76 posts
Posted in Reasons why i should be master • 14th January 2023, 06:04 PM

To become a Master, you need to meet a set amount of posts, likes and overall value ratio. Basically a set criteria that Moderators and Administrators will study and discuss to see if you meet this requirement all just all of them. Because, Master is not a title you can randomly obtain. You must earn it through what I have discussed above to you about in this forums thread. Although, I'm not staff or anything I still like to help out where I can. Also
MintWolf wrote on 14th January 2023, 04:11 PM:
I'm autistic and transgender (Diversity win!)
Don't make offensive jokes. This is not what a Master is expected to behave like, believe it or not. They're supposed to conduct themselves with absolute professionalism. @Wheeler comes to mind when asked about what a Master looks like. Not what you had in mind. Thanks for applying maybe get yourself sorted out after-all you look like you have something loose maybe in your brain or just overall in your personality. Because, how can you think this high and mighty of yourself? This is a Club Penguin Forums for people to use graciously and you are taking us all for a ride with this post. Please stop, you're ruining a good position for newcomers to aim for and possibly even make change while they are at it. Your offensive jokes is why you're a joke yourself.
Wheeler wrote on 14th January 2023, 05:45 PM:
MintWolf wrote on 14th January 2023, 04:11 PM:
I'm autistic and transgender (Diversity win!)
thanks for ruining my day
Don't worry she ruined mine as well. How does someone have the audacity to make such jokes about these things?

76 posts
Posted in Nyan • 14th January 2023, 11:42 AM

Isn't this an Club Penguin Forums anymore? I'm starting to wonder if we are moved on from Club Penguin altogether.

76 posts
Posted in OH BABY, A TRIPPLE! • 13th January 2023, 04:05 PM

basedbag wrote on 13th January 2023, 04:01 PM:
Be afraid to get dirty, be afraid to live. Another true post SentFromTheTrash!

God bless you! I hope Allah, or whichever God you pray to blesses you with nothing but good things in your life. And gives you the highest rank possible in their version of Heaven, for me it would be Jannah for you I don't know.

76 posts
Posted in OH BABY, A TRIPPLE! • 13th January 2023, 03:25 PM


The topic: How can you say you have a life outside off of a Club Penguin Forums, but but you then go on to claim you have friends and a girlfriend? Let's see what y'all think do you think it's all CAP or FACT? I won't name who said this, because unlike them who will rather make CAP about I'll rather like to stay within the rules set by @Damen and the Community Values and then, the terms of conditions. All of which you must all follow as soon as registering thank you.



76 posts
Posted in Generic DSGHQ user guide • 13th January 2023, 09:54 AM

wizle wrote on 13th January 2023, 09:25 AM:
hey there! are you a DSGHQ MEMBER?! WELL! I'd be over JOYED!! to give you some PRICELESS advice.
Always make LONG and TEDIOUS to read POSTS! These attacks against human senses allow for more OPINIONS and IDEALS
This posting methodology was originally POPULARIZED by SRIRAM!
Long posts with many KEY WORDS, CAPITILIZED, to make the point more forceful MORE enticing.
Number TWO!!1!
Whenever making your point, randomly derail into portions of rants against IDEAS and groups YOU DISLIKE!!
Remember, other generic users reading your post will say you're "based" and protect you from the CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR ACTIONS!!
(Bonus points afforded for RELIGIOUS ranting or random RAPPING!)
NUMBER three
Whenever someone attacks you, make it PERSONAL make follow up posts and constantly BERATE and! ANNOY THEM!
Every time someone has followed these methods HAVE SUCCEEDED! whenever speaking your BASED points of view
remember, the only way they can truly BAN you is if your cult followers stop finding you funny, and complaining you got banned. THANK YOU! Seeya next time!
And as for those who are happy, they will be in Paradise, abiding there so long as the heavens and the earth endure, unless your Lord wills, as uninterrupted giving
Qur`an 11:108
- Wilf

It's pronounced "Quran" not "Qu'ran" although, when you say it rolls off of your mouth and it's easy to say like BIBLE but nobody is butchering Lord Jesus's work. So please for the love of Allah, don't quote things you do not personally believe in or to win a argument because that is extremely sinful behaviour. Nice you quoted Surah Hud - 108. Hopefully you apply what you have read. If you have the audacity to quote something from a religious book as holy as the Quran then you might as well live by it or actually apply it to your life. If you want help in your understanding or anything just let me know. Since, Allah is all forgiving and so we should all aim to be as him all forgiving but we cannot be all seeing as we do not live in a SAME realm to that of Lord Allah. We do not live in Jannah. We live in Earth, the ultimate test to see who is fit for Jannah. As this is the stage and everyone who wants to go to Jannah must prove themselves, Allah will be watching. So what you quoted is right, but what I just told you is the deeper context for it. Enjoy your day @wizle you seem down nowadays, just from reading your recent moods and posts but just know I will keep you in my prayers today and forever. Because, happiness is a key for life you don't even have to be a Muslim to learn this because, LIFE is all about happiness and joy. Wherever you end up, you must aim to be happy with yourself, your life and most importantly have joy. Your source of what brings these two factors can change drastically as you grow up, but remember once you find out what brings you happiness and joy is always going to make you feel that way, but once you change your intentions around others that's when the soul in you starts to take notice and realises what type of person you are and blocks your happiness and the joy you have. So my advice is... FIND GOD AND REPENT FOR EVERY SINGLE THING YOU'VE DONE SINCE THE DAY YOU WAS BORN. IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO CHANGE. REMEMBER THIS.

76 posts
Posted in No Like or Dislike Button? • 13th January 2023, 07:19 AM

To avoid bullying of everyone or anyone, let's just remove the like AND dislike feature entirely. Only people can respond to posts, from moods as well who's dumb idea was it to add a like feature to a MOOD?I think that's a good way, to go about business. It's not 70% there, or 90% there. This is 100% there straight to the point. Because, we are enabling others to be bully to others by allowing them to make use of what is there, but what if we remove these features? What if someone complains Forums is not as it use to be? Well, that's the thing someone already pulled a ace up their sleeve when a certain individual was BLESSED by a unknown individual who shall remain nameless all I know is they were not ALLAH who had got their like and dislikes feature removed from them entirely.... I feel like we should do this for everyone who is getting bullied, not just this one individual because he is "CEO" I mean who's dumb enough to call themselves a CEO when they're the exact opposite? At this point you might as well give this person DB access and File Server as well as Forums Administrator if you TRUST them that much with CEO..... You are all clueless bunch of SHEEP every single one of you. Who even had the bright smart idea to name this kid CEO? Because nobody can lead better then the ones leading someone should be mentoring him to be a leader and the fact nobody is allows him to act this way and we are allowing him to be a victim of he's own stupidity. Did nobody stop and ask "Hey, I like this idea but it needs a tab bit working on"..... And why you must ask me the audacity in all of you to ask me well I'm going to say it anyways because, YOU WAS AND STILL ARE ALL CLUELESS MINDED SHEEP WHEN YOU DECIDED THIS. The reason why this guy can't be CEO is simple.... Look at every single post, every mood ever made look at what he has been doing and ask yourself.... "Is this who I want Elon Musking for ME?" If the answer is YES. I feel very, very, very, very sorry for you and that's not it I think you all lost the plot as well. Because this is a Club Penguin Forums when did a thing like CEO become a option to become? Why do we have a Empire if we've gone Corporate? Might as well throw the Empire and start from the word "Corporate" because, it is confusing me a lot just wondering why we have a Empire but one Corporate position? If we are going to go into the new age, LET US FINALLY GET RID OF THIS RUBBISH AND START FROM THE SRATCH..... LET US BRING CORPORATE INTO THIS GAME AND THIS INDIVIDUAL WHO BECAME CEO SHOULDN'T BE CEO. SOMEONE WORTHY AND TRUSTWORTHY SHOULD BE. I SAY @WHEEELER SHOULD BE INTERIM CEO / PRESIDENT UNTIL SOMEONE BECOMES AVAILABLE TO TAKE THE REINS MAYBE EVEN @WHEELER I KNOW HE WILL DO A EXTREMELY GOOD JOB.


And now, everyone's first response will be ban me or remove me because I don't like what is happening here right? I should just get up and leave? Well, I would if I cared a tiny bit about what actually is happening you see the thing is..... Pointing out the double standards and flaws in a system isn't CARING because CARING IS CARING. Instead bringing JUSTICE IS WHAT I'M DOING. BULLYING SHOULDN'T BE A THING ON A CLUB PENGUIN FORUMS.

Thank you for reading, hope you have a BLESSED day!

How would I know all this if I haven't even been here for a month? Well that's the thing.... I do my research. @SentFromTheTrash when you know what I'm saying or actually have something to say. I'll be waiting.

76 posts
Posted in basedbag funeral • 13th January 2023, 05:55 AM

Orbay wrote on 13th January 2023, 05:22 AM:
SentFromTheTrash wrote on 12th January 2023, 08:08 PM:
basedbag wrote on 12th January 2023, 07:58 PM:
Thank you for posting this so I didn't sound like a prick habibi.
You're mother

Your Mother?

76 posts
Posted in basedbag funeral • 12th January 2023, 08:08 PM

basedbag wrote on 12th January 2023, 07:58 PM:
Thank you for posting this so I didn't sound like a prick habibi.


76 posts
Posted in Interstellar Law • 12th January 2023, 12:44 PM

Littlemix wrote on 12th January 2023, 12:28 PM:
Hear ye, Hear ye.
With great sadness, I am to announce that our Lord of Interstellar Law, Eiven, has stepped down from his position. He is a true chad and will never be forgotten.
I am pleased to announce that we have a new Lord! Wheeler is the new Lord of Interstellar Law. To many bright beginnings…

Lord @Wheeler deserves the world. Proud of you bro.

76 posts
Posted in NARGOTHROND FEMBOY FRIDAY • 12th January 2023, 07:40 AM

basedbag wrote on 11th January 2023, 08:27 PM:
I'm sorry father.
5 PM EST 1/13/23
/jr nargothrond
Femboy Friday Party
Be a femboy. Or else

“We have appointed a law and a practice for every one of you. Had God willed, He would have made you a single community, but He wanted to test you regarding what has come to you. So compete with each other in doing good. Every one of you will return to God and He will inform you regarding the things about which you differed.” (Surah al-Ma’ida, 48)

Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5885).

Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed masculinized women.

Narrated by Abu Dawood (4099); classed as hasan by al-Nawawi in al-Majmoo’ (4/469) and as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.

“Three people will not enter paradise, and Allaah will not look to them on the Day of Judgement: the one who is disobedient to his parents, the woman who imitates men and the ad-Dayooth.” (Ahmad) So yeah, it's not allowed.

More to the point, why is this even a debate? This is frowned upon in ISLAM because, you're doing the exact opposite of what Allah intended you to do. Why must a male wear female clothing? Are we that behind we have forgotten our own genders? Must we hide who we actually are? WE ARE MALES NOT FEMALES.
Don't make this stupid mistake again. Don't insult Allah with your actions they will come back to you in the worst way. As the Quran tells us, he is aware of all. So if you want to be punished for this bullcrap later on then so be it. All I did was tried to advise you, you know make you see the error of your ways?
Praise be to Allah, every single Prophet and Messiah that craved the path out for Muslims as it's their stories being told in the Quran. The ultimate rulebook to LIFE. (Is infact, the Qu'ran itself.)

Nothing hurts more then knowing someone is insulting your religion and others as well by getting this post even being able to show it's content. SURE he meant well, but if one of us went through with it it's a sin no doubt. Don't even have to be a Muslim, even Jesus will punish you for such a crime against religion. Don't want to get too technical but, that's the way you must think. Honestly I don't care what you do offline, but when you come online don't insult anyone or their religion. This entire post is the ticket to HELL, let's put it that way. By following this foolishness, you've all accepted your fate in HELL. Don't follow this and be STRONG to your respective Lord. You will see GOOD happen, because this entire post is a CRIME to the human race as a whole. I don't usually go out of my way to bring faith onto this site but when someone is being a SHEEP and doing something uncalled for, plus even retarded to the point you got to ask yourself "Why must we follow the terms of conditions, the rules and community values when anyone can disrespect YOUR RELIGION?" That's not funny and fair even. Don't ever slip up again as religions is not a joke, we was good but you kinda tainted what we have to the point we have absolutely nothing but..... I'll forgive you always, because that's what bros do but please come to your senses and remove this post. This whole thing was a mockery. Nobody is femboying anyone. And sooner people realise the retardedness in that we can all be happy. Bunch of GOONS following something they don't even know anything about. I know let's all be goons and be punished for it straight afterwards. You may think you don't get a sin for being a sheep, but you're wrong. WRONG. Don't slip up like this otherwise I'm going to cut you off entirely because, you're being a bad influence on me (this post) as it always stand(s) I'll rather be closer to Lord Allah then carry on a friendship that will lead me into HELL. Fine nobody take this seriously, I WILL instead. I don't care if this was a joke because it ended up hurting me in the end. And I will always forgive anyone, but when you make it possible to go to HELL that's when I have to cut you off entirely.

icevanka221 wrote on 11th January 2023, 09:01 PM:
Im Jewish not Muslim but even I still think this is haram.

Proud of you, may your Holy Trinity bless you and show you great things, in your life giving you a sense of purpose in the name of Lord ALLAH.
Whatever beef we had before, is forgotten. We can be friends instead, if you want? You seem to be a better influence then BasedBag as he made this post to disrespect religions / others. Unfortunately, I did not want to see him do it and ruin his chance or anyone's chance of going to Heaven.... That's why I made a entire response underlining key points in this whole debacle. Whenever he chooses to do the right thing, even after I told him everything there is to know about, "Femboying" is entirely up to him at the end of the day.

76 posts
Posted in FREE BADGE? • 10th January 2023, 06:53 PM

Just something cool I found and thought I'll share it with you guys. Obviously if this is old news I'm sorry, I tried.

76 posts
Posted in DSGHQ Discord Server • 10th January 2023, 03:46 PM

Sheep. This was a mighty fine discussion you've put together. I 100% support this with all my heart.