76 posts
Posted in Story of the lake • 20th January 2023, 05:42 PM

This seems to be a common theme in this community everyone waits for a post to come for 2 weeks and it's not even posted then everyone is so excited but don't seem to care about the one doing all the work... (Wheeler). Like who is this Nook character? I don't see him working for never then one day.... (No offence)

76 posts
Posted in Y'all Tripping • 20th January 2023, 05:07 PM

StoneClash wrote on 20th January 2023, 05:04 PM:
SentFromTheTrash wrote on 20th January 2023, 05:03 PM:
StoneClash wrote on 20th January 2023, 05:00 PM:
cool updates coming soon? @Wheeler
here's my advice
make p3d fun for everyone, not just cz
Why are you attacking him for an certainly way the game functions? He doesn't make the game just good for "CZ" what are you on about? He is making Penguin3D fun for everyone.... Did you not check his recent discussions of the brand new updates? I don't have to play the damn game to know he isn't bias like those who probably came after him. Please don't insult Wheeler like that without knowing the facts properly thank you, have a nice day.
I mean, from now on

I fixed the mistake.... I said after him I meant before him. Hopefully that helps you understand how dedicated he is and he is making Penguin3D the best game possibly available what are you on about?

76 posts
Posted in Y'all Tripping • 20th January 2023, 05:03 PM

StoneClash wrote on 20th January 2023, 05:00 PM:
cool updates coming soon? @Wheeler
here's my advice
make p3d fun for everyone, not just cz

Why are you attacking him for an uncertain way the game functions? He doesn't make the game just good for "CZ" what are you on about? He is making Penguin3D fun for everyone.... Did you not check his recent discussions of the brand new updates? I don't have to play the damn game to know he isn't bias like those who probably came before him. Please don't insult Wheeler like that without knowing the facts properly thank you, have an nice day.

76 posts
Posted in Y'all Tripping • 20th January 2023, 04:48 PM

Loki wrote on 20th January 2023, 04:46 PM:
Idk about anyone else but I appreciate the effort that both Damen and Wheeler put into this game.

You sure? Everyone else seems to be faking it.....

76 posts
Posted in Y'all Tripping • 20th January 2023, 04:25 PM

This Club Penguin Forums ain't what it seems. If we can't even decide on making @Wheeler becoming Head of the Development Division. Hang on it's not a madness. It's a method to the madness. Wheeler should've already been Head Developer, but for some reason never was. And I'm hurt by this ME personally. I may be new but I know, what Wheeler brings to the table. He is literally pushing two updates even tho it hasn't even been 24 hours.... (At the time) so if he is this dedicated and hard working why can't he be the man in charge of the Development Division..... And if he does, this site has a chance of existing maybe way past what was originally intended. It's clear to me, everyone only cares about themselves. Actually care about the person who is making this a reality, the one who is making updates...... Truly exceptional this man does everything nobody else would ever dream of doing.
( @Wheeler )
If you're living under a rock and think it's @Damen behind all these updates I truly feel sorry for you guys. It may be his game but it's Wheeler who is the mind behind everything. If he can't be Head of Development Division at least, give him his credit for all the hard work he is doing? Next time when you see him just say "Thank you Wheeler." Just show your appreciation. It could seem like someone is doing all this work and doesn't want credit but I want to personally start this.... Next time you see Wheeler show him you love and appreciate everything he does. Because, it's not fair to DO all the work only..... To only be constantly hated when all you did was consult the customers of this game who "downloaded" it's not fair to be this rude to someone who only cares about the game. I read the comment on the update and it kinda made me ask myself.... '"Do people recognise what Wheeler does for them day in and day out, more particularly everyday?" The way, he is always active..... The way he is always easy to find or contact, even on Forums. He is always willing to start making changes to benefit the game entirely. I never played any of these games or been on the services that DSGHQ provides but that doesn't mean Wheeler isn't deserving of the love, appreciation and gratitude. I see y'all faking that because you guys would quickly say "We already show him love, appreciation and gratitude". But the way, he was quickly met with disagreement for a good update, to be more precise the "Proposal regarding Room Locking" the thing that made me question the amount of love, respect appreciation and gratitude for Wheeler is the fact, everyone kept questioning Wheeler's decision. If someone abuses room locking wouldn't it be right to shorten the time for it being locked? Because, if you can abuse room locking then it shouldn't be accessible but Wheeler was smart about it he didn't remove it entirely just removed the "unlimited locking feature " aspect to it which means more sense for people who rather abuse the locking feature. Honestly, he only ever looked out for the game and the amount of fake love, respect, gratitude and appreciation he's receiving is appalling I can't tell if it's because you guys are all resentful for someone who isn't @Damen or it's because you guys don't want to accept how much work he puts in. It's not fair and I'm not having it. Wheeler is more of a Developer than @Damen and I hope you all learn this. I don't know whenever, you guys will learn this but whenever this goes into y'all thick skulls that's when this site will actually be able to live. Why do I suddenly care about Wheeler? Haha because I seen how fake each and every one of you are to him. And I'm just trying to draw the line between this whole thing. It's not funny that somebody that puts so much work into this game isn't only showed love when they're on never when they're offline. Those two posts he made with two new updates... "New Teleport Commands" and "Proposal regarding Room Locking" but it was disrespected in the sense, nobody really appreciated it. And that damn hurts because he PUTS all this work into everything for y'all pleasure (while playing the product- Penguin3D) that's not a great look for y'all either way. Because, if you aren't grateful when will you be? Nobody has to be taught to be grateful, you have to already learned being grateful....

Here's the suggestion:
Don't fake your love, appreciation, respect and gratitude for Wheeler. A little "Thank you" goes along way. Trust me, Wheeler is far more likeable then all the staff members put together even @Damen is in disbelief deep inside inregards to Wheeler. That's how talented He is. And I think users who log on every single day, got a gift in Wheeler and Y'all must show that you're just as appreciative to have him because he is a real OG and he should be treated as one. If you all hate the game that's on Wheeler to improve the game, if he doesnt do a good job he will work on what he hadn't done and keep working to improve. Remember, Wheeler is the real man of the people on Penguin3D, I don't know what that would be? Would that be the position called "Godfather"?
(that's my way of explaining Wheeler realistically)
seeing as he is the one pushing updates. And Messiah is the one who was made "Emperor" right? Well, I think without Wheeler there would be no game. So once again, fix up y'all Wheeler is the best thing that happened to this so called place "Club Penguin" Forums and you're all taking him for granted. That's not on, y'all. Fix up Y'all.
I don't usually have an opinion on everything but this needs to stop Wheeler has done nothing but what was asked off of him all y'all did was take him for granted.

If this causes Drama, I know where I stand with y'all. Because I can't even seem to open y'all up to the real OG and he's hard work. Everyone seems to be convinced they're the OG but it's actually Wheeler. Don't even say thank you to him, do you guys ever acknowledge him? It doesn't seem like y'all do to be honest. And Y'all can all hate me and everything but don't forget what Wheeler is doing. His dedication and commitment, love for this place is unmatched. And that's the truth. If this isn't a suggestion to make you guys think better and appreciate Wheeler because he is literally putting his heart and soul,
(he is that dedicated) into this place and nobody seems to care. If you don't care about what he does, at least say "Thank you Wheeler" it can go along way. Manners can go along way as well. Thank you for y'all time.

76 posts
Posted in Wheelers Campaign this year • 20th January 2023, 07:00 AM

This was the title, but it wouldn't allow me to do so with it funny title system.... for titles. Feels funny, that you can't put the actual title you actually want to put in the title in the post itself. The title seems to favour others and favours those who is misunfortnate for most and others probably. If y'all can get that fixed I'll very much appreciate it. Thank you all once again. This is just one of those things you cannot control unfortunately. Nobody cares about the title so yeah, just wanted to point it out.
Wheeler's Campaign this year, Speaks for itself.

Wheeler has been nothing but helpful, he is using his bespoke given ability of programming to program a entire game. This is because it's customer friendly. I don't personally play the jazz but I know that Wheeler 100% involved and dedicated so why can't he put him in the HELM? I mean he literally took on a lesser role in game for a bigger role outside of it but wait, why can't YOU as the users (customers) of Wheeler's product (Penguin3D) Damen may have created it but it's Wheeler who is making the actual difference
Wheeler should be permanently put in the HELM and those with the courage to ask Wheeler can stay on or something. Because he is a true hard worker, it's not even been one day and he is already pushing out updates. I think this wouldn't be a disappointing decision in my opinion. Wheeler becomes leading man, the decision he makes benefits everyone even that of the creator / owner @Damen who basically passed it on but still, if none of this happened we wouldn't know how good Wheeler is. Before people only saw Wheeler as a user but it was this chance that made us see who and how Wheeler truly is. Riot on every single thing.... "Wheeler4Supreme" Wheeler basically doing God's work on a kids game. The least I thought personally we can do is show the gratitude and support for he's hardwork. Now, everyone will say hey why can't you play the game before deciding if Wheeler should be made Supreme because this looks like it was done based off of a whimsical but trust me it wasn't. It truly wasn't. Wheeler will be a fine choice for whoever is the one leading. The only thing I can say is truly, Damen has distanced himself it seems so wouldn't it be appropriate that Wheeler becomes of the Head of the Development Division thus making him the head Developer on all DSGHQ games/services. If not a actual Leader because this bro is capable of being an leader. Truthfully, I didn't think I had to make a post about the true Leader in my dawg Wheeler but it's cool, I hope this post tells you all that Wheeler should be permanently put in at the HELM and anyone who says otherwise don't know the real him or what he did to get this far. Thank you. And I will keep pushing this with my 100% support till others see how much hard work he is putting into this game and this community. Honestly, it's not fair he is just an developer why can't he be Head of the Development Division or something? That will show me personally that yes infact you do care about Wheeler and that, he is the actual difference between Leader and Pretender. That being the Pretender is the now Leader and the Leader being, WHEELER.

Thank you all for reading this far I hope you all enjoyed reading this as I did making this post talking and highlighting points on Wheeler's much needed promotion. I know this is probably a dig on a lot of people I don't know personally but I don't care who they are or who you are at this point because Wheeler deserves the world that's how much work he is putting in and if none of you see that well good riddance. I am probably repeating the same thing at this point hear me out I truly thought this will make the difference with Wheeler being put in the HELM. As the default developer.

I will probably get banned for this post because everybody's an critic but I don't care I'm just supporting my bro @Wheeler wholeheartedly. With all my heart.
Thank you everyone for reading. I don't personally play or go on any of the games or any of the services provided by DSGHQ but I've seen the hard work, Wheeler puts in.


Speak for yourself when you don't want this happening, don't put my name in your mouth when you say you disagree with this.

76 posts
Posted in Proposal regarding Room Locking • 20th January 2023, 06:15 AM

Wheeler wrote on 20th January 2023, 12:36 AM:
I propose a change to the Room Lock system.
A lot of public rooms are being left inaccessible by people locking them for personal purposes and refusing/forgetting to unlock them.
In many cases, the /POPULAR room is being hidden behind the locking feature. It hinders the game experience. A lot of people (incl. me) have shared criticism on the system.
In relation to Crimezone, it doesn't seem that room locking is used much. The rooms used by Crimezone where sensitive information is shared are usually not publicly accessible anyways.
Public rooms may only be locked for a period of TEN MINUTES per 1 HOUR.
The room is unlocked once the individual who locked it disconnects from the game. The limit still applies in this case.
Your own personal igloo can be locked indefinitely. However, administrators may force entry at will, and moderators may force entry after 30 minutes.
An individual may only lock one room at a time (excluding their own igloo).
The fifteen minute limit is PER ROOM, not per account. If someone else has locked the room in the past hour, you must wait.
Igloos, like public facing rooms, are unlocked once the individual who locked it has disconnected.
Only the owner of the igloo may lock igloos.
An individual can only lock one room per two hours.
I HAVE NOT CHANGED ANYTHING YET. I want to see if anyone else has better ideas, or if the majority of players believe the change should be scrapped altogether.


76 posts
Posted in What is GOOD? • 19th January 2023, 11:54 AM


76 posts
Posted in New Teleport Commands • 19th January 2023, 07:21 AM

The only one who truly understands the people. @Wheeler should be CEO, President and the true leader for every single game that this so called site relies so heavily upon. Because this man, Wheeler is silent he does the job gets it done with 100% heart and doesn't turn on people because, someone has some bias opinion. Instead opens your mind, to thinking hard and long about everything and why you shouldn't think a certain way, or do certain things. The man is living LEADER why does no one see that?
(That wasn't obviously fuelled by friends, but obviously I'm talking about opinion)
He does have an excellent sense of integrity and I'll without an doubt say he does have opinions on things, but he doesn't let his friends poison his mind. No, he thinks about the people. He doesn't even consider himself as his opinion doesn't mean anything. A true Man of the people, like I said. Sacrificing what he has, what time he has all of these in fact......What He knows, what He has is the true definition of what you call True Leadership. That's why I say, let's USURP whoever it is in-charge of these so called "games" and make Wheeler the Warden of all these games. He will truly rule and hold everything with a IRON FIST. That is
in-fact my true belief and my true honest opinion. So, whoever hired these people get out. There's a new Sheriff in Town and his name is Wheeler.

Please note I don't play any DSGHQ games and never will. If I do, please ban me on all platforms.
I don't plan to play these games. And never will. Because of the lack of freedom for anything. But Wheeler will always in my mind, be the true Leader and the sooner everyone realises that and stops being delusional by giving these no names a rank and Leadership roles the better. Why make all these stupid decisions when you actually have a Leader in Wheeler? Because that's extremely worrying for me in every sense of this community.

Please people of the DSGHQ and do, what is right. By making Wheeler the true Leader for all these games. Thank you. Because Wheeler is the biggest blessing for this WEBsite. He has the heart, the vision and the mind to do great things. This post adding what seems to be an amazing update is just the beginning. I'm just saying to let Wheeler have an even more brighter future. And if you don't get me, tough because I'll always hold hope for Wheeler being the true definition of what an Leader is. If y'all still delusional after this response and not pushing change well then I'll stop caring entirely. Because Wheeler is the man, the true leader. Not these no life people who rather waste thei time then actually make something of themselves at least Wheeler is doing exactly that.... making something of himself.

76 posts
Posted in Adios. • 19th January 2023, 06:52 AM

Very bog standard good bye. I never thought I would be writing any kind of response to be honest.
But here you can get a deep analysis, on what I'm going to speak on. May Allah bless everyone with peace of mind, understanding and most importantly not allow intrusive thoughts to come to those around others. Because if someone gets these thoughts, someone can somehow get them too. And it messes with your head.
Anyways, should we start? Okay let's start.
You seem to have every rank possibly imaginable and yet you get banned for inappropriate behaviour. That speaks true volumes. You know the kind of volumes in one's actions? If you was really was a likeable person, as this community relies heavily on what you call "Double Standards" playing favourites in every corner of the word, even every turn to exercise ZERO%% freedom of anything. Realistically, I have no shadow of a doubt on that one. So, it was always up to You.... If you wanted to have a place in it. It's not everyday, you see the word "Double Standards" but here you always got to play favourites. I only came here in December, almost nearest to one month. And I'm starting to see everything for what it truly is. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole community left by how terrible the game is being running through the course of several years. If this was a start up community, you could play as many favourites as you want but this site has a lot of users registered on it as of 2023. How long until extinction comes? I'll say at best maybe, 2 more years max and people will see the desperation in every single thing that happens. You must open your eyes to see the truth. Otherwise, you will end up like Zack TV thinking this whole thing is a real way to cope with in real world struggles and unfortunately get banned for how you perceived things for what they truly are. Inappropriate behaviour, is the worst kind of thing to get banned for because you can never come back from it but you can be around still if you get unbanned but, you will never be trusted as anything but normal user. Truth of the matter is, once you break what TRUST and RESPECT it's extremely hard to earn it back, because this community relies heavily on what you call favourites, Double Standards is another word for it. The commitment of everyone is only to play, but the role of the staff is much greater. As they must be extremely good and yet, I'm seeing some of them slipping from their set roles and duties. I was personally thinking about making a account on one of the DSGHQ platforms, but y'all can forget it now. I'm not even going to play any of the games, because I know what this place does to someone. They make everything you believe fictitious until there's no way out. If Edge of Night was real, then this whole community would probably be on the EDGE of extinction, because of how poorly written it is and the pictures used are nothing more then Goolge photoshop.... Oh wait, my bad.... It's already at the EDGE of being extinct. And the more Edge of Night continues, the more this site will be getting closer to being no more then a memory. Because of how much rubbish Edge of Night truly is. I never read anything as bad as that but it's cool to see people with delusions of becoming a book author, when all they do is waste their life online. And the novelty on this so called stories they've made are nothing more then yesterday's news. But then again, better be ambitious and not true to yourself then actually go chase your dreams right? @ The person who "authored" the first 28 of the stories, in this Edge of Night episodes. To be honest, I only read the posts because I felt sorry and thought if I liked them I could also be surprised but obviously I never didn't "like" that's why when I read them I instantly had regret. For wasting my time reading that garbage.

As Zack TV pointed out, well tried to but didn't quite get straight there to the point. So I'll say it because he never actually said it. Even tho he didn't actually imply it either. Keep wasting your life on here or chase your dreams. The more you stay online, the more chances you eventually become a adult but nobody.

76 posts
Posted in If I were aligator • 18th January 2023, 05:22 PM

If I were aligator I would eat I would go chomp chomp and everything would be eaten and maybe I eat a person if they are mean I would give rides for nice people. I would become a cool aligator and wear clothes and I would be world famos and wear a hat and sunglasses and I wear a hawaii shirt and play cards.

Credits to @Icicle for the creativity, those who didn't value this masterpiece should be utterly and completely ashamed of themselves each and every one of you. This kid has dreams of becoming a "aligator" but you all sure put a stop to it. I'm proud of him and I hope, he goes onto becoming a aligator. And shows you haters wrong in the process.

+1 by EpicAnimatorGuy, BasedBag, turquito10 and Loki, -1 by Brit

harry15514 wrote on 17th July 2022, 10:45 AM:
You have a very creative mind.
Icicle wrote on 20th July 2022, 12:54 AM:
thank you I think of how I be if I were animal

The original post link:

Make sure to like and show your support.

76 posts
Posted in Today • 17th January 2023, 06:42 AM

Alatar wrote on 17th January 2023, 06:25 AM:
Today I thought about how much I love Penguin3D; how sorry I am for what I did, and how badly I wish to return to the game on my main account; "Ahimoth". Perhaps one day, a member of the DSGHQ Staff will finally answer one of my many forms of communication and unban my account.

That's right Funky.

76 posts
Posted in No Like or Dislike Button? • 17th January 2023, 01:27 AM

lexrocks1 wrote on 16th January 2023, 06:38 PM:
you keep saying this is just a club penguin forums even though it never was. The forums is for all the dsghq games like oldcp p3d snaildom etc.

Apparently you don’t know the real history of the DSGHQ I’d expect better coming from the CEO of the game that started it all.

76 posts
Posted in Moving Forward? • 16th January 2023, 02:23 PM

People of the DSGHQ it is time I post the truth! I will not do it on forums since they would ban me for this but on another platform where my voice cannot be censored! We shall make a community discord but I am asking the people what it shall be called drop your suggestions below.

76 posts
Posted in unban me • 15th January 2023, 07:26 AM

That's a rather odd way to say you didn't actually read the room. And forcing your pathetic excuses and opinions onto others because you can't actually learn to be a human being for once in your life, question is do you do this in the real world as well? Because if so you have to ruin other people's lives as a result? As a fine result of your natural habitat and your parents fine parenting skills, commitment to you and you having nervous breakdowns, etc having some sort of way about you is that your way or being cool or even sounding cooler? At least at this point I don't even know why I bother with you. Nothing is going into that thick skull of yours that you have. Which makes me question if your brain is still growing from your child like tendencies. Whatever it is, don't let me stop what you want to do. If you want to be a child then be one. Don't stop on my account of things. Because, I'm nobody but to Lord Allah I'm sure of it I'm somebody.