything or anybody. Instead, I'm going to apologise to everyone for how I did handle myself and I apologise once again.

There's so many more I offended from the top of my head I offended the creator, owner of this place @Damen and I want to apologise as well.

And to the Moderators and Administrators.....

I'm sorry, I let my emotions cloud my judgement and acted out in a rash manner towards each and every one of you. I know this is just words, but I hope through my actions by showing how sincere and genuine I am you understand that I'm really sorry. I came here not looking for trouble but wanting to make change, but how can I make change if I'm the one causing the trouble? And I'm once again sorry for everything every single thing I ever did. It's not fair to the people who have this place, not because they aren't better or anything but because they made genuine friendships with each other and I want to make genuine friendships as well. If you guys, will have me that is, this is the real me from here on out. How I talk, behave, et cetera will be me. Before I have any impact on this place wherever it be on the game or even on Forums, I must first have a impact with you as a whole in this community.
Because together we are one, apart we are none.

Thank you for reading this post.....

With Love,
SentFromTheTrash or Trash.

I can't express how sorry I am, because it's just words through a text but if you let me I can show you all with improvement to myself my behaviour and everything as a whole even my outlook to life. Thank you once again for having me. And no, I shouldn't have been excused for how I behaved not without making this post anyways because a excuse doesn't explain how alien like my responses were and how it offended many. And that's why, I'm sorry and I won't be making these kinds of posts / moods going forward / moving forward. After-all, you can say I'm giving this post to get rid of my troubles / say I'm better then all of you or take it for what it really is a sincere, genuine acknowledgement and clean statement on my behaviour, my proor lack of judgement to certain situations // adding to the fuel. I know everyone is wary to even trust me and I get it I wouldn't trust me too if I was in your shoes, but I just want to be friends so what do you guys say? Can we all start NEW and fresh? A clean state? Starting now. If its too late for that I'll accept the punishment I was supposed to have because its not acceptable for behaving this way on a forums page with a large community following. If I don't like something or someone, I talk to someone about it I don't make it public knowledge and ruin everyone's day. And I understand that now so I'm sorry for taking long to realise that.

Yours With Love,

Sent From The Trash.

76 posts
Posted in To @TheComedian • 8th January 2023, 11:12 PM

This is a response of some kind, I hope. No hating post or bashing or just straight up slanderous. Funny thing was I drafted a mood out and it didn't accept it so I'm going to make a post instead and hopefully Flynn will see it.

Flynn directed this at me or anyone else who does that.... (It was me, this is me taking responsibility)
It is not acceptable to use free speech as an excuse to engage in hate speech or to make false or misleading statements that cause harm to others. It is important to be mindful of the impact of your words and to strive to create a respectful and inclusive environment for all and some things are uncalled. simply inappropriate for this platform.

And all I can say is. That I'm sorry, I should've thought about what I said and structured that very 'speech' properly and have seen the error often my ways. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I hope we can be friends, in-fact you can teach me a few things on how to structure my response better moving and going forward. I am taking that extra step forward, that extra mile extending my hand and asking you if we can be friends..... If so, let's talk on Discord? Obviously.... You'll have to PM me your Discord name and Discord tag to be able too add you but once that is sorted we can talk properly on what happened, and I can go on the path to gaining your TRUST back. I am new, I never had your trust to begin with nor anyone's and I acknowledged that but, does it mean I can't be trusted moving forward or in the future even? All answers to questions I'll like to hear in our conversation if we talk that is, if not and you are not interested then it's totally fine you can even respond in this forums post and let me know what you think. If that's hassle free no trouble.

Thank you for taking time to read this post.

With Love,
SentFromTheTrash or just "Trash" to people, even tho it is SentFromTheTrash.

Would've PM'ed you myself about this but can't I'm not a member.

76 posts
Posted in The Secret to Winning Wars. • 8th January 2023, 07:49 PM

Don't play the odds, play the man.

I won't be giving you a kiss on the cheek when you yourself can kill me. Forgive your enemies, but do not forget their names. Don't be a casualty, of war be a soldier fight for the people.


Don't trust anybody, they will get you right where they want you to stab you right in the heart like water flew in with the foolishness. Don't give them the chance to even be your friend.

76 posts
Posted in Help me, Help you? • 6th January 2023, 09:33 AM

Why is this in Entertainment? Because it's funny nothing happened and we still have Shapiro Squad despite the fact we have administrators (3 plus the owner / creator Damen) and seven moderators. Maybe nobody told them to step up and do what needs to be done. But, I'm all for it. Let the revolution begin.

Got the upmost respect for @Wheeler for now forever and always....
Was going to make this a mood but I can't even do anything as a rookie, that's why I'm making this a post. No this is NOT to start drama this is spread awareness. And finally get rid of the dramas being caused by a group. Nobody will want to know this but there is drama actually going on behind the scenes nobody will want to harm the peace so that's why I'm speaking up instead. Remember just because you cannot see the drama, doesn't mean it's not happening right in front of you. Because it is.

Just typed Shapiro Squad on Popular Search and they all look exactly the same, the people who associate with that server deserve to have everything on here terminated. ASAP. So was @Wheeler telling the truth when he said they were all carbon copies? Yes he did. 100%.
That's why I'm putting this offical act in effect if @Shapiro Squad tries to recruit you or tries to say they know you, they DON'T. Don't even read the message, they'll try to get your attention just don't read the message okay? Press the Mark as read button. Don't actually view what they sent you. To avoid the need to respond. Obviously, read what you have if they aren't from @Shapiro Squad. I say this as well just in case it could even be your best friend who turns out being a member of the @Shapiro Squad this is how serious it is. So today, let's make a pact today.
Today is the day, we will cancel @Shapiro Squad and that way this website will not cease to exist and no, we won't see a website that was extinct. So when you type the url it still takes us here. The more we let them poison, turn and manipulate this community the more we are getting closer and closer to extinction. Now I don't know what @Shapiro Squad is exactly but I think they're trying to take over this website and ruin what good memories everyone had.

Today, the revolution begins! At the end of every post, you respond to or every mood you respond to.... Just do #EndShapiroSquad or #CancelShapiroSquad there's no greater power then your voice. Remember that. It's not position, rank or power you have but it's about being heard. I may not be ranked, powerless not even moderator or administrator..... But doesn't mean we can't spread the peace we want to spread.

Just type #ShapiroSquadNeedToBeCancelled at the end of every post, every response you make every mood you make even in the game you play whenever it be OldCP, iOldCP, Snaildom or even Penguin3D.

76 posts
Posted in Letter. • 31st December 2022, 12:59 PM

The community, the Moderation and the Administration team. I want to apologise to everyone especially to the man who made it all @Damen because without this man none of us will be here we all came for one thing, GAMES. And that is reuniting us all now.

I saw disrespect and quickly made numerous, discussion responses and moods on it.

Truth be told, I never was trying to get under anybody's skin. And I'm sorry, for each and every person I hurt.

I'm just tired of seeing immature behaviour but I know, I get it. But I got to admit even I was immature. That wasn't my call to make. And for that, I want to apologise to everyone. I would personally PM you but I need Member for that. So I can't single you all out but I can tell you all I am saying it genuinely.

Wheeler took it lightly and I see that now, but I don't know if Gamer also took it lightly he didn't say anything so I assume he did also? But never the less I am sorry once again.

Look, let's all put this behind us and look forward to 2023? I'm not an enemy, I don't want to be enemies. So can we just be friends? In-fact if you don't want me around, I understand I'll even leave today. All you guys, staff and users have to do is comment below and tell me whenever or not I should stay or leave and I will happily obliged. Because, I am no veteran I only joined 7 days ago. (Christmas Eve)

With Kind Regards,

I should've known better then to come after users who know better than even me, I'm new.

Thank you for reading this far.
Hope to see what happens from here, maybe we can get back on track and keep enjoying what amazing community this is.

Responding Time

Loki wrote on 31st December 2022, 01:06 PM:
The only one being immature was you. Also, you sound just like someone who used to frequent these forums about 2 years ago.

Yes, you're right. I take full responsibility for it. I'm confused? This was literally a apology post and for whatever reason the subject was changed. It's okay though, change the subject if it makes sense to. It's better to change the topic now that we have moved on from this?

76 posts
Posted in I'm a TROLL, It's true. • 30th December 2022, 04:04 PM

I'm not a troll, I'm someone saying the truth, but you guys will cancel out things you dont like, so yes, in your eyes, I'm a troll.

76 posts
Posted in My Introductory post. • 26th December 2022, 12:44 PM

Hello everyone! How's it going? I joined DSgHQ forums by joining OldCP and I had realised, just now you guys have a new game on the horizon Penguin 3D, although it has been released to the public it does not seem like anyone of you cares that much and I want to change that! Maybe you guys can teach me the ways of your people? I wish to be one of you by the end of 2023 starting from today. Can you spare me the bullcrap and trust me enough to tell me everything you know? Because; I'm new and would seriously like to know. Thank you for your time.
Wheeler wrote on 27th December 2022, 12:38 AM:
SentFromTheTrash wrote on 26th December 2022, 12:44 PM:
although it has been released to the public it does not seem like any cares
Also, from my understanding, you are a troll.

I'm a troll you say? Hmm interesting do you think about this with all the new users who have signed up or just me in particularly? I mean, if you think I'm a troll your mind's already been made up I can't un-do that crap with you after all you think so little of me a new user how could I ever ask you for help if our paths crossed each other? I couldn't. I wasn't trying to
make an enemy out of you, or even anyone here but you just made a enemy out of me for no reason just assuming I'm a troll that's a top tier meme right there I'm just going to keep updating this post if someone responds because; I can't even reply to my own post.

Jdutr wrote on 27th December 2022, 07:06 AM:
Intriguing.. not sure what you’re on about but intriguing

If this is a game for children why is Wheeler saying I'm a troll? This is what I'm saying none of this makes any sense not even this site what is this some make believe website to let your wildest imaginations run wild? If so everyone here is wilding fr

Wheeler wrote on 28th December 2022, 07:11 AM:
SentFromTheTrash wrote on 26th December 2022, 12:44 PM:
I'm a troll you say? Hmm interesting do you think about this with all the new users who have signed up or just me in particularly? I mean, if you think I'm a troll your mind's already been made up I can't un-do that crap with you after all you think so little of me a new user how could I ever ask you for help if our paths crossed each other? I couldn't. I wasn't trying to
make an enemy out of you, or even anyone here but you just made a enemy out of me for no reason just assuming I'm a troll that's a top tier meme right there I'm just going to keep updating this post if someone responds becasue; I can't even reply to my own post.
Your replies to Damen's moods and first post indicate you are not a new user like you are claiming to be.
You clearly are an old user masquerading yourself as a new one - for God knows why.
What you said in reply to Damen wasn't positive, you were accusing him of somehow "scarring" children.
My opinion? You're a Shapiro kid trying to be funny. (judging by who has liked the post)

It thrills them when SentFromTheTrash makes a mistake, they watch scheme in-fact and wait for he's downfall.
Here's my opinion:
"SentFromTheTrash is the loneliest MAN on Earth
He's gotta know his people, he can't let them know him he's gotta be God all the way"

76 posts
Posted in DSGHQ 2022 Awards • 26th December 2022, 09:43 AM

This was my response to your mood before it was cut off:
"Whoa is this your way of scaring children way past their bed time? If this is your way of saying you're excited for Halloween than so be it. The question I gotta ask is, WHY ARE YOU SCARING CHILDREN? Like what dragged you this point in your life? If you ignore or delete this comment ik you just a goon and not a shepherd you make games for a living your job is to inspire the next generation not scare them. God damn man get your priorities straight like a comb. These are innocent children you will be giving nightmares too and they will suffer just as well. Why do you do this what made you think hey, game development means I can ruin lives. Cus for real, nobody who develops games for children think this way ONLY YOU. Get your priorities straight. If you remove this I know you hiding behind your rank as owner and administrator. If you don't well salutations to you. I appreciate you took the time to read this. That being said, I'm off."